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The World is Flat

Автор: Friedman Thomas
Жанр: Публицистика

Thomas L. Friedman is not so much a futurist, which he is sometimes called, as a presentist. His aim in The World Is Flat, as in his earlier, influential Lexus and the Olive Tree, is not to give you a speculative preview of the wonders that are sure to come in your lifetime, but rather to get you caught up on the wonders that are already here. The world isn't going to be flat, it is flat, which gives Friedman's breathless narrative much of its urgency, and which also saves it from the Epcot-style polyester sheen that futurists—the optimistic ones at least—are inevitably prey to.

What Friedman means by "flat" is "connected": the lowering of trade and political barriers and the exponential technical advances of the digital revolution that have made it possible to do business, or almost anything else, instantaneously with billions of other people across the planet. This in itself should not be news to anyone. But the news that Friedman has to deliver is that just when we stopped paying attention to these developments—when the dot-com bust turned interest away from the business and technology pages and when 9/11 and the Iraq War turned all eyes toward the Middle East—is when they actually began to accelerate. Globalization 3.0, as he calls it, is driven not by major corporations or giant trade organizations like the World Bank, but by individuals: desktop freelancers and innovative startups all over the world (but especially in India and China) who can compete—and win—not just for low-wage manufacturing and information labor but, increasingly, for the highest-end research and design work as well. (He doesn't forget the "mutant supply chains" like Al-Qaeda that let the small act big in more destructive ways.)

Friedman has embraced this flat world in his own work, continuing to report on his story after his book's release and releasing an unprecedented hardcover update of the book a year later with 100 pages of revised and expanded material. What's changed in a year? Some of the sections that opened eyes in the first edition—on China and India, for example, and the global supply chain—are largely unaltered. Instead, Friedman has more to say about what he now calls "uploading," the direct-from-the-bottom creation of culture, knowledge, and innovation through blogging, podcasts, and open-source software. And in response to the pleas of many of his readers about how to survive the new flat world, he makes specific recommendations about the technical and creative training he thinks will be required to compete in the "New Middle" class. As before, Friedman tells his story with the catchy slogans and globe-hopping anecdotes that readers of his earlier books and his New York Times columns know well, and he holds to a stern sort of optimism. He wants to tell you how exciting this new world is, but he also wants you to know you're going to be trampled if you don't keep up with it. A year later, one can sense his rising impatience that our popular culture, and our political leaders, are not helping us keep pace.

—Tom Nissley

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    Ксения комментирует книгу «Роман» (Сорокин Владимир Георгиевич):

    Это первая книга Сорокина, которую я прочитала. И думаю единственная. Может быть я слишком глупа, чтобы понять смысл этой книги. Но я его там не нашла.

    Пират-ка комментирует книгу «Рабыня страсти» (Смолл Бертрис):

    книга как книга. интимные подробности убивают, но у этого автора все книги с таким уклоном, наверное...

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    всем тем, кто влюблён в море, посвящается..

    askar комментирует книгу «Краденое солнце» (Чуковский Корней Иванович):

    magan r.chukov-din kradenoe solnce multik kerek

    Иман комментирует книгу «Трудно быть богом» (Стругацкий Борис):

    что вы???самые лучшие писатели Джон Бойн и Харпер Ли! :)

    Евгения комментирует книгу «Дождь из огурцов (сборник)» (Игорь Востряков):

    Когда мне было 6 лет, эту книжку купил мне папа на железнодорожной станции в Петрозаводске. Ничего смешнее на тот момент жизни я еще не слышала:)))) От схема долго болел живот и текли слезы. Учитывая, что там упоминается специфика советских времен - пионеры, пионерские лагеря (а тогда еще были советские времена), то все звучало очень актуально, т.к. сами это все проходили.... Книга была зачитана до состояния тряпочки (обложки просто нет, а вся она разобрана по обтрепавшимся страницам) и пролито море слез с друзьями в разных возрастах жизни

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    Это не учебник русского языка для 7 класса, читайте внимательно! Следуя Вашим пожеланиям, руки оторвать надо бы и составителям заданий лингвистической игры "Русский медвежонок". Вот уж где собака порылась!!!

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