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Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity

ModernLib.Net / Банковское дело / Елизавета Камзина / Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity - Чтение (Ознакомительный отрывок) (стр. 3)
Автор: Елизавета Камзина
Жанр: Банковское дело



The Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and shall terminate on the grounds specified by the current legislation and the terms of the contract (Article 425 Civil Code).

The Borrower agrees in advance to notify the lender of its intention to change the last name, first name, place of residence, marital status, place of work, as well as the occurrence of other events that may affect the performance of obligations under this contract.

The lender has the right without notice to the borrower, transfer to another credit institution all their claims to repay the loan and interest on them, arising from the contract. Legally, a contract for sale of duty assignment (assignment of the claim of the debt), concluded between the original and new lenders. The contract assignment of a change in the commitment of persons, which resulted in the original creditor, withdraws from the obligations and the rights pass to his successor. In passing the creditor's rights to another person, the new creditor with the debtor does not enter into a new independent contract, and shall have the deal as a party, and may require only the execution of the terms of the transaction already[31].

Signing the agreement is the official consent of the borrower to transfer any information available to the bank about it, credit commitments available to the borrower to the bank, and the performance of such obligations by the borrower, to the specialized organizations that records of credit histories of individuals, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Credit Histories” № 218-FZ of December 30, 2004[32]. The lender has the right without notice to provide information about the performance or improper performance of obligations by the borrower on the phone, including through the transfer of SMS-messages on a mobile phone number and address, stated by the borrower to the bank.

Full cost of providing cash at the time of their issuance, shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Guidelines CBR May 13, 2008 № 2008-U “On the procedure for calculating and communicating information to the borrower – individual total cost of credit”[33].

2.2.Requirements of credit institutions in the mortgage law relations: species, the base

Collateral relations are of a security nature, therefore, are activated only when the improper performance of the secured obligation, which is the legal basis for claims exposed.

In the case of the systematic violation of their obligation under the loan agreement the bank shall send him a claim, which indicates the size of the debt at the time of its composition and possible options to further resolve the situation. A variety of pre-order is a Complaint for dispute settlement[34].

In accordance with paragraph 1 of art. 810 of the Civil Code borrower is obliged to return to the lender (creditor) obtained a loan amount in time and in the manner stipulated in the loan agreement (loan agreement).

Article 811 of the Civil Code established consequences of a breach by the borrower of the loan agreement (loan agreement), pursuant to paragraph 2 of that article, in violation of the borrower deadline for returning the next part of the loan (loan), the lender (lender) is entitled to demand early repayment of the entire outstanding amount of loan (credit), together with the interest due.

On the basis of art. 348 of the Civil Code and in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement the mortgagee to foreclose the right to the collateral out of court, if not met the requirement for early performance of obligations under the loan agreement. Non-judicial foreclosure procedures on the mortgaged property may be specified in the contract or agreement collateral to it[35].

The bank offers the borrower within ten days to perform its obligations under the loan agreement through debt or through the transfer of collateral to refer to it out of court foreclosure in partial repayment of debt under the credit agreement.

In case of dissatisfaction with the requirements of the bank in the pretrial order shall be prepared and forwarded to the court for the recovery from the borrower's payments on the loan agreement and the costs of public duties, foreclose on the mortgaged property, to seize the car in order to avoid alienating.

The mortgagor provides the mortgagee security vehicle. The property belongs to the mortgagor the right of ownership, attested passport of the vehicle. Due to the fact that under the agreement the collateral is in the use of the mortgagor, a credit institution follows roping minimizes their financial risk.

Pledger shall not later than 5 working days from the date of signing the agreement to transfer custody of the mortgagee to the original passport of the vehicle, pledge and a copy of the certificate of its registration with the traffic police and pass technical inspection of the vehicle. Original Title pledged the vehicle is transferred to the bank for the entire term of the loan agreement (Annex property pledge agreement).

The mortgagor guarantees that the property is not mortgaged, sold or not presented with any third party, wanted or not is under arrest. The mortgagor also ensures that it is free from any kind had obligations to third parties on the property.

The collateral value of property is the price of the vehicle under a contract of sale.

Pledge of property provided pursuant to the following obligations under the loan agreement:

– Repayment of the loan;

– Payment of interest on the loan;

– Lump-sum payment, loan fees;

– Payment of high interest;

– Reimbursement of legal costs to recover principal and other losses of the mortgagee, caused by failure or improper performance of obligations by the borrower under the credit agreement;

– Reimbursement for necessary expenses for the maintenance of the mortgagee of the property and the costs of foreclosure on the property and its implementation.

The property is the mortgagor in possession and use. The mortgagor must:

– To conclude a contract with insurance company insurance purchased with a loan car from risk of loss and damage[36] to the following conditions:

– The sum insured for the risk of loss and damage to the purchased vehicle must not be less than the collateral value of property;

– The period of insurance – not less than the loan term, plus one month after the end of the maturity of the funds;

– With extension of the contract vehicle insurance, the mortgagor shall, within 10 calendar days from the date of expiry of the previous insurance policy vehicle to give the mortgagee a copy of insurance and copies of documents confirming the payment of insurance premiums in accordance with the terms of the said contract of insurance.

– Indemnity under the insurance contract should be transferred to the account of the mortgagor, the mortgagee in an open or a beneficiary under the insurance contract shall be the mortgagee, in practice, come insurance cases in which there is a partial repayment of the loan obligation at the expense of insurance premium[37].

Within 10 calendar days from the date of expiry of the previous insurance policy liability insurance of vehicle owners to provide a copy of the mortgagee stress policy of compulsory insurance and copies of documents confirming the payment of insurance premiums in accordance with the terms of the said contract of obligatory insurance.

Provide the mortgagee document reflecting changes in the insurance conditions of the treaty, within 10 days from the occurrence of these changes occurred in the conditions of exploitation and use of a vehicle specified in the contract, and other events, if they can significantly affect the increase of the insured risk.

All persons to whom the mortgagor provides the right to use the vehicle shall be appropriately listed in the insurance contract. If you change the mortgagor during the period of the contract, persons admitted to driving, appropriate changes should be made to the insurance contracts, with copies of the modified contract of insurance must be provided by the pledger to the pledgee within 10 days from the date of the change.

In the case of a car as a taxi (passenger), is compulsory – insurance risk “accident” in a lump system to the following conditions (Appendix property pledge agreement):

– The minimum sum insured is equal to the collateral value of the vehicle;

– The period of insurance – not less than the loan term, and within 1 month following the expiration of a refund.

In order to fulfill its obligations, the borrower requests the bank to provide information and documents to the insurer:

– Information about the borrower (name, date of birth, place of residence, phone number);

– Copy of passport and (or) a borrower's identity;

– A copy of the borrower's driver's license;

– A copy of the passport of the vehicle;

– A copy of the loan agreement, pledge agreement, sales contract, any other information and documents available to the borrower's loan file.

Inform the mortgagee within one working day of the accident on the property, in particular, its loss or damage claims of third parties, arrest, and which threatens the onset of these and other events that may affect the safety of the property.

For three days to inform the mortgagee of his intention to temporarily depart from the place of residence or place of residence change with the new address.

Take measures necessary to ensure the safety of property, including protection from abuse and claims of third parties.

Provide an opportunity for the mortgagee, upon request, to check the status of the property[38], as well as other information about the property and the conditions of its storage.

The mortgagor may not alienate property, transfer his lease or free use third parties to perform subsequent pledge of property or otherwise dispose of them without the written consent of the mortgagee. When the right of ownership of the mortgaged property from the mortgagor to another person, as a result of onerous or gratuitous alienation of the property, either by way of universal succession, the right of lien remains in force (par. 1, art. 353 Civil Code)[39].

Replacement of the collateral shall be permitted with the consent of the mortgagee. If the collateral was lost or damaged, or ownership of it terminated on the grounds established by law. Mortgagor to the mortgagee option shall replace it with another property of equal value or advance secured by the pledge to perform the principal obligation. Return the sum of money to pay the accrued interest, a one-time fee for the issuance of the loan on time and in the manner prescribed by the pledgee.

In the insurance case and if there are no outstanding debt under the credit contract indemnity may be paid to the depositor of cash or used to restore the collateral to a repair organization. What is the mortgagor must provide the mortgagee a statement in this application must be filed prior to transfer of funds of the insurance company at the expense of the mortgagee.

The mortgagor agrees to make information on mortgage car into a database and the associated limitations in terms of the commission of any depositor of registration actions with this car before submitting written notice to the mortgagee to terminate the contract of pledge in respect of a particular car and withdrawing the mortgagor of the restrictions on the performance of registration actions.



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