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ГУЛаг Палестины

ModernLib.Net / Отечественная проза / Гунин Лев / ГУЛаг Палестины - Чтение (стр. 50)
Автор: Гунин Лев
Жанр: Отечественная проза



      месяцы, в течении которых я и мои иммиграционные советники звоним в Иммиграцию, но неизменно получаем отказ в
      обсуждении дел моей мамы.
      Требования по делу в семьи GUNIN:
      (Перечисляются требования)
      Требования по делу Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein):
      Имеется только одно требование: ей должны дать статус иммигранта немедленно и безоговорочно.
      Искренне Ваш,
      Лев GUNIN
      26 ноября 2000
      В Отдел Жалоб Иммиграции Канады - DOCUMENT NUMBER FOUR - копия
      (faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) December 1 2000
      From Lev GUNIN
      Письмо в Монреальский Институт Грудной Клетки
      (Письмо было отправлено 09-го ноября в ответ на анонимное письмо из Монреальского Института Грудной Клетки
      (МИГК), полученное 06 ноября 2000 года; ниже приведена модифицированная версия от 12-14, ноября, отправленная
      15-го ноября)
      Lev GUNIN
      Адрес, телефон
      From Lev GUNIN to anonymous person, author of the letter (the copy of the letter is enclosed).
      Montreal Chest Institute (MCI)
      3666 St-Urbain
      Montreal, QUEBEC H2X 2P4
      Сэр или Леди! Пожалуйста, переправьте это письмо в соответствующий отдел Иммиграции, который Вы упомянули на
      странице 1 вашего письма.
      Прежде всего любые предложения, чтобы я могу быть инфицирован tuberculosis, просто нелепы. У меня были некоторые
      другие предположения, но позже медицинский специалист, с которым я говорил, а также мои юрисконсульты, сказали
      мне, что единственное объяснение тому, что произошло - это что Иммиграция просто сделала ложное сообщение о
      снимке. Кроме того, в принципе по одному рентгеновскому снимку невозможно определить, является ли то или иное
      затемнение tuberculosis, или это просто пневмония, бронхит, или комбинация (см. медицинские книги). Выводы,
      основанные на только одном снимке, пристрастны и имеют целью нанести ущерб. В современных условиях, когда
      имеются так много вирусов типа гриппа, сопровождаемых pneumonic side effects, такие выводы абсурдны. Очевидно, что
      Ваше решение приписать меня к Больнице Инфекционных Болезней (IDU) прежде, чем у Вас имеется 100 процентное
      доказательство какой-либо tuberculosis инфекции и начать соответствующую юридическую процедуру, было
      должностным преступлением. Единственный допустимый способ разрешения этой ситуации был (до отправки меня в
      1) запросить альтернативное мнение о существующем снимке
      2) послать мне письмо для моего врача для прохождения повторного рентгена.
      14 ноября я по своей инициативе прошел другой рентген. Он показал, что нет НИ ОДНОГО затемнения, никаких
      абсолютно явлений вне нормы и (как мне сказали мои медицинские консультанты) не могло быть на 2 недели раньше,
      особенно tuberculosis-подобные тени. Был ли снимок моего рентгена (отрицательный) заменен другим или отдел IMS
      (Медицинские Услуги Иммиграции) только фальсифицировал чтение моего снимка, - я не знаю. Это все - материал для
      уголовного дела.
      Потому, что я был в подавленном состоянии, я не обратил внимание на то, что (MCI) принадлежит Больнице Королевы
      Виктории, учреждению, с которым у меня было несколько формальных конфликтов. Кто - то от имени администрации
      больницы имел обыкновение посылать мне агрессивное по многочисленности множество писем-требований о
      пожертвовании на больницу даже после того, как я в письменной форме заявил о том, что в то время жил на
      социальное пособие. Администрация больницы также сделала попытку вымогать у меня деньги за услуги, которые были
      покрыты Medicare. В той же больнице мне заявили несколько раз, что люди, такие, как я, "нелегально в Канаде, и не
      должны получать медицинскую помощь "за счет канадцев". Имела место и небрежность (халатность) в отделении
      скорой помощи, куда я обращался с травмами, и мелкое (медицинское) должностное преступление по моему
      требованию по CSST. Секретарь доктора Evenson (Больница Королевы Виктории) полгода играла в игры со мной,
      фактически блокируя мне доступ на прием к врачу с мая по ноябрь 2000 года. Ряд мелких юридических и медицинских
      нарушений имел место в той же больнице. И во всех этих мелких инцидентах иммиграционные вопросы или даже сама
      Иммиграция были вовлечены. Один из специалистов по иммиграции советовал мне не обращаться больше туда, потому
      что эта больница находится под "чрезвычайным влиянием Иммиграции".
      Вложение-страница с просьбой о пожертвовании на Больницу Королевы Виктории, которое я обнаружил в Вашем
      письме, было очередным нарушением-злоупотреблением с Вашей стороны.
      В конечном счете возможно, что доктор Giannakis послал меня для прохождения рентгена не в "Ла Сите", как мою маму
      и жену, - или другое медицинское учреждение, но в MCI потому, что получил приказ (не просьбу, но приказ), которому не
      мог бы не повиноваться (как представитель Иммиграции).
      Этим письмом я объявляю, что я рассматриваю ваш способ разрешения возникшей ситуации нелегальным и
      нарушением моих конституционных прав из-за вышеупомянутого, также как и по следующим причинам:
      1) Эти и другие анонимные письма буду впредь игнорировать.
      2) Процедурные требования были нарушены потому, что Иммиграция должна была прислать письмо мне (моему врачу),
      но в больницу.
      3) Нарушив их, Иммиграция лишила меня моего конституционного права выбрать учреждение, где пройти - если
      потребуется - дополнительную проверку.
      4) Вы не имели никакого права рассматривать меня как инфецированного вирусоносителя до того, как будут
      неопровержимые доказательства этого.
      5) Потому что больница от имени Иммиграции приказала, чтобы я подписал constat и явился в Инфекционное
      Отделение, со мной незаконно обращаются как с носителем TB. Они не имели на то никакого юридического права до
      тех пор, пока не представлены бесспорные медицинские доказательства.
      6) Медицинская этика не должна была позволить никому обращаться со мной таким обюразом на основании только
      заявления Иммиграции.
      7) Единственный снимок не может определять, является ли затемнение (если оно есть) туберкулезным, или просто
      пневмонией, бронхитом, или комбинацией (см. медицинские книги). Любые выводы, основанные на только одном
      рентгене, смешны, пристрастны и незаконны.
      8) 14 ноября я сделал другой рентген. Он показал, что нет никаких затемнений, никакие отклонений от нормы и (как мои
      медицинские советники сказали) не могло быть 2 недели назад, особенно туберкулезноподобных.
      9) Посылая меня в Инфекционное Отделение, меня могли подвергнуть контактам с реальными инфицированными.
      10) Для выяснения ситуации мне просто должен был быть назначен другой рентген.
      11) Я указал ряд причин, почему я не мог бы быть инфицирован TB и предложил, что a), инсинуации Иммиграции не
      соответствовали снимку c) имелся дефект пленки, и т.д.
      Yours truly,
      Lev GUNIN
      November 2000 Montreal
      www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/inde xX.htm
      1. End of 1999-beginning of 2000
      2. Manipulation of medical data in political goals - end of 2000
      C O N T E N T
      (Lev Gunin is one of the most persecuted people in the world. His family - loving and devoted wife (a true hero), two wonderful
      daughters (talented in art and music), and his old mother - became targets of outraged humiliations and abuses).
      1. Granting GUNINS the landed immigrants (permanent residency) status, Immigration's officials in spite of that continued
      persecutions. The proceeding of the landed immigrant status for Gunins is now frozen.
      2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social, financial, health, and legal situation.
      3. The complete history of GUNINS tragedy: http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGUNIN/appealX.htm
      Short description of previous events:
      A poet, writer and musical composer, Leo (Lev) GUNIN became a victim of communist authorities' persecutions
      in his native Belarus. Even after he was considered as relatively famous and important for 3 cultures (Yiddish,
      Polish, and Russian), persecutions never stopped. Because of them he started to be involved in human rights'
      activity and became one of the most active dissidents in his native republic. Persecutions destroyed his family,
      and his, life, and devastated his professional career. In 1991 the communist authorities forced GUNINS to
      accept Israeli visas, abandoned their citizenship - and deported them to Warsaw. There GUNINS were
      kidnapped by Israelis (which ruined their plans to move from Warsaw to Germany) - and taken to Israel by force.
      Persecutions in Israel were as severe as in ex-USSR. Israeli authorities were refusing them a visa for exit during
      3 and a half years. Only with indirect Amnesty International help GUNINS could get free - and left Israel in 1994
      for Canada. Almost 6 years after their arrival they are still brutally persecuted by Immigration Canada on request
      of Israel and also because of all governments' solidarity...
      1. During several months after they were granted the landed immigrants status GUNINS were fighting for
      extending their Israeli passports, which Federal Immigration requested (or, - in GUNINS' case - it could be an
      alternative documents of citizenship cancellation). Instead of the requested documents they received another
      document: a surrogate receipt that their expired passports were confiscated by the consulate and will never
      been extended. In giving them such a paper the Israeli consulate demonstrated an unusual human approach
      in spite of initiating persecutions in past. Formally such a document is normally accepted by Canadian
      Immigration as a routine ground for proceeding landed immigrants papers. However, it is not known yet if it will
      be accepted in GUNINS case... In spite of the human approach of Quebec's Immigration (Gunins were already
      given Quebec's Certificat de selection du Quebec) Federal Immigration didn't stop humiliations yet. On April 19
      Leo GUNIN called Federal Immigration because the money GUNINS ordered for the landed immigrants' status
      were never removed. He was told that the procedure of the landed immigrants status for GUNINS was frozen
      and in doubt because of Leo GUNIN's mother situation. It was clear now that Leo's suggestions that
      Immigration's brutal humiliations over his old mother (see the page about a camouflaged attempt to kill his
      mother and other outraged developments on Internet:
      http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo_updte01.html ) were generated as a punishment for him! In reality
      his mother's immigration file (she's a spouse of a Canadian citizen and she was also granted a landed
      immigrant status and was already given the Certificat de selection du Quebec) has nothing to do with Leo and
      his family's file: because they were granted the status in humanitarian appeal. The pretended dependence
      between Elisabeth Epstein's (her maiden name) and Leo Gunin's files could sound as an April's joke if a joke
      could be compatible with well-known black image of Canadian Immigration. In reality the immigration officer was
      given the number of only Leo's file, and if through his file he could accent his mother's situation it means that
      the two files were really combined together. If so, this is a violation of all procedural, juridical, immigration and
      human rights laws and regulation. In Gunins case Immigration already violated all the most basic Canadian and
      international rules. Their whole immigration history sounds as an Israeli and Canadian (Federal Immigration's)
      vendetta. But even on top of all these violations and persecutions the sabotage of their landed immigrants status
      even after granting it looks sinister and even more outraged. To know for what views and opinions Lev GUNIN
      is suffering, go to http://www.total.net/~leog/ - and there choose Human Rights.
      2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social,
      financial, health, and legal situation.
      Content in brief:
      A. Artificial employment prevention. Social and professional tragedy
      B. Financial disaster
      C. Health declining
      D. Children's suffering
      A. There are both objective and subjective reasons why both Leo Gunin and his wife are employed in
      minimum wages works with no perspective and no chances to recover from incredible poverty.
      Objective reasons are: 1) They have no status in Canada and because of that can not be employed as
      professionals 2) Immigration's Canada persecutions require attention, time and excessive attempts to fix the
      situation 3) By new and new persecutions Immigration Canada force Leo and Alla to spend the whole time on
      paperwork, completing innumerous forms, writing answers, and so on; that is just one of thousands of obstacles
      for better employment 4) Gunins are depressed by their immigration situation, they just can not think about
      anything else 5) They are not eligible to attend any professional or language course until they have no status in
      Canada 6) They are not eligible for any government and other employment assistance 7) Because of the
      tremendous financial devastation they have no tools for a sophisticated job search 8) Leo's and Alla's real
      employment history (curriculum vitae) in Israel and Canada reflects persecutions and rises potential employers'
      questions, which can not be answered - because no employer will hire a persecuted person 9) Their health is
      constantly declining; and so on... There are hundreds of other objective reasons.
      Subjective reasons are: 1) Some suggestions could tell that Immigration intervenes in Leo's attempts to find a
      better work, not recommending his potential employers to hire him 2) Without the status Leo can not get the
      license to teach music, can not run his small busyness, can not be employed in his profession 3) When he
      once received a request to compose music for a performance - and did it, - he was then rejected because "it is
      not possible to have the name of somebody who's not accepted by the state on public place" 4) He once was
      admitted to a Jewish choral, but later was refused "because if he could claim a refugee status from Israel, he's
      an enemy of Israel"! 5) When the Russian school "Fillipok" (now renamed and called "Gramota") was in a
      desperate need of a Russian speaking music teacher - even then Leo was refused on political ground 6)
      Russian newspapers in Montreal refuse to publish not just his articles but even his adds; for example,
      Info-Bulletin's editor/publisher told him that she lived many years in Israel, and Leo's articles published in
      ex-USSR and in Israel with critics of the Israeli human rights situation abused her patriotism: that's why she
      refused to place his adds! 7) All potential employers who could hire him as a musician used to say that they
      knew or heard about his "anarchism" - and did not want to employ him because of that. When he responded
      that he's not an anarchist or terrorist but a human rights activist they said that for them it is just the same 8) Leo
      are refused even a voluntary performances, even without being paid. Rozhinsky, the organizer of the "Russian
      Winter" musical festival, is permanently restricting Leo from the festival because of the political reasons 9) Leo
      completed a course of security agents but was refused a license because of his immigration situation 10) Leo
      was many times refused employment in computer technology, HTML programming, computer networks or
      computer rooms maintenance, programs installation or software testing because he's "a kind of hacker or
      terrorist". Nobody never told him where they obtained that referral from. Even such enterprises as Copie
      Express refused to employ him! 11) Leo did thousands attempts to find a full time above minimum wage work
      and was never hired. He believes that all such persecutions are somehow conducted from Immigration and
      from Jewish environment 12) From all newspapers where Leo turned to as a journalist (such as Globe and Mail
      - for example) he never received any answer or opinion about submitted articles; they just ignored him! Even
      when he tried to reach the newspapers by telephone, he used to be disconnected! 13) Leo is one of probably
      10 most important Russian vanguard poets in the world. However, an attempt to publish his book (for his own
      money!) of poetry was turned away by a Russian publishing house. In the same time the above mentioned
      Rozhinsky, who's not even a poet, rather an amateur on a primitively and law scale, published a book of his
      "poetry" without any problem! 14) By suppressing and persecuting such a gifted, talented in many areas person
      as Leo Gunin Canada lost an opportunity to use his talents, skills and abilities! Because Leo is a famous,
      well-known personality, people will consider about Canada after attitude to him. Inhuman, cruel, humiliative
      approach towards Leo and his family will speak by itself.
      B. Financial disaster:
      Because almost 6 years Gunins were refused the status in Canada, they had to pay more in taxes, pay for
      various immigration programs, for employment and student authorization, for immigration lawyers, and so on.
      They also were not receiving children allowances and other benefits, which landed immigrants and citizens are
      receiving. Because Leo was in reality restricted from his profession (music), journalism and all areas, which
      require professional skills, he could work for minimum wage only. The lack of status in Canada is also one of
      the main factors in Gunins better employment attempts failure. The family's financial situation is devastating and
      C. Health declining:
      A number of descriptions of their health problems in result of persecutions can be found from the page
      http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/appealX.htm Besides, both Leo and Alla have a kind of depression,
      caused by the status in Canada denial and other persecutions. D. Children suffering: The children (13 and 14
      years old) suffer from the same reasons as the adults. They afraid of their unstable situation, afraid of bringing in
      the post because there could be a punishing message from Immigration. They are very suppressed or even
      depressed. They feel like they are not like other children but excluded from the normal society. They also
      complex and feel uneasy about their poverty. They feel deprived and discriminated because other children can
      visit a cafe or McDonald, or a cinema, or their parents have cars, and so on. Because the children understand
      that their poverty is much related to persecutions they feel unprotected and threatened. Several times
      Immigration threatened the children that they will be expelled from school. Marta is a talented ballerina. She
      participated in movies, in dozens of ballet and theatre performances, she also writes poetry and prose, and
      she's a painter. She's also a gifted viola player. However, she has no rights to study, and her parents must pay
      for any official ballet studies several times more then if they were landed immigrants or citizens, what is
      impossible. No sponsor will give money for a child without the status. On television and in movies, where Marta
      participated, she was always on the back - probably because of the same reason. Ina is a gifted piano player,
      each year she's passing exams at university with the best remarks. She's also composes and arranges music,
      she's a good music theoretician, a choral singer, plays also flute, writes poetry and prose. Ina has participated in
      dozens of cultural events and performances as a member of one of the best tremble chorales in the world, as a
      piano player, was on television and took one of the awards as a piano player on young piano players' festival. In
      the same time she has no piano (!) - because Immigration is sacking all financial resources away from the
      family! And because her parents are persecuted and deprived.
      That text was prepared by Lushin Valery Stepanovich
      From Lev GUNIN
      Lev GUNIN
      3455 rue Aylmer, app. 201
      Montreal, QUEBEC
      H2X 2B5
      Tel. (514) 499-1294 [leog@total.net] more details: http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html
      Dear Sir, Lady!
      We need an urgent help regarding incredible violations of our human rights. Please, inform us - if you can, - 1) what we can do, 2)
      where to turn, 3) what tools we could use to fight this outrage injustice. Please, help! The most dangerous and alarming is the
      manipulation of the medical data and medical personnel by Immigration. You'll find a short description of our tremendously huge
      (long) story here below.
      I am a human-rights activist, journalist and historian with numerous publications. My views and humanitarian activities made me a
      target for persecutions in ex-USSR and - later (after deportation) - in another country, where I was taken together with my family
      against our will. Our refugee claim was refused under exceptional circumstances and with a totally partial attitude. Decisions in our
      case were unfair, inhuman and unjust. While hearing and proceeding our refugee claim Immigration officials have used illegal
      methods, abuse of justice and human rights. On top of undeniable persecutions, an obvious fact that we had no place where to go
      and tons of our documentary proof justice was denied to us in many outraged ways. We have appealed the decision, but the IRB's
      (Immigration's) defender has emphasized security and other unconventional questions, and the Federal court closed our case.
      During our refugee hearings the IRB's judge, Mr. Boiron said that we could face the same persecutions, which we had before, in
      Canada as well. It was a threat.
      Now we are more then 6 years in a limbo, administrative mayhem and ultra-vulnerable state. That is damaging our mental and
      physical health, social and professional status, and chances to regain our professional domain and return to normal life. However, in
      spite of human rights deniers in IRB and other departments, pro-Israeli lobby (with their people in Immigration), which goal is to keep
      refugee claimants from Israel out of Canada, we received a positive decision. We highly appreciate that in spite of everything we
      were granted the landed immigrant status in response to our humanitarian appeal 1 (one) year ago.
      In the same time some opponents of this decision did not ceased their pressure. They did not want to allow us to receive the landed
      immigrant's papers. In attempts to put us down they started to destroy me, my family, ours lives before we could receive the status in
      Canada. Each routine immigration procedure - extension of the employment or student authorization, etc. - turned into a mockery
      and humiliation. We must fight for every small thing, which has to be proceeded automatically! Especially after we were given the
      Certificat de selectione du Quebec: more then eight (8) months ago. Unnecessary expensive medical exams (Immigration has
      pretended that lost our medical data) and other innumerous humiliations made our life unbearable. They combined my mother's
      and mine cases in Immigration's computer, when in reality my mother's case has nothing to do with our case. (She's a sponsored
      spouse of a Canadian citizen - since November 1998, - and we were accepted by the humanitarian appeal). Immigration officer
      Madam Helene ROY illegally intervened in the medical issues to torpid my mother's case, and on her request Mrs. W. BRZEZINSKA
      (M.D.) made a false report before my mother's medical evaluation for Immigration took place. Madame ROY refused to recognize
      my mother's marriage "because of the medical concerns" the next day suddenly replacing this negative decision by another one.
      When I called Immigration about my case, I was told three times that our case is frozen because of my mother's situation.
      Immigration was concerned about a possibility of eventual diseases, which my mother could develop. Theoretically every person,
      even the most healthy, could develop any terminal disease - and will develop: because everybody dies. Immigration's demands on
      ground of a "potential danger of developing a terminal disease" are ridiculous and became a ground of discrimination, partiality and
      abuse. A number of facts revealed that one of their goals was to put my mother under a stress damaging her health as much as
      They contacted the medical lab where my mother did a x-ray before she went there. Later confusion about that x-ray took place. In
      January 2000 Immigration's medical committee ordered my mother to do additional tests: strum creatinine (blood test) and
      echocardiogram. The "strum creatinine" test (testing the kidney function) was already done before and was in norm. Cardio function
      was already tested - there were no concerns. There were no reasons for additional tests. The strum creatinine test was normal
      again. The echocardiogram only reflected nothing but some anatomical abnormalities, known before. The doctor who did the test
      told me that the abnormalities have anatomical, not pathological, nature. However, instead of proceeding my mother's documents
      Immigration submitted her (June 28, 2000) another illogical demand: to send them a "resume" of her "last visit to cardiologist". She
      never has visited a cardiologist and had nothing to send them! She went to Mr. Giannakis M.D. who was her physician for
      Immigration. He sent her to Dr. Gordon Creenstein, a known authority in cardiology, who examined her and told her the same:
      augmentation has the anatomical nature, it is not pathology. He submitted his rapport on 27 July 2000. Any impartial observer can
      see that both kidney and heart "chapters" in that story were closed now. However, it was not enough for Immigration. On September
      2000 Immigration's medical department made another ruling. They ordered my mom to have another urine test and then visit an
      urologist. She did the test immediately - and the visit to urologist was scheduled for November. Even this did not satisfied
      Immigration! On September 19 my mother received a letter from another Immigration officer, which demanded from her a statement
      how she obeyed the last Immigration's order, and accused her of postponing and sabotaging the procedure. It was signed by L.
      Cawchesne. Meanwhile Dr. Giannakis called Immigration and told that there was no reason for demanding a visit to an urologist:
      because there was nothing abnormal in her urine test. They had no choice but to agree with him. He cancelled the appointment to
      urologist because Immigration's medical division has finished working with her file - and informed the immigration officer that they
      have no medical concerns about her any more. However, Immigration still did not make any decision, refusing to close my mother's
      file and submit her the papers. Now they have no reasons at all, no excuses or explanations. One of my mother's immigration
      counselors was refused a clear answer, another was refused a conversation. From my sources I know that her file is given to Rene
      Jacque. There is no decision, no ruling. And my mother is in the limbo again. And I am told that my case is frozen because of my
      mother's situation...
      Another Immigration's excuse of tormenting us was the question of my wife's, and my police clearings. Because I am trying to keep
      that letter in a reasonable length I'll skip the details, which I could provide later. I never got a clear answer if the police certificates for
      us were received at Immigration - and attached to our file.
      Immigration's officials stopped to sign their official letters to us or give their names. There is no proper Immigration's logo, any special
      paper, anything to tell that this is not a fraud or joke... When Immigration calls us there is a "private call" indication! When I ask an
      anonymous person to identify him/her, or tell me who is responsible for my file, I am always refused! If sometimes they sign their
      letters, they sign them by names like Jeanne D'Arc, Honore de Balzak... They refuse to mention their position or rank. There is no
      "immigration officer" indication or anything else. Just Jeanne D'Arc!
      On October 26 by letter Immigration ordered my daughter Marta and me to undergo the medical examinations. Six (6!) months ago I

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