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ГУЛаг Палестины

ModernLib.Net / Отечественная проза / Гунин Лев / ГУЛаг Палестины - Чтение (стр. 52)
Автор: Гунин Лев
Жанр: Отечественная проза



      IMS final negative decision confirming
      the illegal prejudicial decision from
      Nov. 99.
      To Immigration's Canada Complaint Board
      (faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237)
      From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)
      ON MAY 15 2000
      By this letter we ask Immigration's agent assigned to my file to make a special ruling to order medical examinations for all members
      of our family, not only for Alla GUNIN, my wife. As we know from our legal advisers, this procedure is required for all family members
      for the landed immigrant's status. If you insist that only my wife has to do the medical examination, please, send us a written warrant.
      We have a well-grounded suspicion that somebody might use the delay in ordering the medical examination for all members of our
      family for artificial sabotage of issuing us the landed immigrant's status. We will appreciate your cooperation.
      Lev GUNIN
      in name of family GUNIN
      The 15 of May 2000
      To Immigration's Complaints Board
      (faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) December 1 2000
      From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)
      I disagree with the Immigration Medical Services decision "ev 7001-850497Z" (with date mentioned: November 23, 2000) from
      Ottawa, received by me on November 29, 2000 (anonymous - no name or signature). The goal of this ruling is not to establish the
      medical truth but to put a hardship on my family (and me).
      My arguments.
      (See the decision's text - as it was red to me by dr. Giannakis - in Document N4: on the bottom)
      1. The decision ruled that Mr. Giannakis's respond should be submitted before November 30, 2000. Why then the letter arrived only
      on November 29? Does it mean that the date in the letter - "November 23" - was incorrect? Or the letter has not been sent in 2-3 days? Or - if it is known that a letter from Ottawa to Montreal goes 5-6 days - why then I was not given more time? I ask you to submit me an explanation what November 30 means and why not December 10 or January 15? I want to know how the agent justified that particular date. Was that small misconduct planned in advance?
      2. The suggestion that somebody else went and did the x-ray instead of me was another serious assault. That suggestion was made in ignorance of the fact that on Clark Lab's official (original!) paper IMS (Immigration Medical Service) officer could see my name, date of birth, telephone number, name of the ordering physician, and the number of my medical card (which - everybody knows - has my photo on it). Besides, it mentioned the "MILD PECTUS EXCAVATUM", a cosmetic defect, which I have since birth. Besides, it is known that the film itself has a negative image of the whole ID data! Then this ungrounded abuse was based on nothing and went far beyond any medical or even legal matter.
      3. The demand to send an original film from the November 14 x-ray in the light of two above disputed demands might be ungrounded. This x-ray film was already seen by 3 medical doctors: the radiologist at the Clark Lab, dr. Jast (who referred me and evaluated the film), and dr. Giannakis. All three came to a conclusion that there is NOTHING abnormal, not a slightest possibility.
      Both dr. Jast and Giannakis also examined me. The official conclusion is NIL ACTIVE. Besides, it was informally evaluated by a chest specialist: with the same conclusion. What else the IMS agent needs? I have a well-grounded concern that 1) he/she will find a black spot even on the whitest paper - because he/she is determined to; and 2) after he/she will find "a black spot" the film will vanish, but not the IMS's "evaluation". Immigration pretended already many times (dates, documents might be provided) that lost our applications, medical data, etc.
      4. It was an abuse to mention that "After overview if necessary applicant may have to be referred to the chest specialist." It is a prejudgment and prejudice. "...if necessary", "may" are just a form. It is a very clear message that he/she will not let me alone! Why to speak about next medical procedure before seeing the x-ray?
      Lev GUNIN Dec. 01 2000
      From Lev GUNIN ( 514-499-1294)
      Document 5
      (The letter was submitted on November 09 in respond to an anonymous letter from the Montreal Chest Institute received on November 6 2000; below you can find a modified version (November 12-14), which was submitted to the same destination on November 15).
      Lev GUNIN
      From Lev GUNIN to anonymous person, author of the letter (the copy of the letter is enclosed).
      Montreal Chest Institute
      3666 St-Urbain
      Montreal, QUEBEC H2X 2P4
      Sir or Lady! Please, forward this letter to an appropriate Immigration department, which you mentioned on page 1 of your letter.
      First of all, any suggestions that I could be infected by tuberculosis were ridiculous. I had some other suggestions, but later a medical doctor I spoke to - as well as my legal advisers - told me that the only answer of what happened is that Immigration might just make a false report on my x-ray. Besides, a x-ray could not determine whether or not any of such shadow means tuberculosis, or simply any kind of pneumonia, bronchitis, or a combination (see medical books). Any conclusions based on only one x-ray are ridiculous, partial, and prejudicial. In modern time - when there are so many flu infections accompanied by pneumonic consequences (side effects) such conclusions are a complete nonsense. It is obvious that your decision to attach me to the Infectious Disease Unit (IDU) before you have a 100 percent proof of any tuberculosis infection and initiate an appropriate legal procedure was a drastic misconduct. The only admissible way to handle the situation was (before sending me to the Infectious Disease Unit)
      1) to request a second opinion in existing x-ray
      2) to send me a letter for my physician for another x-ray.
      On November 14 I did another x-ray. It revealed that there is no any suspicious shadow, no abnormalities - and (as my medical advisers told) could not be 2 weeks before, especially tuberculosis-like shadows. Was my x-ray photo (a negative) replaced by somebody else's or IMS (Immigration Medical Services) just falsified the reading of my x-rays, - I do not know. That all is a subject of a criminal investigation.
      Because I am depressed, I did not notice that the Montreal Chest Institute (MCI) belongs to Royal Victoria Hospital, an institution I had several formal conflicts with. Somebody from the hospital's administration used to submit me an offensive number of requests for donation to the hospital even after I have sent a note that by then was on welfare. The hospital's administration also did an attempt to extort money from me for services, which were covered by Medicare. In that hospital I heard several times that people like me are "illegal in Canada and should not be given medical help "for the cost of Canadians". Then I was treated by negligence at the emergency room, then - it was a medical misconduct over my CSST claim. Dr. Evenson's M.D. (Royal Victoria) secretary played games with me, actually denying an appointment from May till November 2000. A number of legal and medical violations used to take place there. And in all such minor incidents immigration matters or even Immigration itself were involved. One of immigration specialists advised me not to turn to Royal Victoria because that hospital is "enormously influenced by Immigration".
      The fact that a page with a request for a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included into your letter was another outraged abuse.
      Eventually it is possible that doctor Giannakis had sent me for x-ray not to "La Cite" - as my mom and my wife, - or another medical institution but to Montreal Chest Institute because he received an order (not a request but an order, which he could not disobey as an Immigration representative) from Immigration to do so.
      By this letter I declare that I am considering your way of handling the situation dangerously offensive and depriving me of my constitutional rights because of the above mentioned as well as the next reasons:
      FIRST, I will DISREGARD any anonymous letters like your present one until a letter from you would be signed, addressed from a real person with his/her clear name and telephone number.
      SECOND, you have no legal rights to treat me as a contagious carrier until an undeniable medical proof is established.
      THIRD, by sending me to the IDU you may expose me to contacts with real infected carriers.
      FOURTH, you are not a police, Immigration, secret police or death squads to a) act secretly-anonymously refusing to sign your letter,
      b) to write me anything like "by Immigration law, you are requested (...)". Since you are not immigration layers or Immigration officials, you are forbidden to judge in a case like mine what Immigration law requires. Such a statement in a case like mine must be submitted only directly from Immigration. If you are part of Immigration (officially) - then my rights were violated when I wasn't informed about that before doing the x-ray at your unit.
      FIFTH, my legal advisors, and me, we are confident that you have no legal rights to deprive me of choosing between medical institutions for medical tests or evaluation. You can not bring me to do a test or an evaluation exclusively in your institution by a forceful order. This will violate my basic human rigDocument 5hts. Even KGB had no official rights to oblige anybody who was not an imprisoned suspect or convinced criminal to do a medical evaluation without some sort of choice.
      SIXTH, I would ask Immigration to allow me do another x-ray before doing anything else.
      SEVENTH, evaluating my case, some human rights activists think that somebody at Immigration is so furious, so angry about me and that such an outraged misconduct was demonstrated in my case that Immigration is eventually ready to do any damage to my health through blood, e-ray tests or sadistic bureaucratic humiliations.
      EIGHTH, I think that the most realistic explanations of an eventual abnormality, which could be seen on the x-ray picture, were:
      1) eventual shadow from the underwear, which I did not remove from on beneath of the hospital robe, and the robe itself, which I've putted on in a wrong way
      2) a dust spot or another kind of essence on the hospital robe
      3) traces of somehow inhaled gas different from air
      4) reading of a normal x-ray (with no abnormalities) was deliberately falsified by IMS
      NINTH, before doing the e-ray I received a strange call from Immigration, through which I was accused of refusing a "medical treatment".
      TENTH, your medical ethics should not allow you to send me to the IDU before making your own medical conclusions (decision) based not on Immigration's rapport but of your own evaluation of my x-ray test result.
      ELEVENTH, my legal advisors have told me that I have rights to ask for a possibility to discuss my x-ray result with any of your medical institution specialists dedicated to such evaluations before going further. It is you (on behalf of Immigration or not - it is does not matter) who are sending me to Infectious Disease Unit. Because you are sending me to such a unit, you can not deny me such a discussion. I would like to see the x-ray original, which was made in your institution on November 1 2000 - and also show Document
      5it to my medical advisors.
      TWELVETH, I prefer not to go through further tests or evaluations in immigration matters (for medical purposes - it's different) at your institution.
      Yours truly,
      Lev GUNIN
      November 2000 Montreal
      - Document Number Nine
      RESUME of my visit to Montreal Chest Institute on December 2 2000
      OBJECT Of the Visit:
      1) to receive an official result (medical resume-evaluation) of my x-ray test done on November 1 2000
      2) find out where is the original film and try to obtain it for making a copy
      November 23 2000. I have managed to find out who sent me the anonymous letter (described in Documents 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) from
      Montreal Chest Institute (MCI). It was M-me Lucy Gefroy (Jefroi or Joyfroid?). According to the same sources: she's never seen that x-ray. I left her my message on 849-5211 (ex 2166). She called me at 2.15 p.m. anonymously ("private call" indication) - and asked me what I want. She confessed that she is M-me Lucy only when I told her that recognized her voice comparing it to her answering machine message. That only could tell about her insincerity and guilt. I spoke with her in French, but when I did not know some medical terminology in French, and used English, she pretended that does not speak English at all. However, when I switched to French again, she started to speak bad English, which I could not understand. It was difficult to get along with her, but finally I convinced her to speak French again - and asked her a couple of questions.
      Here they are:
      - Did you see the x-ray?
      - Yes, I did.
      - What kind of a shadow did you see, mild? bright? what its form? On the right or left side?
      - I can not tell you.
      - Where is this x-ray film now?
      - I can not tell you.
      - Is it at MCI?
      - Immigration took it from us, and, I think, it was lost.
      - What do you mean - lost?
      - Vanished somewhere at Immigration.
      - Can I obtain the result?
      - Listen, your case here is closed. You don't have to come here. Not any more. We disabled our previous letter's order. Bye.
      She disconnected.
      RESULTS of the visit.
      At MCI's medical archive employers did not find any records about my x-ray in the computer. They told me that a mistake might
      occur - because if even I did the x-ray for Immigration, its data (result, date, etc.) since November 1 had to be entered into the
      Before I could enter room number 28 a small blond man appeared and approached me as in espionage novels (how could he
      react so quickly, who warned him during my descending from the second to the first floor?) "You will receive nothing here. And you will be prosecuted for refusing to see the doctor, - he shouted to me. "I was told that my x-ray has vanished, and came to check, and also to obtain the result". He became almost pale - so visually he was frightened, as if he lost a million of dollars. He disappeared behind the gray door and soon came out with an envelope (my name and photo on it) and signs of a deep relief. "Here it is, - he told.
      - You must visit a doctor because you have tuberculosis". "Are you confident about TB you mentioned?" - "Yes, I am". - "I was told that my case here is cancelled - and I don't have to appear". - "Nobody could tell you that. You will be prosecuted for your refusal!"
      "Your conclusions about the x-ray was a mistake, Sir, and the film reveals a technical defect or a shadow of underwear, which I did not remove. Take a look - and let me see". - "It is possible. But the law says that you must see a doctor anyway, if even this is our mistake". - "What law, what paragraph? Then - I have a constitutional right to choose another institution, not yours, to pay such a visit". Then he started screaming on me: "You don't want to pay, ah? You don't want to donate to our hospital? You came to Canada and want to enjoy our good life without giving anything back? If you don't pay by your fucken money - you'll pay by your fucken ass!" - I tried to say "This is not only because of money, this is because I can not trust you!" but he kept screaming on me - and I left him. Before I left the hospital I could find out that there is no official result in my case. No paper, no evaluation. Only a checkpoint on the envelope, in category "4". What if somebody just made a wrong hand movement - and checked a wrong place?
      I did not go to MCI any more. Later I discovered through other ways that the category 4 means "pulmonary noodles", which was completely inapplicable to me!
      RESUME: Anyone can see that drastic misconduct toward me (or in general), and hatred towards me (or towards all
      immigration-seekers in general?) could explain what's going on in that institution and what happened around my x-ray.
      REMARK: This is not a documentary story. To show the emotional impression I have distorted some small details. This is more like a literary piece. However, it is precise in revealing what we are dealing with. Also the words of Madam Lucy and Mister Doctor were cited with a precise accuracy.
      Yours truly,
      Lev GUNIN
      Лев Гунин. Приложения к работе "ГУЛАГ ПАЛЕСТИНЫ"
      В своей статье в "CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS" "WHY I AM ANTI-ANTI-ZIONIST" (июнь, 2001) один из главных сионистских идеологов Канады, активист, журналист, постоянный корреспондент монреальской "THE GAZETTE", приравнял несогласие с идеологией современного сионизма
      к антисемитизму, враждебному отношению к Израилю и даже терроризму. Подобная позиция высказывается с начала 1990-х годов израильскими лидерами и лидерами мирового еврейства, главными еврейскими газетами мира и наиболее влиятельными еврейскими экстремистами. В статье "Internet the New Domain of Middle East Conflict" в газете "Canadian Jewish news" (December, 2000) намеренно сваливаются в кучу какая бы то ни была критика Израиля в Интернет, подрывная деятельность и хакерские демарши. "Безобидные" взломы израильских вэб сайтов, в результате которых не пострадал ни один человек, идеологическая борьба с сионизмом в легальных рамках, частная критика государства Израиль в Интернет - все объявляется "сибер-терроризмом", приравнивается к терроризму уголовному (к взрыву бомб - и т.д.), вслед за чем следует обещание военного ответа Израиля. От имени еврейского государства статья в этом официальном органе еврейских властей Канады обещает военный ответ на любую критику государства Израиль. Еще более вопиющим звучит признание в том, что израильская военная машина стоит за "контрпропагандой" и за деятельностью про-израильских хакеров. При этом враждебные Израилю хакеры объявляются террористами, а израильские хакеры героями! Эта статья - открытое запугивание всех, кто осмеливается критиковать политику и идеологию государства Израиль в Интернет. Можно не сомневаться, что это официальная точка зрения как самих израильских властей, так и еврейских лидеров диаспоры на сегодняшний день.
      Таким образом, ситуация менялась так: сначала (еще совсем недавно - в 1970-х) считалось "необязательным", чтобы все евреи поголовно были ярыми сионистами. Потом для того, чтобы оставаться в рамках еврейской общинной жизни, стало требоваться скрывать свое несогласие с сионистской идеологией или даже выражать свои сионистские взгляды. И, наконец, теперь быть сионистами обязательно не только для евреев, но и для не евреев тоже, в противном случае тебе грозят серьезные неприятности. Итак, еврейский тоталитаризм завершил свою эволюции, развившись к настоящему времени в свою крайнюю форму, с тенденцией к мировому контролю и тотальному промыванию мозгов. Наиболее символичный демарш еврейских экстремистов - суд и глумление над британским историком Дэйвидом Ирвингом.
      В следующем тексте на английском языке речь идет о мировом заговоре еврейских экстремистов, охвативших тотальным контролем все средства массовой информации, академические учреждения, издательства, Интернет, и так далее, с целью не допустить ни появления ни одной книги, ни одной статьи, ни одного комментария, ни одного вэб сайта, расходящихся с официальной сионистской доктриной по любому ряду вопросов, представляющему для сионизма тот или иной интерес: по истории, религии, археологии, политологии, и так далее. Речь идет о мировой сионистской цензуре. Своих целей сионисты добиваются через суды, травлю авторов, избиения, убийства, запугивания, подкуп, преследования. Такие еврейские экстремистские организации как Анти-Дефамационная Лига, Лига Защиты Евреев, Бней Брит, Институт Против Терроризма, а также организации "общего" типа, такие, как Всемирный Еврейский Конгресс и другие, занимаются отслеживанием, выявлением всех, не согласных с современной официальной сионистской идеологией, составлением досье на этих людей, и в дальнейшем - преследованием последних. Те, кто открыто выражает свое несогласие с сионистской идеологией, сталкиваются с разными неприятностями: с объявлением их фашистами, с выдвинутыми против них еврейскими организациями судебными исками, с отстранением от работы (особенно в академических кругах), с запретом на их публикации, с депортацией из той или иной страны или с запретом на въезд в ту или иную страну, и так далее. Все это мы узнаем из следующего текста, помещенного про-демократическим сайтом Mowchuk, который принадлежит активисту Мани Саиду.
      Помещение следующих материалов нами не означает, что мы согласны со всеми их взглядами и позициями, но ситуация настолько осложнилась и еврейский мировой тоталитаризм настолько укрепился, что любое, альтернативное ему, мнение, имеет право на то, чтобы быть узнанным. Из верности демократическим принципам мы также даем некоторые материалы, связанные с альтернативным нашему мнением. По ним читатель может составить свое впечатление об уровне и накале идеологической борьбы, какая может быть вполне сравнима с накалом холодной войны. Разница только в том, что в холодной войне друг другу противостояли государства. А в холодной войне, развязанной современным сионизмом, государства Запада стоят не на стороне своих граждан - жертв сионистской агрессии и цензуры, а на стороне злейшего врага европейской культуры: государства Израиль.
      Jewish organization like Anti-Defamation Ligue, Bnei Brith, so-called Institute
      Against Terrorism, Jewish Congress and others are censoring any material about Israel, Judaism, Holocaust, Jewish criminal activity, human rights violations by Israel and Diaspora Jewish groups, etc. It not only violates basic principles of democracy and free speech, but also gives the world Jewish extremists the total control over media and - indirectly governments of independent countries like USA, Canada, and others. Through an excuse of fighting anti-Semitism Jewish extremists actually controlling vide range of topics, practically any one, not only historical or political, but also cultural, religious, and any other. In many ways they for example suppressed and forbidden Christianity. There are no Christian signs, symbolic, ads, announcements, placards etc. in Canadian cities any more. In the same time there are lots of open Judaism propaganda and missionary placards, signs, ads, etc.
      By forcing Immigration of the variety of countries to prevent people, whose ideas they don't tolerate, from traveling, or to persecute dissidents, Jewish extremists are executing functions of sovereign governments. In Canada they completely seized the control over Immigration Canada, which became a Jewish institution, and this institution is getting more and more power, replacing the government. In reality they control many of the governmental institutions. Little by little we became citizens of a new totalitarian colonial Jewish Empire, which is constantly expanding and already includes Canada, US, and a number of European countries.
      Like any totalitarian colonial power Jewish Extremism is using (against dissidents) legal or conspiratory persecutions, lawsuits, administrative pressure, batteries, imprisonment, devastation of their victims' social, professional, or economic status. Jewish persecutors act very much as the "KGB of the modern western world". (MORE).
      The whole military, political, police, intelligence and public machine of the State of Israel and the powerful Jewish lobbies is used not only against people who deny Jewish genocide of 1930-s-40-s, but against those who would like to discuss the correctness of numbers, facts, or attitude towards the history. Amorality of the Jewish "morality defenders" is first of all their conflict of interests. For the Jewish extremists Holocaust became a busyness, a carnage of vicious vultures on top of millions of dead. They are making a fantastic income on the bones of Auschwiz or Maidanek victims. Jewish writer and human rights activist Gregory SVIRSKY called this carnage the most amoral thing in Jewish history. The next amoral thing is that not the victims of Holocaust and their descendants are benefiting from the fantastic compensation provided by the Western world to the global Jewish community, but mostly Israeli government and the extremist Jewish organizations. There are thousands of financial violations in the process of transferring the contributed money from the Israeli government and "committees" to ordinary people. Here is just a small example. Elisabetha EPSTEIN (Montreal) was issued the German compensation as a person who flied from the German occupation zone. This compensation was frozen by the Israeli authorities because she was the mother of a dissident and a refugee claimant from Israel in Canada. Money, which she had to receive, was consumed by the Israeli government!
      The State of Israel has no moral rights to be a representative of the former genocide (Holocaust) victims also because the Israeli regime itself is guilty in Palestinian and Russian genocide (see MORE).
      Israel as a successor of the Jewish North American and Zionist Jewish politicians of the 1930-s must pay a huge contribution to the victims of Holocaust and their descendants because shares responsibility for the genocide of European Jews. Since the 30-s there was a tendency to wish elimination of European Ashkenazi Jews. North American Jews, Zionists and some Sephardic leaders treated European Jews as degraded and wanted them out of the picture. Zionist leaders did not hide their sympathy to the Nazis because they both ideologically were national socialists. Contacts between Palestinian Jewish "Ishuv" leaders - and the top nazi leaders, and between Zionist - and German leadership in 1930-s-40-s is a well-known historical fact. Actually, Zionists were fought on the German side, against Britain. Notes of loyalty of the Ishuv to German Nazis were also well known. By racism, hatred between different ethnical and sub ethnical groups, fascist ideology and nazi laws Israel is a sole political successor of the Nazi Germany. Zionist leaders did not care to hide their joy about the elimination of the "assimilated" European Jews and the conviction that the Zionist homeland must be rebuild, based on the Catastrophe of European Jews. Israeli orthodox religious leaders pointed many times that European Jews were "punished" by genocide "because of assimilation". Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was translated to Hebrew and became the most popular among "sabras" (Israel-born natives) youths book. Watching movies like the "List of Schindler", young Israeli neo-nazis are applauding the fascist murderers because they adore Nazis for their "strong will" and "no sentiments". (see MORE).
      The State of Israel has innumerous anti-Christian, anti-European, anti-Western and anti-capitalist laws and practices. A permanent anti-Christian propaganda presents on all levels of political and everyday life in Israel, and became a part of education, ideology, rules and even laws in Israel. New anti missionary (anti-Christian) legislation goes even further, threatening to punish people for possession of a Christian Bible, a picture of a church, a Christmas Tree or a tape of Christian religious music. Classical pieces with a Christian background like passions or messes were almost completely washed out of the repertoire of the Israeli symphonic orchestras. Composers like R. Wagner or R. Schtraus were actually forbidden in Israel because of the ideological reasons. Christians are severely persecuted in Israel, by the state as well as by the crowd - and have no real police protection. Classical music, European literature, any aspect of European culture became hardly accessible in Israel. The Israeli government initiated a grotesque and barbaric project to destroy all European architecture on Israel's territory. They destroyed and continue destroying old cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other urban centers, where European architectural styles like Bauhaus, Ugendstill, neo-gothic, etc. were dominated or at least highly presented. There are legislation to forbid Christians and "assimilated" ("Russians") to reside in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities. Israeli solders were entering Armenian, Arab, and other churches - and used to open fire "to kill Christians". Israeli government is stalking Muslim and Christian communities by giving licenses to build new mosques beside the churches. Israeli official ideology prefers tolerance towards Islam, but not Christianity. Israel is ruled by so-called Jewish religious laws, a kind of an "iron curtain", which stops any information about the outside world, European culture, Christian traditions, values and historical background. Israeli political and religious circles are encouraging the puppet Palestinian authority to persecute Christians, close Christian churches and make access for holy Christian objects in Palestine difficult for Christian pilgrims. Christians are victims of various assaults in Israel. Israeli propaganda associates Christians with guilt, crimes, and evil. Ideology highly controls all sides of the social life in Israel, allowing "public watchdogs" monitoring what people eat, what they buy, what they read or cook. In Israel you can not open a restaurant, a store or another busyness without the meeting the requirement of the Jewish religion, what means that Christians are discriminated in theirs basic rights. Jewish Extremists are hypocrites when they talk about anti-Semitism because they know very well that Christians and other minorities are discriminated and persecuted in Israel. (see MORE)

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