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Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP

ModernLib.Net / Историческая проза / Larisa Kharakhinova / Heart-to-heart letters: to MrRight from CCCP - Чтение (Ознакомительный отрывок) (стр. 3)
Автор: Larisa Kharakhinova
Жанр: Историческая проза



I read `I draw you close to me…` – dear Brad, I feel the warmth of your heart, your kiss touched me. Indeed, such amazing (such crazy), but maybe, it is my destiny to have fallen in love with `far-away star`, who mischievously smiles for me `from nowhere`, through a blanket of clouds. But clouds will have fled. I believe.

…Так, руки заложив в карманы,

Стою. Меж нами океан.

Над городом туман, туман.

Любви старинные туманы… (Цветаева )

You are my friend. You are my Wonder. The only one.

До свидания! With love.

P.S. I`ll not break our communication. I promise.

p.p.s. What of my picture hangs on your wall?

Letter 12

31/06/90 ;)

Dear Brad, здравствуй!

To teach some Russian? – Милый Брэд, я люблю тебя…

`Why did you take me for a walk the night?` – indeed, I wonder still, why did I like you so much from the first look into eyes? A chance meeting, and such a strong impression.

It was such pleasant, such – … – to look into your eyes. I love people`s eyes. Yours radiated some serene light or something more.

I felt myself with you such… lightly, such …, it was as if a load off my heart.

Maybe, because you believe in God. Not destruction there in.

Yes, I was `a little girl`. And now, when I think of you, when I dream of you, my heart becomes youthful and clear, fills with music and light… I fly up… to the stars…

When you`d wished me `good-night` and went to sleep I felt sadness, by some reason.

But there left a light feeling and something more. You were in my life as a meteor, but the one fell into my heart. I often had been remembering that evening.

I keep this remembrance as one of those moment, that `остановись, мгновенье!`…

And more, our meeting had occurred at that time – that summer I was running away from myself, I looked something to forget the grief, the pain…

When I read my diary of those days – much of despair there in. Pages about you, just after, is written with such a tender warmth, – `about canadian boy`.

And one day, late autumn, reading the one, I`d found address and wrote the letter. So it was…

Yes, it was so…

Now, tell me, please, how it was with you? I want to know.

What can I tell you about my country? Yes, it`s changing – political, economical, etc.

I`m not politicion. – I cannot do a review of all these changes. I can only say that our country is seething, boiling up. Страсти накаляются. «Жуть стала веселей, жуть стала интересней.»

To live here is `cheerful and interesting`, if one has optimism, endurance and ironical-philosophical attitude to reality.

Yet, I salute this «перестройка», Горбачев, this difficult time.

Yes, much difficulties. But how without it. Child is born in torments.

Yet, our people can be happy at life.

To laugh – at coupons for food-stuffs, at loud queues for something of shampoo or socks (it`s funny), to laugh at trifling sum and increasing prices, etc.

There are much to laugh at.

Yet, I love this time. (With little bitterness).

I believe in future. I`m optimist.

My country lived through more terrible things.

Sometimes, when I read History, that become known only for now – the blood curdles… this is painful theme for me. Enough of it.

Why is my marriage on duty? A Task?

I don`t think so. I agree with you in this matter. But my relations try to convince me in that. The matter in children. I must have child while I`m young still.

But how can one live with not beloved human? The better – to live lonely. I cannot go against my heart. It`s my right, ne? In the end of all, – I`m free in my choise: to be or not to be. Enough of that.

It`s a pity, that you didn`t send me the picture of you, – though, if there are you with a girl – it is the better that you didn`t.

Don`t be offended, please. Simply – such is a woman nature – I`m slighly jealous… even without the right for it.

With love – Lar.

Letter 13


Dear Brad, здравствуй!

Today at night I`d written you a letter, but I`ll never dare to send you such an epistle. So I begin a new. To much a burning blood was there in. I`m fallen in love as a 15-years girl.

Such amazing – Love…

Thank you for your picture – lovely one.

You stand before me and I carry on unlimited dialogues with you.

Today is my birthday. I`m 24! What a love in such age? I`m too tired for it. And, what is love? Can Love bring happiness? Or the only bitterness? Maybe, it`s only self-delusion. To have fallen in love with mirage… Brad or Бред?

A great confusion in my soul. Where is the truth? What is the Truth? If God exist, then the Truth – too, and Love.

I would want, too much, to love.

To love – not only friends, relations, mankind.

To love – the only one, in real world. Not mirage. If you feel my intonation, I`m tired…

Yes,` today at night` I couldn`t sleep. Whole night.

Yes, I love you.

Ты когда-нибудь бродил в предрассветном тумане, в белом мраке, возникает чувство нереальности, отрешенности от этого мира. То ли потому, что слова вязнут в воздухе, то ли оттого, что эхо слишком гулкое. Но в этот миг ты постигаешь какую-то истину…. Знаешь ли – трудно говорить. But a strange truth of fog – this white darkness – there exist too.

Why I speak of a fog? – I feel myself as if for now I`m walking in fog. Feelings shouldn`t be analysed. However I feel (love?) and cannot understand – what is it? But, maybe, to send you my night letter? And you would feel me?

Of course, it`s sorry that for now I cannot touch you, cannot look into your eyes.

And even, I fear our meeting.

Let it will go (by itself?) as the fourth dimension, or fifth in Space-Time (fourth one is time).

Such difficult to speak. Because of morning.

I must sleep for a little, and write over. Maybe, it`ll be more cheerful, more optimistic, at least.

But for now, the sun is killing my love, make it the only fiction of imagination.

I was born at midnight. My time is night. And, maybe, a morning dawn.

Day and sun take me prisoner.

The whole day I belong to duties, vanity of vanities. Night makes me free. If at day I belong to world, at night – worlds belong to me.

You wrote me of magic. Oh, take it easy!

That, I tried to do, is not magic – `so-so`. A childish toy, because of curiousity.

As I understand: (as materialist not quite believing in magic, but accepting something unknown still) – to become a real magician, one must be able to refuse from this World – it`s connections, notions, relations, views, etc, and from Love – Love in broadest sense. Not outside, but inside oneself – to have reached some `absolute freedom`, i.e. one must go back from human essense. As an atheist, I think that the key of this problem in subconsciousness, i.e. one must have free one`s subconsciousness from influence of all (such as `vanity of vanities`) and have learned to control it, else one becomes a mad, goes off one`s head and has lost in Chaos.

This is an interesting task, difficult to solve, but terrible too. i.e. as a curious atheist I would want to study that. But my second `half-me` is frightened of magic, because of she had looked into Chaos (abstractly). She knows God.

/// There exist the common and united causation-connection-relation between all – everything, everyone, everysome, everyevery – through out the Space-Time-and-Some. There exist something saving our World from Chaos, what keeps it from dissolvation there in. – Maybe, this something or someone is called `God`?/// my understanding is too materialistic, maybe.

Thus, these two `half-me` argue against each other, (always argue about all).

Meanwhile the `third half-me` is looking at the sky and dreams. About Love (in `bradest` sense).

She doesn`t care of magic, of subconsciousness, materialism, idealism, ability-possibility…

But she sees the Colour of the Wind. She loves.

From my heart to you – love.


P.S. I read over – черт ногу сломит! (idiom – devil will break his foot!)

Do not be offended, please.


Letter 14


Dear Brad, здравствуй!

I`ve received your letter from 18.07.90.

You write that you wrote a letter to me on 02.07.90. I must say that the one has not reached me. It is a pity. Moreover – there appeared a little anxiety. What about? – Simply – about middle of July my Father came to Ulan-Ude (now I`m in Academgorodok) to take conversation with me. The reason was funny at first.

It was concerned with a `new idee-fixe` of mine that was about places `where the foot of man has never stepped`. // I cherished a hope to go away somewhere into fog, to wilds and live there. (Childish fantasy)// – In result – I `got it in the neck`.

At the same time our conversation had concerned with our correspondence and policy. My Father does not prohibit, but… – in memory of his generation – too much of all, that was known for you, as you wrote `Great Empire`+ those years of `cold war` left its mark upon many things, – including `thinking of security services`… and he fears for me because of that. God forbid the letter to leave `there` – as a keepsake `for the time being`. Anything may happen. As you see I`m still under influence of that `cold shour`. Yet, I`m optimist. Enough of it.

What about picture with your girlfriend – of course I`ll be glad to see the one. It is nice what you wrote of your Lady. I wish for you – heart-warmth, tenderness and mutual understanding. You must be happy. And, if your girlfriend feels jealosy, – however small, oh, please, tell her to take it (me) easy. I am призрак. Maybe after few years you will come here with your Lady. I`ll be glad to see both of you. And I think if we`ll write letters each other – we`ll find a common language.

My best wishes to you and your Lady.

With love – Larisa.

P.S. For now I`m in Academgorodok, in hotel, slightly drunk, without dictionary. Excuse my language and mistakes. Please, write me on the address of my aunty.

I hope the nearest years – policy will be warm. + I hope that your previous letter was not concerned with policy, or something about `empire`. Who knows what will happen tomorrow…

Life is very interesting.

I`m admiring of its surprices – every day. I`m lucky for adventuries.

Good-night. Write.

670000 CCCP, г. Улан-Удэ, ул.Борсоева 21 кв.54, мне.

Letter 15


Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m`effraye. (B.Pascal)

Dear Brad, здравствуй!

It has been far too long since your last letter.

..`Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;

And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.

…..This it is and notning more…`

What`s happened?

Have you received my letters – epistles – made in mad country; manuscripts – having written under influence of frost-work on the pane, under – stars in wine – if to look through the glass. Letters – begotten by pine for summer`s moon at midnight, by pine for `pineapple-in-champagne`, by pain of soul and headache from newspapers, TV, PC, – you see – it`s not best motive power to write, to paint – such a painter gives only a pain in the neck! – am I right?

If the only reason of your impressive pause is that – vos oreilles sont bien chastes… – I say – by golly: lasciva est nobis pagina, vita proba est! ~/bad in word not in deed/

C`est sorti du coeur: j`ai pleure et j`ai cru…

I hope that you are in good health, mood, safety, etc; that nothing terrible (besides my letters) has come on you.

But maybe, my or your letters fell a victim to Russian Post Office. I read in newspaper about one shocking act of vandalism that occurred 6.01.91. in Moscow.

If you can read Russ. with dict. – you can see what was. /Foreign letters (`from`) were opened, dumped and an excavator was `readily reading` /riding at them/ some people saved only part of them. Indeed – lapides clamabunt!

One intelligent man said one day: `La liberte, pour faire le tour du monde, n`a pas besoin de passer par ici`. I agree with him.

Another man – chinese phylosopher Confucy – said long ago: `there is no worse than to live in epoch of changes` (this is a questionable thought) – and one more guy said too: `that is the question`.

So, while my (whole) country try to define – to be or not to be – life from bad to worse – letters from worse to bed – and I`m a living still witness, an optimistic accomplice, an enduring victim of this mass madness, called L`histoire de USSR.

Thus, I`m sitting and writing, smoking and drinking (tea), my foot beats time of a playing music, and my hand writes it.

Voila comme un ecrit l`histoire!

Thus – contra spem spero – I hope to hear you, I wait. I miss your letters. I`m sad and bad without them.

Say, at least, that you`re living.

I worry about you. What`s happened?


Letter 16


My dear friend, hello!

Здравствуй, Бред!

Thank you for your letter!

How are you?

As I can feel your letter – it`s painful for you.

Dear Brad, don`t worry! Yes, I understand your pine for your Love. That always hurts, – and for a long time. But, – don`t despair of it. You must have lived out that.

Time is cure-all. I know.

Though, I`m not quite sure – it`s good or not (about cure-all) – when a living, bleeding wound becomes a painless, nice picture in memory; – it means, that one more bit of heart has died, one more drop of life has left us. Such is life. – The cost of life (real life) is suffering.

Probably, I`m talking banality. If it seems to you so – oh, treat it with humour. But if you`re in no mood for laughter – look! – (devoted to you)

The sun is shining brightly,

The Earth is turning still.

My friend, cheer up! – smile lightly!

Forget your nightmare`s thrill.

The spring will come tomorrow

And bring with it the joy,

And drive away your sorrow, -

Don`t worry, dear boy!

(it`s my second step in poetical English. From serial: `Learn to use English words`)

What about me – I believe that happy dreams will come true too, that the spring will come soon and bring with it something wonderful, – new impressions, new life, new love – indeed, why not?

My dear Sasha has returned from the Army. He was discharging this `sacred duty` during two years far away from home. I was worried about him, because nowadays are very uneasy for our country. I didn`t see him since 22.12.88. But soon he will be here. I`m so happy! I begin to knit sweater for him. I don`t like to knit, but for my brother – I`ll do all in my power. Do you have brother or sister?

You write, that you maybe will not return to Canada. You don`t afraid of nostalgia for motherland? Do you ever feel homesickness? Do you miss your parents? What is your nationality? /if this notion exists in America./

By the way, what is your native language – English or French? Mine is Buryat language, because I`m not Russian, I`m Buryat. But my second language (Russian) is native for me, even I know it better than the first, because my education (from the first class of school) was only in Russian. At home we usually talked at mixture of these both languages.

Конец бесплатного ознакомительного фрагмента.

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