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Записки социалиста-революционера (Книга 1)

ModernLib.Net / История / Чернов Виктор / Записки социалиста-революционера (Книга 1) - Чтение (стр. 18)
Автор: Чернов Виктор
Жанр: История



As the leader of the largest socialist party, his position should have been one of commanding strength, but was in fact, one of increasing weakness, partly because his land policy, based to a certain extent on the military pressures of the time, forced him to prevent the peasants from seizing the land as their own. His declining hold over the masses was shown in July 1917 when he was saved by Trotsky from the hands of an angry crowd. He resigned from the Provisional government in September 1917. He was powerless to prevent the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. In the meaningless elections held just after the Revolution, as leader of the majority party, he was elected chairman of the Constituent Assembly and it was characteristic of his temperament that he insisted that the demonstration against the dispersal of the assembly should be unarmed. The tactics completely failed and in 1920 he left Russia once again.
      He spent several years with the large Russian emigre community in Prague.
      He wrote a great deal on the revolution of which the best known is The Great Russian Revolution (1936). He died in 1952 leaving a large number of friends and sympathizers in both Europe and North America.
      References * Bibliographical Information
      The source of the whole Populist movement in nineteenth Century Russia
      is best described in Franco Venturii, Roots of Revolution, (New York, 1960, paperback, 1966).
      On Chernov see:
      Randall, F.B., "The major prophets of Russian peasant socialism:
      A study in the social thought of N.K. Mikhailovskii and V.M. Chernov",
      Ph.Dthesis, Columbia University, 1961. Bibliography, ff 272-289.
      Savinkov, B.V., (1879-1925). Postmertnye stat'i i pis'ma, Moscow, 1926.
      Tseretelli, I. G., "Rossiiskoe krest'yanstvo i E.M. Chernov v 1917 g".
      Novii zhurnal, N.Y. 1952, XXIX, 213-44.
      On the Social Revolutionaries and Chernov, see ample bibliographic material in two books by Oliver Radkey, The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism: Promise and Default ot the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries, Feb to Oct 1917, (Columbia University Press, N.Y, 1958), The Sickle under the Hammer, the Russia Socialist Revolutionaries in the Early Months of Soviet Rule,(Columbia University Press, 1963), and
      D. Treadgold, Lenin and His Rivals: the struggle for Russia's Future, 1898-1906, (London, 1953)
      The ideological pre-history is treated in Arthur P. Mendel, Dilemmas of Progress in Tsarist Russia; Legal Marxism and Legal Populism, (Cambridge, Mass., 1961).
      A collection of Chernov's papers may be consulted in the Hoover Library,
      Stanford University, California.
      Philip Clendenning, Queens' College, Cambridge, May 1975.
      Zapiski sotsialista revoliutsionera , Berlin, 1922, Kn.I. NO MORE PUBLISHED.
      Sobranie sochinenii . vyp . 1-2 Petroprad, 1917.
      "Chemu nas uchit sotsialisticheskoe dvizhenie v Vengrii i Italii?"
      (Vestnik russkoy revolutsii , Geneve, 1902, No. 2).
      "Dve nedeli v Pol'she" (Volya Rossii , Praga, 1925, No. 1, 91-111).
      Filosofskie i sotsiologicheskie etiudy. Moscow, 1907, 379pp.
      Rozhdenie revoliutsionnoy Rossii. Fevral' revoliutsiya. Paris, 1934, 446pp.
      The Great Russian Revolution, trans + abridged by Philip E. Mosely, New Haven, + New York, 1936, 466pp. Internatsional i voina. Sbornik statei. Petrograd, 1917, 75pp.
      "K kharakteristik' obshchestvennogo dvizheniya otstalych stran", (Russkoe bogatstvo, St. P. 1910, №10, 119-157).
      K.Marks i F.Engel's o krest'yanstv'. n.p: Partiya Sotzialistov-Revoliutsionerov, 1905, 120pp.
      Signed on cover: Iu. Gardenin' (pseud), K teorii klassovoy bor'by, Moscow, 1906, 40pp.
      "K voprosy o kapitalisticheskoy i agrarnoy evoliutsii", Russkoe bogatstvo, 1900, No.11, 232-248.
      "Konechnaya tsel' i povsednevnaya bor'ba revo lutsionnago sotsializma",
      (Vestnik russkoy revoliutsii, Geneva, 1902, No.1, 51-72)
      Konstruktivnii sotsializm, vol.I, Praga, 1925, 401pp.
      "Krest'yanin i rabochii, kak kategorii khozyaistvennogo stroya", (Na slavnom' postu, St. P. 1908, 156-197).
      "Lenin", (Volya Rossiya, Praga, 1924, 30-33).
      Marksizm' i slavyanstvo (K voprosu o vneshney politike sotsializma),
      Petrograd,1917, 102pp.
      Meine Schicksale in Sowjet-Russland, (Ubersetzt von Elias Hurwicz),
      Berlin, 1921, 59pp.
      "Krest'yanin i rabochii, kak ekonomicheskiya kateqorii", Moscow, 1905, 44pp.
      Marksizm i slavyanstvo k voprosu o vneshney politike sotsializma, Petrograd, 1917, 102pp.
      Mes tribulations en Russie sovietique, Paris, 1921, 85pp.
      "Mir, mech i mir", (Volya Rossii, Praga, 1925, No.7-8, 154-75).
      "N.K. Mikhailovskii (K 20-letiiu so dnya smerti)", (Volya Rossii, Praga, 1924, No.3, 44-54).
      Nashim obvinitelyam. S prilozheniem "Otkrvtaqo pis'ma byvsh. tov. Levinsonu", n.p: Partiya sot-rev (1906), 39pp.
      "Nashim obvinitelyam", (Vestnik russkoy revoliutsii), Geneva, 1905, No 4, 386-410).
      Osnovnye voprosy prol eta rskogo dvizheniya. Petrograd, 1917. (Sob. soch. vyp. 2).
      Pamyati N.K. Mikhailovskogo, Geneva, 1904, 91pp.
      Pered burey vospominaniya, N.Y., 1953, 412pp.
      Introduction by Boris Nikolayevski
      "Povtornii Kurs staroy demaqogii", (Volya Rossiya, No.8-9, 117-131).
      Proletariat, Petrograd, 1918, 64pp.
      Proshloe i nastoyashchee, St. P, 1906, 32pp.
      "Razrushenie vmesto sozidaniya", (Volya Rossii, 1924, No.1-2, 165-182).
      Revoliutsionnaya Rossiya. Sotsializatsiya zemli, Odessa, 1906, 32pp.
      "Tipy kapitalistichkoy i agrarnoy evoliutsii", (Russkoe bogatstvo, St.
      P. 1900, No. 4, 127-57; 5, 29-48; 6, 203-232; 7, 153-169; 8, 201-39;
      10, 212-258).
      "Uroki kommunisticheskago opyta", (Volya Rossii, Praga, 1923, No. 17,
      26-39; 18, 19-32).
      Velikaya russkaya revoliutsiya, Paris, 446pp.
      "Volga, Volga, mat' rodnaya"...(Glava iz vospominanii), (Novii zhurna1; N.Y, 1949, XXII, 80-91) .
      Iubiley Nikolaya poslednago (1894-1904), n.p: Partiya Sot. Rev. (1904), 31pp.
      Zemlya i pravo, Petrograd, 1917, 240pp.
      Che-ka-materialy no deyatel'nosti chrezvychainykh komissii, Berlin, 1922, 255pp.
      Sotsialist-revoliutsioner, Paris, 1910-12, 4 nos in 2.
      K voprosu o vykupe zemli, St. P, 1906, 40pp.
      Revoliutsionnye dni v Petrograde (25 Feb-7 March, 1917, O.S.).
      Fakticheskii otchet' po materialam russkikh gazet'. (Comp: V.Chernov), London, (1917), 24pp.
      The Russo-Polish Corflict, New York, 1945, 36pp.
      As Editor, et al: Delo Naroda, Petrograd, 1917-18, 296 nos, suppressed
      A storehouse of information. Editorials are anonymous but Chernov has
      signed those of his composition in the file preserved in the Russian
      Archives Abroad at Prague.
      "Istorik ili isterik?", (Volya Rossiya, 1925, No.3, 92-119).
      Portrait in Niva, Petrograd, 1917, No.4, 258 and No.19, 290.

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