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Список книг в жанре Математика




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Книг в списке: 22.
A geometrical treatise of the conic sections (Hugh Hamilton)
Alternative Methodologies for Social Assessment of Environmental Projects (C. Gonzalez)
A treatise on mensuration both in theory and practice (Charles Hutton)
Descriptive Analysis of Matrix-Valued Time-Series (G. Antille)
D-optimal Design for Polynomial Regression: Choice of Degree and Robustness (G. Antille)
Econometric Modeling and Analysis of Residential Water Demand Based on Unbalanced Panel Data (F. Carlevaro)
Elemens d\'algebre. Pt. 2 (Leonard Euler)
Elemens d\'algebre (Guillaume Le Blond)
Le?ons sur le calcul des fonctions (Joseph Louis Lagrange)
Melanges physico-mathematiques (Joseph B?rard)
Oeuvres. T. 1 (Pierre de Maupertuis)
Oeuvres. T. 2 (Pierre de Maupertuis)
Oeuvres. T. 3 (Pierre de Maupertuis)
Oeuvres. T. 4 (Pierre de Maupertuis)
Recueil d\'ouvrages curieux de mathematique et de mecanique (Grollier de Serviere)
R-функции в компьютерном моделировании дизайна 3D-поверхности автомобиля (А. В. Толок)
R-функции как аппарат в приложениях фрактальной геометрии (А. В. Толок)
Survey on statistical inferences in weakly-identified instrumental variable models (А. Е. Mikusheva)
The elements of Euclid (Robert Simson)
Traite de physique exp?rimentale et math?matique. T. 1 (Jean Baptiste Biot)
Traite de physique exp?rimentale et math?matique. T. 2 (Jean Baptiste Biot)
Versuch einer theoretisch-praktischen Anschauungslehre der ersten Grundbegriffe der Grossen und Zahlenlehre (A. Fuchs)



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