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Barrayar (¹12) - Komarr

ModernLib.Net / Íàó÷íàÿ ôàíòàñòèêà / Bujold Lois McMaster / Komarr - ×òåíèå (Îçíàêîìèòåëüíûé îòðûâîê) (Âåñü òåêñò)
Àâòîð: Bujold Lois McMaster
Æàíð: Íàó÷íàÿ ôàíòàñòèêà
Ñåðèÿ: Barrayar



Lois McMaster Bujold


(Barrayar — 12)


The last gleaming sliver of Komarr’s true-sun melted out of sight beyond the low hills on the western horizon. Lagging behind it in the vault of the heavens, the reflected fire of the solar mirror sprang out in brilliant contrast to the darkening, purple-tinged blue. When Ekaterin had first viewed the hexagonal soletta-array from downside on Komarr’s surface, she’d immediately imagined it as a grand Winterfair ornament, hung in the sky like a snowflake made of stars, benign and consoling. She leaned now on her balcony overlooking Serifosa Dome’s central city park, and gravely studied the lopsided spray of light through the glassy arc overhead. It sparkled deceptively in contrast to the too-dark sky. Three of the six disks of the star-flake shone not at all, and the central seventh was occluded and dull.

Ancient Earthmen, she had read, had taken alterations in the clockwork procession of their heavens-comets, novae, shooting stars-for disturbing omens, premonitions of disasters natural or political; the very word, disaster, embedded the astrological source of the concept. The collision two weeks ago of an out-of-control inner-system ore freighter with the insolation mirror that supplemented Komarr’s solar energy was surely most literally a disaster, instantly so for the half-dozen Komarran members of the soletta’s station-keeping crew who had been killed. But it seemed to be playing out in slow motion thereafter; it had so far barely affected the sealed arcologies that housed the planet’s population. Below her, in the park, a crew of workers was arranging supplemental lighting on high girders. Similar stopgap measures in the city’s food-producing greenhouses must be nearly complete, to spare them and this equipment to such an ornamental task. No, she reminded herself; no vegetation in the dome was merely ornamental. Each added its bit to the biological reservoir that ultimately supported life here. The gardens in the domes would live, cared for by their human symbiotes.

Outside the arcologies, in the fragile plantations that labored to bio-transform a world, it was another question altogether. She knew the math, discussed nightly at her dinner table for two weeks, of the percentage loss of insolation at the equator. Days gone winter-cloudy-except that they were planetwide, and going on and on, until when? When would repairs be complete? When would they start, for that matter? As sabotage, if it had been sabotage, the destruction was inexplicable; as half-sabotage, doubly inexplicable. Will they try again? If it was a they at all, ghastly malice and not mere ghastly accident.

She sighed, and turned away from the view, and switched on the spotlights she’d put up to supplement her own tiny balcony garden. Some of the Barrayaran plants she’d started were particularly touchy about their illumination. She checked the light with a meter, and shifted two boxes of deerslayer vine closer to the source, and set the timers. She moved about, checking soil temperature and moisture with sensitive and practiced fingers, watering sparingly where needed. Briefly, she considered moving her old bonsai’d skellytum indoors, to provide it with more controlled conditions, but it was all indoors here on Komarr, really. She hadn’t felt wind in her hair for nearly a year. She felt an odd twinge of identification with the transplanted ecology outside, slowly starving for light and heat, suffocating in a toxic atmosphere… Stupid. Stop it. We’re lucky to be here.

“Ekaterin!” Her husband’s inquiring bellow echoed, muffled, inside the residence tower.

She poked her head through the door to the kitchen. “I’m on the balcony.”

“Well, come down here!”

She set her gardening tools in the box seat, closed the lid, sealed the transparent doors behind her, and hurried across the room into the hall and down the circular staircase. Tien was standing impatiently beside the double doors from their apartment to the building’s corridor, a comm link in his hand.

“Your uncle just called. He’s landed at the shuttleport. I’ll get him.”

“I’ll get Nikolai, and go with you.”

“Don’t bother, I’m just going to meet him at the West Station locks. He said to tell you, he’s bringing a guest. Another Auditor, some sort of assistant to him, it sounded like. But he said not to worry, they’ll both take pot luck. He seemed to imagine we’d feed them in the kitchen or something. Eh! Two Imperial Auditors. Why ever did you have to invite him, anyway?”

She stared at him in dismay. “How can my Uncle Vorthys come to Komarr and not see us? Besides, you can’t say your department isn’t affected by what he’s investigating. Naturally he wants to see it. I thought you liked him.”

He slapped his hand arrhythmically on his thigh. “Back when he was just the old weird Professor, sure. Eccentric Uncle Vorthys, the Vor tech. This Imperial appointment of his took the whole family by surprise. I can’t imagine what favors he called in to get it.”

Is that your only idea of how men advance? But she did not speak the weary thought aloud. “Of all political appointments, surely Imperial Auditor is the least likely to be gained that way,” she murmured.

“Naive Kat.” He smiled shortly, and hugged her around the shoulders. “No one gets something for nothing in Vorbarr Sultana. Except, perhaps, your uncle’s assistant, whom I gather is closely related to the Vorkosigan. He apparently got his appointment for breathing. Incredibly young for the job, if he’s the one I heard about who was sworn in at Winterfair. A lightweight, I presume, although all your Uncle Vorthys said was that he was sensitive about his height and not to mention it. At least some part of this mess promises to be a show.”

He tucked his comm link away in his tunic pocket. His hand was shaking slightly. Ekaterin grasped his wrist and turned it over. The tremula increased. She raised her eyes, dark with worry, in silent question to his.

“No, dammit!” He jerked his arm away. “It’s not starting. I’m just a little tense. And tired. And hungry, so see if you can’t pull together a decent meal by the time we’re back. Your uncle may have prole tastes, but I can’t imagine they’re shared by a Vorbarr Sultana lordling.” He thrust his hands into his trouser pockets and looked away from her unhappy frown.

“You’re older now than your brother was then.”

“Variable onset, remember? We’ll go soon. I promise.”

“Tien… I wish you’d give up this galactic treatment plan. They have medical facilities here on Komarr that are almost as good as, as Beta Colony or anywhere. I thought, when you won this post here, that you would. Forget the secrecy, just go openly for help. Or go discreetly, if you insist. But don’t wait any longer!”

“They’re not discreet enough. My career is finally on course, finally paying off. I have no desire to be publicly branded a mutant now.”

If I don’t care, what does it matter what anyone else thinks? She hesitated. “Is that why you don’t want to see Uncle Vorthys? Tien, he’s the least likely of my relatives or yours, for that matter to care if your disease is genetic or not. He will care about you, and about Nikolai.”

“I have it under control,” he insisted. “Don’t you dare betray me to your uncle, this close to the real payoff. I have it under control. You’ll see.”

“Just don’t… take your brother’s way out. Promise me!” The lightflyer accident that hadn’t been quite an accident: that had ushered in these years of chronic, subclinical nightmare waiting and watching…

“I have no intention of doing anything like that. It’s all planned. I’ll finish out this year’s appointment, then we’ll take a long overdue galactic vacation, you and me and Nikolai. And it will all be fixed, and no one will ever know. If you don’t lose your head and panic at the last minute!” He grasped her hand, and grimaced an unfelt smile, and strode out the doors.

Wait and I’ll fix it. Trust me. That’s what you said the last time. And the time before that, and the time before that… Who is betrayed? Tien, you’re running out of time, can’t you see it?

She turned for her kitchen, mentally revising her planned family dinner to include a Vor lord from the Imperial capital. White wine? Her limited experience of the breed suggested that if you could get them sufficiently sloshed, it wouldn’t matter what you fed them. She put another of her precious imported-from-home bottles in to chill. No… make that two more bottles.

She added another place to the table on the balcony off the kitchen that they routinely used for a dining room, sorry now she’d not engaged a servitor for the evening. But human servants on Komarr were so expensive. And she’d wanted this bubble of domestic privacy with Uncle Vorthys. Even the staid official newsvid reps were badgering everyone involved in the investigation; the arrival of not one but two Imperial Auditors on-site in Komarr orbit had not calmed the fever of speculation, but only redirected it. When she’d first spoken with him shortly after his arrival on-site, on a distance-delayed channel that defeated any attempt at long conversation, normally-patient Uncle Vorthys’s description of the public briefings into which he’d been roped had been notably irritated. He’d hinted he would be glad to escape them. Since his years of teaching must have inured him to stupid questions, Ekaterin wondered if the true source of his irritation was that he couldn’t answer them.

But mostly, she had to admit, she just wanted to recapture the flavor of a happier past, greedily for herself. She’d lived with Aunt and Uncle Vorthys for two years after her mother had died, attending the Imperial University under their casual supervision. Life with the Professor and the Professora had somehow been less constrained, and constraining, than in her father’s conservative Vor household in the South Continent frontier town of her birth; perhaps because they’d treated her as the adult she aspired to be, rather than the child she had been. She’d felt, a bit guiltily, closer to them than to her real parent. For a while, any future had seemed possible.

Then she’d chosen Etienne Vorsoisson, or he had chosen her… You were pleased enough at the time. She’d said Yes to the marriage arrangements her father’s Baba had offered, with all good will. You didn’t know. Tien didn’t know. Vorzohn’s Dystrophy. Nobody’s fault.

Nine-year-old Nikolai bounded into the kitchen. “I’m hungry, Mama. Can I have a piece of that cake?”

She intercepted fast-moving fingers attempting to sample frosting. “You can have a glass of fruit juice.”

“Aw…” But he accepted the proffered substitute, cannily offered in one of the good wineglasses lined up waiting. He gulped it down, bobbing about as he drank. Excited, or was he picking up parental nerves? Stop projecting, she told herself. The boy had spent the last two hours in his room, tinkering intently with his models; he was due to shake out the knots.

“Do you remember Uncle Vorthys?” she asked him. “It’s been three years since we visited him.”

“Sure.” He finished swallowing his snack. “He took me to his laboratory. I thought it would be beakers and bubbly things, but it was all big machines and concrete. Smelled funny, kind of dusty and sharp.”

“From the welders and the ozone, that’s right,” she said, impressed with his recall. She rescued the glass. “Hold out your hand. I want to see how much you have left to grow. Puppies with big paws are supposed to grow up to be big dogs, you know.” He held up his hand to hers, and they met, palm to palm. His fingers were within two centimeters of being as long as her own. “Oh, my.”

He flashed her a self-conscious, satisfied grin, and stared briefly down at his feet, wriggling them in speculation. His right big toe poked through a new hole in his new sock.

His child-light hair was darkening; it might yet become as brown as hers. He was chest-high to her, though she could have sworn he had been only hip-high about fifteen minutes ago. His eyes were brown like his Da’s. His grubby hand-where did he find so much dirt in this dome? — was as steady as his eyes were clear and guileless. No tremula.

The early symptoms of Vorzohn’s Dystrophy were deceptive, mimicking half a dozen other diseases, and could strike any time from puberty to middle age. But not today, not Nikolai.

Not yet.

Sounds from the apartment’s entryway, and low-pitched masculine voices, drew them out of her kitchen. Nikolai shot ahead of her. When she arrived behind him, he was already being half picked up by the stout, white-haired man who seemed to fill the space. “Oof!” He stopped short of swinging Nikolai around. “You’ve grown, Nikki!”

Uncle Vorthys hadn’t changed, despite his awe-inspiring new title: same grand nose and big ears, same rumpled, oversized tunic and trousers that always looked slept-in, same deep laugh. He deposited his great-nephew on the flagstones, spared a hug for his niece, which was firmly returned, and bent and felt in his valise. “Something here for you, Nikki, I do believe…” Nikolai bounced around him; Ekaterin retreated temporarily to wait her turn.

Tien was shouldering through the door with baggage. Only then did she notice the man standing apart, smiling distantly, watching this homey scene.

She swallowed startlement. He was barely taller than nine-year-old Nikolai, but unmistakably not a child. He had a large head set on a short neck, and a faintly hunched stance; the rest of him looked lean but solid. He wore tunic and trousers in a subtle gray, the tunic open on a fine white shirt, and polished half-boots. His clothing was entirely without the pseudo-military ornamentation usually affected by the high Vor, but the perfection of the fit — it had to be hand-tailored, to fit that odd body — hinted a price Ekaterin didn’t dare to estimate.

She was uncertain of his age; not much older than herself, perhaps? There was no gray in the dark hair, but laugh-lines around his eyes, and pain-lines around his mouth, scored his winter-pale skin. He moved stiffly, setting down his valise, wheeling to watch Nikolai monopolize his great-uncle, but did not otherwise appear very crippled. He was not a figure who blended in, but his air was notably unobtrusive. Socially uncomfortable? Ekaterin was recalled abruptly to her duties as a daughter of the Vor.

She advanced to him. “Welcome to my household…” ack, Tien hadn’t mentioned his name “… my Lord Auditor.”

He held out his hand and captured hers in a perfectly ordinary, businesslike grasp. “Miles Vorkosigan.” His hand was dry and warm, smaller than her own, but bluntly masculine; clean nails. “And you, Madame?”

“Oh! Ekaterin Vorsoisson.”

He released her hand without kissing it, to her relief. She stared briefly at the top of his head, level with her collarbone, realized he would be speaking to her cleavage, and stepped back a little. He looked up at her, still smiling slightly.

Nikolai was already dragging Uncle Vorthys’s larger bag toward the guest room, proudly showing off his strength. Tien properly followed his senior guest. Ekaterin made a rapid recalculation. She couldn’t possibly put this Vorkosigan fellow up in Nikolai’s room; the child’s bed would be such an embarrassingly good fit. Invite an Imperial Auditor to sleep on her living room couch? Hardly. She gestured him to follow her down the opposite hallway, into her planting-room-cum-office. One whole side was given over to a workbench and shelving, crammed with supplies; cascading lighting arrays climbing the corners nourished tender new plantings, in a riotous variety of Earth greens and Barrayaran red-browns. A large open area on the floor fronted a fine wide window.

“We haven’t much space,” she apologized. “I’m afraid even Barrayaran administrators here must accept what’s assigned to them. I’ll order in a grav-bed for you, I’m sure they’ll have it delivered before dinner’s over. But at least the room’s private. My uncle snores so magnificently… The bath’s just down the hall to the right.”

“It’s fine,” he assured her. He stepped to the window and stared out over the domed park. The lights in the encircling buildings gleamed warmly in the luminous twilight of the half-eclipsed mirror.

“I know it’s not what you’re used to.”

One corner of his mouth twitched up. “I once slept for six weeks on bare dirt. With ten thousand extremely grubby Marilacans, many of whom snored. I assure you, it’s just fine.”

She smiled in return, not at all certain what to make of this joke, if it was a joke. She left him to arrange his things as he saw fit, and scurried to call the rental company and finish setting up dinner.

They all rendezvoused, despite her best intentions for a more formal service, in her kitchen, where the little Auditor foiled her expectations again by only allowing her to pour him half a glass of wine. “I started today with seven hours in a pressure suit. I’d be asleep with my face in my plate before dessert.” His gray eyes glinted.

She herded them all out to the table on the balcony and presented the mildly spicy stew based oh vat-protein that she’d correctly guessed her uncle would like. By the time she handed round the bread and wine, she’d at last caught up enough to finally have a word with her uncle herself.

“What’s happening now with your investigation? How long can you stay?”

“Not much more than what you’ve heard on the news, I’m afraid,” he replied. “We can only take this downside break while the probable-cause crews finish collecting the pieces. We’re still missing some fairly important ones. The freighter’s tow was fully loaded, and had a tremendous mass. When the engines blew, bits of all sizes vectored off in every possible direction and speed. We desperately want any parts of its control systems we can find. They should have most of it retrieved in three more days, if we’re lucky.” “So was it deliberate sabotage?” Tien asked.

Uncle Vorthys shrugged. “With the pilot dead, it’s going to be very hard to prove. It might have been a suicide mission. The crews have found no sign yet of military or chemical explosives.”

“Explosives would have been redundant,” murmured Vorkosigan.

“The spinning freighter hit the mirror array at the worst possible angle, edge-on,” Uncle Vorthys continued. “Half the damage was done by parts of the mirror itself. With that much momentum imparted to it by the assorted collisions, it just ripped itself apart.”

“If all that result was planned, it had to have been a truly amazing calculation,” Vorkosigan said dryly. “It’s the one thing which inclines me to the belief it might have been a true accident.”

Ekaterin watched her husband, watching the little Auditor covertly, and read the silent disturbed judgment, Mutant! in his eyes. What was Tien going to make of the man, who openly bore, without apparent apology or even self-consciousness, such stigmata of abnormality?

Tien turned to Vorkosigan, his gaze curious. “I can see why Emperor Gregor dispatched the Professor, the Empire’s foremost authority on failure analysis and all that. What’s, um, your part in this, Lord Auditor Vorkosigan?”

Vorkosigan’s smile twisted. “I have some experience with space installations.” He leaned back, and jerked up his chin, and smoothed the odd flash of irony from his face. “In fact, as far as the probable-cause investigation goes, I’m merely along for the ride. This is the first really interesting problem to come along since I took oath as an Auditor three months ago. I wanted to watch how it was done. With his Komarran marriage coming up, Gregor is vitally interested in any possible political repercussions from this accident. Now would be a very awkward time for a serious downturn in Barrayar-Komarr relations. But whether accident or sabotage, the damage to the mirror impinges quite directly on the Terraforming Project. I understand your Serifosa Sector is fairly representative?”

“Indeed. I’ll take you both on a tour tomorrow,” Tien promised. “I’m having a full technical report prepared for you by my Komarran assistants, with all the numbers. But the most important number is still pure speculation. How fast is the mirror going to be repaired?”

Vorkosigan grimaced and held out a small hand, palm-up. “How fast depends in part on how much money the Imperium is willing to spend. And that’s where things become very political indeed. With parts of Barrayar itself still undergoing active terraforming, and with the planet of Sergyar drawing off immigrants from both the worlds damned near as fast as they can board ship, some members of the government are wondering openly why we are spending so much Imperial treasure dinking with such a marginal world as Komarr.”

Ekaterin could not tell from his measured tone whether he agreed with those members or not. Startled, she said, “The terraforming of Komarr was going on for three centuries before we conquered it. We can hardly stop now.”

“So are we throwing good money after bad?” Vorkosigan shrugged, declining to answer his own question. “There’s a second layer of thinking, a purely military one. Restricting the population to the domes makes Komarr more militarily vulnerable. Why give the citizenry of a conquered world extra territory in which to fall back and regroup? This line of thought makes the interesting assumption that three hundred or so years from now, when the terraforming is at last complete, the populations of Komarr and Barrayar will still not have assimilated each other. If they did, then they would be our domes, and we certainly wouldn’t want them to be vulnerable, eh?”

He paused for a bite of bread and stew, washed down by wine, then went on, “Since assimilation is Gregor’s avowed policy, and he’s putting his Imperial person where his policy is… the question of motivation for sabotage becomes, er, complex. Could the saboteurs have been isolationist Barrayarans? Komarran extremists? Either, hoping to publicly throw the blame on the other? How emotionally attached is the average Komarran-in-the-dome to a goal whom none now living will ever survive to see realized, or would they rather save the money today? Sabotage versus accident makes no engineering difference, but does make a profound political one.” He and Uncle Vorthys exchanged a wry look.

“So I watch, and listen, and wait,” Vorkosigan concluded. He turned to Tien. “And how do you like Komarr, Administrator Vorsoisson?”

Tien grinned, and shrugged. “It’s all right except for the Komarrans. I’ve found them a damned touchy bunch.”

Vorkosigan’s brows twitched up. “Have they no sense of humor?”

Ekaterin glanced up warily, wincing at that dry edge in his drawling voice, but apparently it slipped past Tien, who only snorted. “They’re divided about equally between the greedy and the surly. Cheating Barrayarans is considered a patriotic duty.”

Vorkosigan raised his empty wineglass to Ekaterin. “And you, Madame Vorsoisson?”

She refilled it to the top before he could stop her, cautious of her reply. If her uncle was the technical expert in this Auditorial duo, did that leave Vorkosigan as the… political one? Who was really the senior member of the team? Had Tien caught any of the subtle flashing implications in the little lord’s speech? “It hasn’t been easy to make Komarran friends. Nikolai goes to a Barrayaran school. And I have no work as such.”

“A Vor lady hardly needs to work.” Tien smiled.

“Nor a Vor lord,” added Vorkosigan, almost under his breath, “yet here we are…”

“That depends on your ability to choose the right parents,” said Tien, a touch sourly. He glanced across at Vorkosigan.

“Relieve my curiosity. Are you related to the former Lord Regent?”

“My father,” Vorkosigan replied, with quelling brevity. He did not smile.

“Then you are the Lord Vorkosigan, the Count’s heir.”

“That follows, yes.”

Vorkosigan was getting unnervingly dry, now. Ekaterin blurted, “Your upbringing must have been terribly difficult.”

“He managed,” Vorkosigan murmured.

“I meant for you!”

“Ah.” His brief smile returned, and flicked out again.

The conversation was going dreadfully awry, Ekaterin could feel it; she hardly dared open her mouth on an attempt to redirect it. Tien stepped in, or stepped in it: “Was your father the great Admiral reconciled that you couldn’t have a military career?”

“My grandfather the great General was more set on it.”

“I was a ten-years man myself, the usual. In Administration, very dull. Trust me, you didn’t miss much.” Tien waved a kindly, dismissive hand. “But not every Vor has to be a soldier these days, eh, Professor Vorthys? You’re living proof.”

“I believe Captain Vorkosigan served, um, thirteen years, was it, Miles? In Imperial Security. Galactic operations. Did you find it dull?”

Vorkosigan’s smile upon the Professor grew genuine, for an instant of time. “Not nearly dull enough.” He jerked up his chin, evidently a habitual nervous tic. For the first time Ekaterin noticed the fine white scars on either side of his short neck.

Ekaterin fled to the kitchen, to serve the dessert and give the blighted conversation time to recover. When she came out again, things had eased, or at least, Nikolai had stopped being so supernaturally good, i.e., quiet, and had struck up a negotiation with his great-uncle for after-dinner attention in the form of a round of his current favorite game. This carried them through till the rental company arrived at the front door with the grav-bed, and the great engineer went off with the whole male mob to oversee its installation. Ekaterin turned gratefully to the soothing routine of cleaning up.

Tien returned to report success and the Vor lord suitably settled.

“Tien, were you watching that fellow closely?” asked Ekaterin. “A mutie, a mutie Vor, yet he carried on as if nothing were the least out of the ordinary. If he can…” she trailed off hopefully, leaving the surely you can for Tien to conclude.

Tien frowned. “Don’t start that again. It’s obvious he doesn’t think the rules apply to him. He’s Aral Vorkosigan’s son, for God’s sake. Practically the Emperor’s foster brother. No wonder he got this cushy Imperial appointment.”

“I don’t think so, Tien. Were you listening to him at all?” All those undercurrents… “I think… I think he’s the Emperor’s hatchet man, sent to judge the whole Terraforming Project. Powerful… maybe dangerous.”

Tien shook his head. “His father was powerful and dangerous. He’s just privileged. Damned high Vor twit. Don’t worry about him. Your uncle will take him away soon enough.”

“I’m not worried about him.”

Tien’s face darkened. “I’m getting so tired of this! You argue with everything I say, you practically insult my intelligence in front of your so-noble relative”

“I didn’t!” Did I? She began a confused mental review of her evening’s remarks. What in the world had she said, to set him on edge like this.

“Just because you’re the great Auditor’s niece doesn’t make you anybody, girl! This is disloyalty, that’s what it is.”

“No-no, I’m sorry”

But he was already stalking out. There would be a cold silence between them tonight. She almost ran after him, to beg his forgiveness. He was under a lot of pressure at work, it was very ill-timed of her to push for a resolution to his medical dilemma now… But she was abruptly too weary to try anymore. She finished putting away the last of the food, and took the leftover half bottle of wine and a glass out onto the balcony. She turned off the cheery colored plant lights and just sat in the dim reflected illumination from the sealed Komarran city. The crippled star-flake of the insolation mirror had almost reached the western horizon, following the true-sun into night as the planet turned.

A white shape moved silently in the kitchen, briefly startling her. But it was only the mutie lord, who had shed his elegant gray tunic and, apparently, his boots. He stuck his head through the unsealed doors. “Hello?”

“Hello, Lord Vorkosigan. I’m just out here watching the mirror set. Would you, um, care for some more wine…? Here, I’ll get you a glass.”

“No, don’t get up, Madame Vorsoisson. I’ll fetch it.” His pale smile winked out of the shadows at her. A few muted clinks came from within, then he trod silently onto the balcony. She poured, good hostess, generously into the glass he set beside her own, then he took it up again and went to the railing to study what could be seen of the sky past the girders of the dome.

“It’s the best aspect of this location,” she said. “This bit of western view.” The mirror-array was magnified by the atmosphere close to the horizon, but its normal evening color-effects in the wispy clouds were dimmed by its damage. “Mirror-set’s usually much prettier than this.” She sipped her wine, cool and sweet on her tongue, and felt herself finally starting to become a little furry in the brain. Furry was good. Soothing.

“I can see that it must be,” he agreed, still staring out. He drank deeply. Had he switched, then, from resisting sleep through alcohol to pursuing it?

“This horizon is so crowded and cluttered, compared to home. I’m afraid I find these sealed arcologies a touch claustrophobic.”

“And where is home, for you?” He turned to watch her.

“South Continent. Vandeville.”

“So you grew up around terraforming.”

“The Komarrans would say, that wasn’t terraforming, that was just soil conditioning.” He chuckled along with her, at her deadpan rendition of Komarran techno-snobbery. She continued, “They’re right, of course. It wasn’t as though we had to start by spending half a millennium altering an entire planet’s atmosphere. The only thing that made it hard for us, back in the Time of Isolation, was trying to do it with practically no technology. Still… I loved the open spaces at home. I miss that wide sky, horizon to horizon.”

“That’s true in any city, domed or not. So you’re a country girl?”

“In part. Though I liked Vorbarr Sultana when I was at university. It had other kinds of horizons.”

“Did you study botany? I noticed the library rack on the wall of your plant room. Impressive.”

“No. It’s just a hobby.”

“Oh? I could have mistaken it for a passion. Or a profession.”

“No. I didn’t know what I wanted, then.”

“Do you know now?”

She laughed a little, uneasily. When she didn’t answer, he merely smiled, and strolled along the balcony examining her plantings. He stopped before the skellytum, squatting in its pot like some bright red alien Buddha, tendrils raised in a pose of placid supplication. “I have to ask,” he said plaintively, “what is this thing?”

“It’s a bonsai’d skellytum.”

“Really! That’s a — I didn’t know you could do that to a skellytum. They’re usually five meters tall. And a really ugly brown.”

“I had a great aunt, on my father’s side, who loved gardening. I used to help her when I was a girl. She was very much a crusty old frontier woman, very Vor-she’d come to the South Continent right after the Cetagandan War. Survived a succession of husbands, survived… well, everything. I inherited the skellytum from her. It’s the only plant I brought to Komarr from Barrayar. It’s over seventy years old.”

“Good God.”

“It’s the complete tree, fully functional.”

“And — ha!— short.”

She was afraid for a moment that she’d inadvertently offended him, but apparently not. He finished his inspection, and returned to the railing, and his wine. He stared out again at the western horizon, and the sinking mirror, his brows lowering.

He had a presence which, by ignoring his elusive physical peculiarities himself, defied the observer to dare comment. But the little lord had had all his life to adjust to his condition. Not like the hideous surprise Tien had found among his late brother’s papers, and subsequently confirmed for himself and Nikolai through carefully secret testing. You can get tested anonymously, she had argued. But I can’t get treated anonymously, he had countered.

Since coming to Komarr, she’d been so close to defying custom, law, and her lord-and-husband’s orders, and unilaterally taking his son and heir for treatment. Would the Komarran doctors know a Vor mother was not her son’s legal guardian? Maybe she could pretend the genetic defect had come from her, not from Tien? But the geneticists, if they were any good, would surely figure out the truth.

After a while, she said elliptically, “A Vor man’s first loyalty is supposed to be to his Emperor, but a Vor woman’s first loyalty is supposed to be to her husband.”

“Historically and legally, that’s so.” His voice was amused, or bemused, as he turned again to watch her. “This was not always to her disadvantage. When he was executed for treason, she was presumed to be only following orders, and got off. Actually, I wonder if the underlying practical reason was that an underpopulated world just couldn’t spare her labor.”

“Haven’t you ever found that oddly asymmetrical?”

“But simpler for her. Most women usually only had one husband at a time, but the Vor were all too frequently presented with a choice of emperors, and where was your loyalty then? Bad guesses could be lethal. Though when my grandfather General Piotr-and his army-abandoned Mad Emperor Yuri for Emperor Ezar, it was lethal for Yuri. Good for Barrayar, though.”

She sipped again. From where she sat, he was silhouetted against the darkening dome, shadowed, enigmatic. “Indeed. Is your passion politics, then?”

“God, no! I don’t think so.”


“Only in passing.” He hesitated. “It used to be the military.”

“Used to be?”

“Used to be,” he repeated firmly.

“And now?”

It was his turn to not answer. He stared down at his glass, tilting it to make the last of the wine swirl about. He finally said, “In Barrayaran political theory, it all connects. The ordinary subjects are loyal to their Counts, the Counts are loyal to the Emperor, and the Emperor, presumably, is loyal to the whole Imperium, the body of the Empire in the form of all its, er, bodies. Here I find it grows a trifle abstract for my taste; how can he be answerable to all, yet not answerable to each? And so we arrive back at square one.” He drained his glass. “How do we be true to one another?”

I don’t know anymore…

Silence fell, as they both watched the last glint of mirror slip behind the hills. A pale glow in the sky still haloed its passing for a minute or two longer.

“Well. I’m afraid I’m getting rather drunk.” He did not seem that drunk to her, but he rolled his glass between his hands and pushed off from the balcony rail against which he’d been leaning. “Goodnight, Madame Vorsoisson.”

“Goodnight, Lord Vorkosigan. Sleep well.”

He carried his glass in with him and vanished into the darkened apartment.


Miles floundered from a dream of his hostess’s hair which, if not exactly erotic, was embarrassingly sensual. Unbound from the severe style she’d favored yesterday, it had revealed itself a rich dark brown with amber highlights, a mass of silk flowing coolly through his stubby hands-he presumed they were his hands, it had been his dream, after all. I woke up too soon. Rats. At least the vision had not been tinged with any of the gory grotesqueries of his occasional nightmares, from which he came awake cold and damp, with heart racing. He was warm and comfortable, in the silly elaborate grav-bed she had insisted on producing for him.

It wasn’t Madame Vorsoisson’s fault that she happened to belong to a certain physical type that set off old resonances in Miles’s memory. Some men harbored obsessions about much stranger things… his own fixation, he had long ago ruefully recognized, was on long cool brunettes with expressions of quiet reserve and warm alto voices. True, on a world where people altered their faces and bodies almost as casually as they altered their wardrobes, there was nothing in the least unusual about her beauty. Till one remembered she wasn’t from here, and realized her ivory-skinned features were almost certainly untouched by modification… Had she recognized his idiot-babble, last night on her balcony, as suppressed sexual panic? Had that odd remark about a Vor woman’s duties been an oblique warning to him to back off? But he hadn’t been on, he didn’t think. Was he that transparent?

Miles had realized within five minutes of his arrival that he should probably not have let the genial and expansive Vorthys bully him into accompanying him downside, but the man seemed constitutionally incapable of not sharing a treat. That the pleasures of this family reunion might not be equally enjoyed by an awkward outsider-or the family into which he’d been thrust-had clearly never occurred to the Professor.

Miles sighed envy of his host. Administrator Vorsoisson seemed to have achieved a perfect little Vor clan. Of course, he’d had the wit to start a decade ago. The arrival of galactic sex-selection technologies had resulted in a shortage of female births on Barrayar. This dearth of women had reached its lowest ebb in Miles’s generation, though parents seemed to be coming back to their senses now. Still, every Vor woman Miles knew close to his own age was already married, and had been for years. Was he going to have to wait another twenty years for his own bride?

If necessary. No lusting after married women, boy. You’re an Imperial Auditor now. The nine Imperial Auditors were expected to be models of rectitude and respectability. He could not recall ever hearing of any kind of sex scandal touching one of Emperor Gregor’s handpicked agent-observers. Of course not. All the rest of the Auditors are eighty years old and have been married for fifty of ’em. He snorted. Besides, she probably thought he was a mutant, though thankfully she’d been too polite to say so. To his face.

So find out if she has a sister, eh?

He wallowed out of the grav-bed’s indolence-inducing clutches and sat up, forcing his mind to switch gears. At a conservative guess, a couple hundred thousand words of new data on the soletta accident and its consequences would be incoming this shift. He would, he decided, start with a cold shower.

No comfortable ship-knits today. After selecting among the three new formal civilian suits he’d packed along from Barrayar-in shades of gray, gray, and gray-Miles combed his damp hair neatly and sauntered out to Madame Vorsoisson’s kitchen, from which voices and the perfume of coffee wafted. There he found Nikolai munching Barrayaran-style groats and milk, Administrator Vorsoisson fully dressed and apparently on the verge of leaving, and Professor Vorthys, still in pajamas, sorting through a new array of data disks and frowning. A glass of pink fruit juice sat untasted at his elbow. He looked up and said, “Ah, good morning, Miles. Glad you’re up,” seconded by Vorsoisson’s polite, “Good morning, Lord Vorkosigan. I trust you slept well?”

“Fine, thanks. What’s up, Professor?”

“Your comm link arrived from ImpSec’s local office.” Vorthys pointed to the device beside his plate. “I notice they didn’t send me one.”

Miles grimaced. “Your father was not so famous in the Komarran conquest.”

“True,” agreed Vorthys. “The old gentleman fell in that odd generation between the wars, too young to fight the Cetagandans, too old to aggress on the poor Komarrans. This lack of military opportunity was a source of great personal regret to him, we children were given to understand.”

Miles strapped the comm link onto his left wrist. It represented a compromise between himself and ImpSec Serifosa, which would otherwise be responsible for his health here. ImpSec had wanted to err on the side of caution and surround him with an inconvenient mob of bodyguards. Miles had ventured to test his Imperial Auditor’s authority by ordering them to stay out of his hair; to his delight, it had worked. But the link gave him a straight line to ImpSec, and tracked his location-he tried not to feel like an experimental animal released into the wild. “And what are those?” He nodded to the data disks.

Vorthys spread the disks like a bad hand of cards. “The morning courier also brought us recordings of last night’s haul of new bits. And something especially for you, since you kindly volunteered to take over the review of the medical end of things. A new preliminary autopsy.”

“They finally found the pilot?” Miles relieved him of the disks.

Vorthys grimaced. “Parts of her.”

Madame Vorsoisson entered from the balcony in time to hear this. “Oh, dear.” She was dressed as yesterday in Komarran-style street wear in dull earthy tones: loose trousers, blouse, and long vest, muffling whatever figure she possessed. She would have been brilliant in red, or breathtaking in pale blue, with those blue eyes… her hair this morning was soberly tied back again, rather to Miles’s relief. It would have been unnerving to think he was developing some form of precognition as a result of his late injuries, along with his damned seizures.

Miles nodded good morning to her and carefully returned his attention to Vorthys. “I must have been sleeping well. I didn’t hear the courier come in. You’ve reviewed them already?”

“Just a glance.”

“What parts of the pilot did they find?” asked Nikolai, interested.

“Never you mind, young man,” said his great-uncle firmly.

“Thank you,” murmured Madame Vorsoisson to him.

“That makes the last body, though. Good,” said Miles. “It’s so distressing for the relatives when they lose one altogether. When I was-” He cut off the rest, When I was a covert ops fleet commander, we’d move the heavens to try and get the bodies of our casualties back to their people. That chapter of his life was closed, now.

Madame Vorsoisson, splendid woman, handed him black coffee. She then inquired what her guests would like for breakfast; Miles maneuvered Vorthys into answering first, and volunteered for groats along with him. As she bustled around serving, and mopping up after Nikolai, Administrator Vorsoisson said, “My department’s presentation will be ready for you this afternoon, Auditor Vorthys. This morning Ekaterin wondered if you would like to see Nikolai’s school. And after the presentation, perhaps there will be time for a flyover of some of our projects.”

“Sounds like a fine itinerary.” Professor Vorthys smiled at Nikolai. In all the hustle of their hurried departure from Barrayar, he-or perhaps the Professora-had not forgotten a gift for his great-nephew. I should have brought something for the kid, Miles decided belatedly. Surest way to please a mother. “Ah, Miles…?”

Miles tapped the stack of data disks beside his bowl. “I suspect I’ll have enough to occupy myself here this morning. Madame Vorsoisson, I noticed a comconsole in your workroom; may I use it?”

“Certainly, Lord Vorkosigan.”

With a polite murmur about getting things in order for them at his department, Vorsoisson took his leave, and the breakfast party broke up shortly thereafter, each to their assorted destinations. Miles, new disks in hand, returned to Madame Vorsoisson’s workroom/guest room.

He paused before seating himself at her comconsole, to stare out the sealed window at the park, and the transparent dome arcing over it to let in the free solar energy. Komarr’s wan sun was not directly visible, risen to the east behind this apartment block, but the line of its morning light crept across the far edge of the park. The damaged insolation mirror, following it, had not yet risen over the horizon to double the shadows it cast.

So does this mean seven thousand years bad luck?

He sighed, darkened the window’s polarization-scarcely necessary-seated himself at the comconsole, and began feeding it data disks. A couple of dozen good-sized new pieces of wreckage had been retrieved overnight; he ran the vids of them turning in space as the salvage ships approached. Theory was, if you could find every fragment, take precise recordings of all their spins and trajectories, and then run them backward, you could end up with a computer-generated picture of the very moment of the disaster, and so diagnose its cause. Real life never worked out quite that neatly, alas, but every little bit helped. ImpSec Komarr was still canvassing the orbital transfer stations for any casual vid-carrying tourists who might have been panning that section of space at the time of the whatever-and-collision. Futilely by now, Miles feared; usually, such people came forward immediately, excited and wanting to be helpful.

Vorthys and the probable-cause crew were now of the opinion that the ore tow had already been in more than one piece at the moment it had struck the mirror, a speculation which had not yet been released to the general public. So had the evidence-destroying explosion of the engines been cause or consequence of that catastrophe? And at what point had those tortured fragments of metal and plastic acquired some of their more interesting distortions?

Miles reran, for the twentieth time that week, the computer’s track of the freighter’s course prior to the collision, and contemplated its anomalies. The ship had carried only its pilot, on a routine-indeed, dead boring-slow run in from the asteroid mining belt to an orbital refinery. The engines had not been supposed to be thrusting at the time of the accident; acceleration had been completed and deceleration was not yet due to begin. The tow ship had been running about five hours ahead of schedule, but only because it had departed early, not because it had boosted hotter than usual. It had been coasting off-course by about six percent, within normal parameters and not yet ready for course correction, though the pilot might have been amusing herself trying to achieve more precision with some unscheduled microboosting. Even with the minor course correction due, the tow ship’s route had been several hundred comfortable kilometers from the soletta array, in fact farther away than if it had been precisely on course.

What the course variation had done was take the freighter’s track almost directly across one of Komarr’s unused worm-hole jump points. Komarr local space was unusually rich in active jump points, a fact of strategic and historic consequence; one of the jumps was Barrayar’s only gateway to the wormhole nexus. It was for control of the jump points, not for possession of the chilly planet, that Barrayar’s invasion fleet had poured through here thirty-five years ago. As long as the Imperium’s military held that high ground, its interest in Komarr’s downside population and their problems was, at best, mild.

This jump point, however, supported neither traffic nor trade nor strategic threat. Explorations through it had dead-ended either in deep interstellar space, or close to stars that did not support either habitable planets or economically recoverable system resources. Nobody jumped out through there; nobody should have jumped in through there. The immediate vision of some unmotivated pirate-villain popping out of the worm-hole, potting the innocent ore freighter-by some weapon that left no traces, mind you-and popping back in again was currently unsupported by any evidence whatsoever, though the area had been scoured for it. It was the news media’s current favorite scenario. But none of the five-space trails generated by ships taking wormhole jumps had been detected, either.

The five-space anomaly of the jump point was not even observable by ordinary means from three-space; it should not, just sitting there, have affected the freighter in any way even if the ship had passed directly across its central vortex. The freighter was a dedicated inner-system ship, and lacked Necklin rods and jump capacity. Still… the jump point was there. Nothing else was.

Miles rubbed his neck and turned to the new autopsy report. Gruesome, as always. The pilot had been a Komarran woman in her mid-fifties. Call it Barrayaran sexism, but female corpses always bothered Miles more. Death was such a malicious destroyer of dignity. Had he looked that disordered and exposed when he’d gone down to the sniper’s fire? The pilot’s body showed the usual progression: smashed, decompressed, irradiated, and frozen, all quite typical of deep-space impact accidents. One arm torn off, somewhere in the initial crunch rather than later, judging from the close-up vids of the freezing-effects of liquids lost at the stump. It had been a quick death, anyway. Miles knew better than to add, Almost painless. No traces of illicit drugs or alcohol had been found in her frozen tissues.

The Komarran medical examiner, along with his six final reports, included a message wanting to know if he had Miles’s permission to release the bodies of the six members of the mirror’s station-keeping crew back to their waiting families.

Good God, hadn’t that been done yet? As an Imperial Auditor, he wasn’t supposed to be running this investigation, just observing and reporting on it. He did not desire his mere presence to freeze anyone’s initiative. He fired off the permission immediately, right from Madame Vorsoisson’s comconsole.

He started working his way through the six reports. They were more detailed than the prelims he’d already seen, but contained no surprises. By this time, he wanted a surprise, something, anything beyond Spaceship blows up for no reason, kills seven. Not to mention the astronomical property damage bill. With three reports assimilated, and his bland breakfast becoming a regret in his stomach, he backed out for a short period of mental recovery.

Idly, while waiting for the queasiness to pass, he sorted through Madame Vorsoisson’s data files. The one titled Virtual Gardens sounded pleasant. Perhaps she wouldn’t mind if he took a virtual stroll through them. The Water Garden enticed him. He called it up on the holovid plate before him.

It was, as he had guessed, a landscape design program. One could view it from any distance or angle, from a miniature-looking total overview to a blown-up detailed inspection of a particular planting; one could program a stroll through its paths at any given eye level. He chose his own, at ahem-mumble-something under five feet. The individual plants grew according to realistic programs taking into account light, water, gravitation, trace nutrients, and even attacks by programmed pests. This garden was about a third filled, with tentative arrangements of grasses, violets, sedges, water lilies, and horsetails; it was currently suffering an outbreak of algae. The colors and shapes stopped abruptly at the unfinished edges, as if an invasion from some alien gray geometric universe were gobbling it all up.

His curiosity piqued, in best approved ImpSec style he dropped to the program’s underlayer and checked for activity levels. The busiest recently, he discovered, was one labeled The Barrayaran Garden. He popped back up to the display level, selected his own eye-height again, and entered it.

It was not a garden of pretty Earth-plants set on some suitably famous site on Barrayar; it was a garden made up entirely and exclusively of native species, something he would not have guessed possible, let alone lovely. He’d always considered their uniform red-brown hues and stubby forms boring at best. The only Barrayaran vegetation he could identify and name offhand was that to which he was violently allergic. But Madame Vorsoisson had somehow used shape and texture to create a sepia-toned serenity. Rocks and running water framed the various plants-there was a low carmine mass of love-lies-itching, forming a border for a billowing blond stand of razor-grass, which, he had once been assured, botanically was not a grass. Nobody argued about the razor part, he’d noticed. Judging from the common names, the lost Barrayaran colonists had not loved their new xenobotany: damnweed, henbloat, goatbane… It’s beautiful. How did she make it beautiful? He’d never seen anything like it. Maybe that kind of artist’s eye was something you just had to be born with, like perfect pitch, which he also lacked.

In the Imperial capital of Vorbarr Sultana, there was a small and dull green park at the end of the block beside Vorkosigan House, on a site where another old mansion had been torn down. The little park had been leveled with more of an eye to security concerns for the neighboring Lord Regent than any aesthetic plan. Would it not be splendid, to replace it with a larger version of this glorious subtlety, and give the city-dwellers a taste of their own planetary heritage? Even if it would-he checked— take fifteen years to grow to this mature climax…

The virtual garden program was supposed to help prevent time-consuming and costly design mistakes. But when all the garden you could have was what you could pack in your luggage, he supposed it could be a hobby in its own right. It was certainly neater, tidier, and easier than the real thing. So… why did he guess she found it approximately as satisfying as looking at a holovid of dinner instead of eating it?

Or maybe she’s just homesick. Regretfully, he closed down the display.

In pure trained habit, he next called up her financial program, for a little quick analysis. It turned out to be her household account. She ran her home on a quite tight budget, given what Administrator Vorsoisson’s salary ought to be, Miles thought; her biweekly allowance was rather stingy. She didn’t spend nearly as much on her botanical hobbies as the results suggested she must. Other hobbies, other vices? The money trail was always the most revealing of people’s true pursuits; ImpSec hired the Imperium’s best accountants to find ingenious ways to hide their own activities, for that very reason. She spent damn little on clothes, except for Nikolai’s. He’d heard parents of his acquaintance complain about the cost of dressing their children, but surely this was extraordinary… wait, that wasn’t a clothing expenditure. Funds squeezed here, here, and there were all being funneled into a dedicated little private account labeled “Nikolai’s Medical.”

Why? As dependents of a Barrayaran bureaucrat on Komarr, weren’t the Vorsoissons’ medical expenses covered by the Imperium?

He called up the account. A year’s worth of savings from her household budget did not make a very impressive pile, but the pattern of contributions was steady to the point of being compulsive. Puzzled, he backed out again and called up the whole program list. Clues?

One file, down at the end of the list, had no name. He called it up immediately. It turned out to be the only thing on her comconsole which required a password for entry. Interesting.

Her comconsole program was the simplest and cheapest commercial type. ImpSec cadets dissected files like this as a class warmup exercise. A touch of homesickness of his own twinged through him. He dropped to the underlayer and had its password choked out in about five minutes. Vorzohn’s Dystrophy? Well, that wasn’t a mnemonic he would have guessed offhand. His reflexes overtook his growing unease. He had the file open simultaneously with belated second thoughts, You’re not in ImpSec anymore, you know. Should you be doing this?

The file proved to contain a medical course’s worth of articles, culled from every imaginable Barrayaran and galactic source, on the topic of one of Barrayar’s rarer and more obscure home-grown genetic disorders. Vorzohn’s Dystrophy had arisen during the Time of Isolation, principally, as its name suggested, among the Vor caste, but had not been medically identified as a mutation until the return of galactic medicine. For one thing, it lacked the sort of exterior markers that would have caused, well, him for example, to have had his throat cut at birth. It was an adult-onset disease, beginning with a bewildering variety of physical debilitations and ending with mental collapse and death. In the harsher world of Barrayar’s past, carriers frequently met their deaths from other causes after bearing or engendering children, but before the syndrome manifested itself. Enough madness ran in enough families— including some of my dear Vorrutyer ancestors-from other causes that late onset was frequently identified as something else anyway. Thoroughly nasty.

But it’s treatable now, isn’t it?

Yes, albeit expensively; that went with the rare part, no economies of scale. Miles scanned rapidly down the articles. Symptoms were manageable with a variety of costly biochemical concoctions to flush out and replace the distorted molecules; retrogenetic true cures were available at a higher price. Well, almost true cures: any progeny would still have to be screened for it, preferably at the time of fertilization and before being popped into the uterine replicator for gestation.

Hadn’t young Nikolai been gestated in a uterine replicator? Good God, Vorsoisson surely hadn’t insisted his wife-and child-go through the dangers of old-fashioned body-gestation, had he? Only a few of the most conservative Old Vor families still held out for the old ways, a custom upon which Miles’s own mother had vented the most violently acerbic criticism he’d ever heard from her lips. And she should know.

So what the hell is going on here? He sat back, mouth tight. If, as the files suggested, Nikolai was known or suspected to carry Vorzohn’s Dystrophy, one or both of his parents must also. How long had they known?

He suddenly realized what he should have noticed before, in the initial illusion of smug marital bliss which Vorsoisson managed to project. That was always the hardest part, seeing the absent pieces. About three more children were missing, that was what. Some little sisters for Nikolai, please, folks? But no. So they’ve known at least since shortly after their son was born. What a personal nightmare. But is he the carrier, or is she? He hoped it wasn’t Madame Vorsoisson; horrible to think of that serene beauty crumbling under the onslaught of such internal disruption…

I don’t want to know all this.

His idle curiosity was justly punished. This idiot snooping was surely not proper behavior for an Imperial Auditor, however much it had been inculcated in an ImpSec covert ops agent. Former agent. Where was all that shiny new Auditor’s probity now? He might as well have been sniffing in her underwear drawer. I can’t leave you alone for a damn minute, can I, boy?

He’d chafed for years under military regulations, till he’d come to a job with no written regs at all. His sense of having died and gone to heaven had lasted about five minutes. An Imperial Auditor was the Emperor’s Voice, his eyes and ears and sometimes hands, a lovely job description till you stopped to wonder just what the hell that poetic metaphor was supposed to mean.

So was it a useful test to ask himself, Can I imagine Gregor doing this or that thing? Gregor’s apparent Imperial sternness hid an almost painful personal shyness. The mind boggled. All right, should the question instead be, Could I imagine Gregor in his office as Emperor doing this? Just what acts, wrong for a private individual, were yet lawful for an Imperial Auditor carrying out his duties? Lots, according to the precedents he’d been reading. So was the real rule, “Ad lib till you make a mistake, and then we’ll destroy you”? Miles wasn’t sure he liked that one at all.

And even in his ImpSec days, slicing through someone’s private files had been a treatment reserved for enemies, or at least suspects. Well, and prospective recruits. And neutrals in whose territory you expected to be operating. And… and… he snorted self-derision. Gregor at least had better manners than ImpSec.

Thoroughly embarrassed, he closed the files, erased all tracks of his entry, and called up the next autopsy report. He studied what telltales he could glean from the bodily fragmentation. Death had a temperature, and it was damned cold. He paused to turn up the workroom’s thermostat a few degrees before continuing.


Ekaterin hadn’t realized how much a visit from an Imperial Auditor would fluster the staff of Nikolai’s school. But the Professor, a long-time educator himself, quickly made them understand this wasn’t an official inspection, and produced all the right phrases to put them at their ease. Still, she and Uncle Vorthys didn’t linger as long as Tien had suggested to her.

To burn a bit more time, she took him on a short tour of Serifosa Dome’s best spots: the prettiest gardens, the highest observation platforms, looking out across the sere Komarran landscape beyond the sealed urban sprawl. Serifosa was the capital of this planetary Sector-she still had to make an effort not to think of it as a Barrayaran-style District. Barrayaran District boundaries were more organic, higgly-piggly territories following rivers, mountain ranges, and ragged lines where Counts’ armies had lost historic battles. Komarran Sectors were neat geometric slices equitably dividing the globe. Though the so-called domes, really thousands of interconnected structures of all shapes, had lost their early geometries centuries ago, as they were built outward in random and unmatching spurts of architectural improvement.

Somewhat belatedly, she realized she ought to be dragging the engineer emeritus through the deepest utility tunnels, and the power and atmosphere cycling plants. But by then it was time for lunch. Her guided tour fetched up near her favorite restaurant, pseudo-outdoors with tables spilling out into a landscaped park under the glassed-in sky. The damaged soletta-array was now visible, creeping along the ecliptic, veiled today by thin high clouds as if ashamedly hiding its deformations.

The enormous power of the Emperor’s Voice conferred upon an Auditor hadn’t changed her uncle much, Ekaterin was pleased to note; he still retained his enthusiasm for splendid desserts, and, under her guidance, constructed his menu choices from the sweets course backwards. She couldn’t quite say “hadn’t changed him at all”; he seemed to have acquired more social caution, pausing for more than just technical calculations before he spoke. But it wasn’t as if he could entirely ignore other people’s new and exaggerated reactions to him.

They put in their orders, and she followed her uncle’s gaze upward as he briefly studied the soletta from this angle. She said, “There’s not really a danger of the Imperium abandoning the soletta project, is there? We’ll have to at least repair it. I mean… it looks so unbalanced like that.”

“In fact, it is unbalanced at present. Solar wind. They’ll have to do something about that shortly,” he replied. “I should certainly not like to see it abandoned. It was the greatest engineering achievement of the Komarrans’ colonial ancestors, apart from the domes themselves. People at their best. If it was sabotage… well, that was certainly people at their worst. Vandalism, just senseless vandalism.”

An artist describing the defacement of some great historic painting could hardly have been more vehement. Ekaterin said, “I’ve heard older Komarrans talk about how they felt when Admiral Vorkosigan’s invasion forces took over the mirror, practically the first thing. I can’t think that it had much tactical value, at the high speed at which the space battles went, but it certainly had a huge psychological impact. It was almost as if we had captured their sun itself. I think returning it to Komarran civilian control in the last few years was a very good political move. I hope this doesn’t mess that up.”

“It’s hard to say.” That new caution, again.

“There was talk of opening its observation platform to tourism again. Though now I imagine they’re relieved they hadn’t yet.”

“They still have plenty of VIP tours. I took one myself, when I was here several years ago teaching a short course at Solstice University. Fortunately, there were no visitors aboard on the day of the collision. But it should be open to the public, to be seen and to educate. Do it up right, with maybe a museum on-site explaining how it was first built. It’s a great work. Odd to think that its principal practical use is to make swamps.”

“Swamps make breathable air. Eventually.” She smiled. In her uncle’s mind the pure engineering aesthetic clearly overshadowed the messy biological end view.

“Next you’ll be defending the rats. There really are rats here, I understand?”

“Oh, yes, the dome tunnels have rats. And hamsters, and gerbils. All the children capture them for pets, which is likely where they came from in the first place, come to think of it. I do think the black-and-white rats are cute. The animal-control exterminators have to work in dead secret from their younger relatives. And we have roaches, of course, who doesn’t? And-over in Equinox-wild cockatoos. A couple of pairs of them escaped, or were let loose, several decades ago. They now have these big rainbow-colored birds all over the place, and people will feed them. The sanitation crews wanted to get rid of them, but the Dome shareholders voted them down.”

The waitress delivered their salads and iced tea, and there was a short break in the conversation while her uncle appreciated the fresh spinach, mangoes and onions, and candied pecans. She’d guessed the candied pecans would please him. The market-garden hydroponics production in Serifosa was among Komarr’s best.

She used the break to redirect the conversation toward her greatest current curiosity. “Your colleague Lord Vorkosigan— did he really have a thirteen-year career in Imperial Security?” Or were you just irritated by Tien?

“Three years in the Imperial Military Academy, a decade in ImpSec, to be precise.”

“How did he ever get in, past the physicals?”

“Nepotism, I believe. Of a sort. To give him credit, it seems to have been an advantage he used sparingly thereafter. I had the fascinating experience of reading his entire classified military record, when Gregor asked me and my fellow Auditors to review Vorkosigan’s candidacy, before he made the appointment.”

She subsided in slight disappointment. “Classified. In that case, I suppose you can’t tell me anything about it.”

“Well,” he grinned around a mouthful of salad, “there was the Dagoola IV episode. You must have heard of it, that giant breakout from the Cetagandan prisoner-of-war camp that the Marilacans made a few years ago?”

She recalled it only dimly. She’d been heads-down in motherhood, about that time, and scarcely paid attention to news, especially any so remote as galactic news. But she nodded encouragement for him to go on.

“It’s all old history now. I understand from Vorkosigan that the Marilacans are engaged in producing a holovid drama on the subject. The Greatest Escape, or something like that, they’re calling it. They tried to hire him-or actually, his cover identity-to be a technical consultant on the script, an opportunity he has regretfully declined. But for ImpSec to retain security classification upon a series of events that the Marilacans are simultaneously dramatizing planetwide strikes me as a bit rigid, even for ImpSec. In any case, Vorkosigan was the Barrayaran agent behind that breakout.”

“I didn’t even know we had an agent behind that.”

“He was our man on-site.”

So that odd joke about snoring Marilacans… hadn’t been. Quite. “If he was so good, why did he quit?”

“Hm.” Her uncle applied himself to mopping up the last of his salad dressing with his multigrain roll, before replying. “I can only give you an edited version of that. He didn’t quit voluntarily. He was very badly injured-to the point of requiring cryo-freezing-a couple of years ago. Both the original injury and the cryo-freeze did him a lot of damage, some of it permanent. He was forced to take a medical discharge, which he-hm!-did not handle well. It’s not my place to discuss those details.”

“If he was injured badly enough to need cryo-freeze, he was dead!” she said, startled.

“Technically, I suppose so. ‘Alive’ and ‘dead’ are not such neat categories as they used to be in the Time of Isolation.”

So, her uncle was in possession of just the sort of medical information about Vorkosigan’s mutations she most wanted to know, if he had paid any attention to it. Military physicals were thorough.

“So rather than let all that training and experience go to waste,” Uncle Vorthys went on, “Gregor found a job for Vorkosigan on the civilian side. Most Auditorial duties are not too physically onerous… though I confess, it’s been useful to have someone younger and thinner than myself to send out-station for those long inspections in a pressure suit. I’m afraid I’ve abused his endurance a bit, but he’s proved very observant.”

“So he really is your assistant?”

“By no means. What fool said that? All Auditors are coequal. Seniority is only good for getting one stuck with certain administrative chores, on the rare occasions when we act as a group. Vorkosigan, being a well-brought-up young man, is polite to my white hairs, but he’s an independent Auditor in his own right, and goes just where he pleases. At present it pleases him to study my methods. I shall certainly take the opportunity to study his.

“Our Imperial charge doesn’t come with a manual, you see. It was once proposed the Auditors create one for themselves, but they-wisely, I think-concluded it would do more harm than good. Instead, we just have our archives of Imperial reports; precedents, without rules. Lately, several of us more recent appointees have been trying to read a few old reports each week, and then meet for dinner to discuss the cases and analyze how they were handled. Fascinating. And delicious. Vorkosigan has the most extraordinary cook.”

“But this is his first assignment, isn’t it? And… he was designated just like that, on the Emperor’s whim.”

“He had a temporary appointment as a Ninth Auditor first. A very difficult assignment, inside ImpSec itself. Not my kind of thing at all.”

She was not totally oblivious to the news. “Oh, dear. Did he have anything to do with why ImpSec changed chiefs twice last winter?”

“I so much prefer engineering investigations,” her uncle observed mildly.

Their vat-chicken salad sandwiches arrived, while Ekaterin absorbed this deflection. What kind of reassurance was she seeking, after all? Vorkosigan disturbed her, she had to admit, with his cool smile and warm eyes, and she couldn’t say why. He did tend to the sardonic. Surely she was not subconsciously prejudiced against mutants, when Nikolai himself… In the Time of Isolation, if such a one as Vorkosigan had been born to me, it would have been my maternal duty to the genome to cut his infant throat.

Nikki, happily, would have escaped my cleansing. For a while.

The Time of Isolation is over forever. Thank God.

“I gather you like Vorkosigan,” she began once again to angle for the kind of information she sought.

“So does your aunt. The Professora and I had him to dinner a few times, last winter, which is where Vorkosigan came up with the notion of the discussion meetings, come to think of it. I know he’s rather quiet at first-cautious, I think-but he can be very witty, once you get him going.”

“Does he amuse you?” Amusing had certainly not been her first impression.

He swallowed another bite of sandwich, and glanced up again at the white irregular blur in the clouds now marking the position of the soletta. “I taught engineering for thirty years. It had its drudgeries. But each year, I had the pleasure of finding in my classes a few of the best and brightest, who made it all worthwhile.” He sipped spiced tea and spoke more slowly. “But much less often-every five or ten years at most-a true genius would turn up among my students, and the pleasure became a privilege, to be treasured for life.”

“You think he’s a genius?” she said, raising her eyebrows. The high Vor twit?

“I don’t know him quite well enough, yet. But I suspect so, a part of the time.”

“Can you be a genius part of the time?”

“All the geniuses I ever met were so just part of the time. To qualify, you only have to be great once, you know. Once when it matters. Ah, dessert. My, this is splendid!” He applied himself happily to a large chocolate confection with whipped cream and more pecans.

She wanted personal data, but she kept getting career synopses. She would have to take a more embarrassingly direct path. While arranging her first spoonful of her spiced apple tart and ice cream, she finally worked up her nerve to ask, “Is he married?”


“That surprises me.” Or did it? “He’s high Vor, heavens, the highest-he’ll be a District Count someday, won’t he? He’s wealthy, or so I would assume, he has an important position…” She trailed off. What did she want to say? What’s wrong with him that he hasn’t acquired his own lady by now? What kind of genetic damage made him like that, and was it from his mother or his father? Is he impotent, is he sterile, what does he really look like under those expensive clothes? Is he hiding more serious deformities? Is he homosexual? Would it be safe to leave Nikolai alone with him? She couldn’t say any of that, and her oblique hints weren’t eliciting anything even close to the answers she sought. Drat it, she wouldn’t have had this kind of trouble getting the pertinent information if she’d been talking to the Professora.

“He’s been out of the Empire most of the past decade,” he said, as if that explained something.

“Does he have siblings?” Normal brothers or sisters?


That’s a bad sign.

“Oh, I take that back,” Uncle Vorthys added. “Not in the usual sense, I should say. He has a clone. Doesn’t look like him, though.”

“That-if he’s a-I don’t understand.”

“You’ll have to get Vorkosigan to explain it to you, if you’re curious. It’s complicated even by his standards. I haven’t met the fellow myself yet.” Around a mouthful of chocolate and cream, he added, “Speaking of siblings, were you planning any more for Nikolai? Your family is going to be very stretched out, if you wait much longer.”

She smiled in panic. Dare she tell him? Tien’s accusation of betrayal seared her memory, but she was so tired, exhausted, sick to death of the stupid secrecy. If only her aunt were here…

She was dully conscious of her contraceptive implant, the one bit of galactic techno-culture Tien had embraced without question. It gave her a galactic’s sterility without a galactic’s freedom. Modern women gladly traded the deadly lottery of fertility for the certainties of health and result that came with the use of the uterine replicator, but Tien’s obsession with concealment had barred her from that reward too. Even if he was somatically cured, his germ-cells would not be, and any progeny would still have to be genetically screened. Did he mean to cut off all future children? When she’d tried to discuss the issue, he’d put her off with an airy, First things first; when she’d persisted, he’d become angry, accusing her of nagging and selfishness. That was always effective at shutting her up.

She skittered sideways to her uncle’s question. “We’ve moved around so much. I kept waiting for things to get settled with Tien’s career.”

“He does seem to have been rather, ah, restless.” He raised his eyebrows at her, inviting… what?

“I… won’t pretend that hasn’t been difficult.” That was true enough. Thirteen different jobs in a decade. Was this normal for a rising bureaucrat? Tien said it was a necessity, no bosses ever promoted from within or raised a former subordinate above them; you had to go around to move up. “We’ve moved eight times. I’ve abandoned six gardens, so far. The last two relocations, I just didn’t plant anything except in pots. And then I had to leave most of the pots, when we came here.”

Maybe Tien would stay with this Komarran post. How could he ever garner the rewards of promotion and seniority, the status he hungered for, if he never stuck with one thing long enough to earn any? His first few postings, she’d had to agree with him, had been mediocre; she’d had no problem understanding why he wanted to move on quickly. A young couple’s early life was supposed to be unsettled, as they stretched into their new lives as adults. Well, as she’d stretched into hers; she’d been only twenty, after all. Tien had been thirty when they’d married…

He’d started every new job with a burst of enthusiasm, working hard, or at least, very long hours. Surely no one could work harder. Then the enthusiasm dwindled, and the complaints began, of too much work, too little reward, offered too slowly. Lazy coworkers, smarmy bosses. At least, so he said. That had become her secret danger signal, when Tien began offering sly sexual slander of his superiors; it meant the job was about to end, again. A new one would be found… though it seemed to take longer and longer to find a new one, these days. And his enthusiasm would flame up again, and the cycle would begin anew. But her hypersensitized ear had picked up no bad signs so far in this job, and they’d been here nearly a year already. Maybe Tien had finally found his— what had Vorkosigan called it? His passion. This was the best posting he’d ever achieved; perhaps things were finally starting to break into good fortune, for a change. If she just stuck it out long enough, it would get better, virtue would be rewarded. And… with this Vorzohn’s Dystrophy thing hanging over them, Tien had good reason for impatience. His time was not unlimited.

And yours is? She blinked that thought away.

“Your aunt was not sure if things were working out happily for you. Do you dislike Komarr?”

“Oh, I like Komarr just fine,” she said quickly. “I admit, I’ve been a little homesick, but that’s not the same thing as not liking being here.”

“She did think you would seize the opportunity to place Nikki in a Komarran school, for the, as she would say, cultural experience. Not that his school we saw this morning isn’t very nice, of course, which I shall report back for her reassurance, I promise.”

“I was tempted. But being a Barrayaran, an off-worlder, in a Komarran classroom might have been difficult for Nikki. You know how kids can gang up on anyone who’s different, at that age. Tien thought this private school would be much better. A lot of the high Vor families in the Sector send their children there. He thought Nikki could make good connections.”

“I did not have the impression that Nikki was socially ambitious.” His dryness was mitigated by a slight twinkle.

How was she to respond to that? Defend a choice she did not herself agree with? Admit she thought Tien wrong? If she once began complaining about Tien, she wasn’t sure she could stop before her most fearful worries began to pour out. And people complaining about their spouses always looked and sounded so ugly. “Well, connections for me, at least.” Not that she had been able to muster the energy to pursue them as assiduously as Tien thought she ought.

“Ah. It’s good you’re making friends.”

“Yes, well… yes.” She scraped at the last of the apple syrup on her plate.

When she looked up, she noticed a good-looking young Komarran man who had stopped by the outer gate to the restaurant’s patio and was staring at her. After a moment, he entered and approached their table. “Madame Vorsoisson?” he said uncertainly.

“Yes?” she said warily.

“Oh, good, I thought I recognized you. My name is Andro Farr. We met at the Winterfair reception for the Serifosa terraforming employees a few months ago, do you remember?”

Dimly. “Oh, yes. You were somebody’s guest…?”

“Yes. Marie Trogir. She’s an engineering tech in the Waste Heat Management department. Or she was… Do you know her? I mean, has she ever talked with you?”

“No, not really.” Ekaterin had met the young Komarran woman perhaps three times, at carefully choreographed Project events. She had usually been too conscious of herself as a representative of Tien, of the need to cordially meet and greet everyone, to get into any very intimate conversations. “Had she intended to talk to me?”

The young man slumped in disappointment. “I don’t know. I thought you might have been friends, or at least acquaintances. I’ve talked to all her friends I can find.”

“Urn… oh?” Ekaterin was not at all sure she wished to encourage this conversation.

Farr seemed to sense her wariness; he flushed slightly. “Excuse me. I seem to have found myself in a rather painful domestic situation, and I don’t know why. It took me by surprise. But… but you see… about six weeks ago, Marie told me she was going out of town on a field project for her department, and would be back in about five weeks, but she wasn’t sure exactly. She didn’t give me any comconsole codes to reach her, she said she’d probably not be able to call, and not to worry.”

“Do you, um, live with her?”

“Yes. Anyway, time went by, and time went by, and I didn’t hear… I finally called her department head, Administrator Soudha. He was vague. In fact, I think he gave me a run-around. So I went down there in person and asked around.

When I finally pinned him, he said,” Farr swallowed, “she’d resigned abruptly six weeks ago and left. So had her engineering boss, Radovas, the one she’d said she was going on the field project with. Soudha seemed to think they’d… left together. It makes no sense.”

The idea of running away from a relationship and leaving no forwarding address made perfect sense to Ekaterin, but it was hardly her place to say so. Who knew what profound dissatisfactions Farr had failed to detect in his lady? “I’m sorry. I know nothing about this. Tien never mentioned it.”

“I’m sorry to bother you, Madame.” He hesitated, balanced upon turning away.

“Have you talked to Madame Radovas?” Ekaterin asked tentatively.

“I tried. She refused to talk with me.”

That, too, was understandable, if her middle-aged husband had run off with a younger and prettier woman.

“Have you filed a missing person report with Dome Security?” Uncle Vorthys inquired. Ekaterin realized she hadn’t introduced him and, on reflection, decided to leave it that way.

“I wasn’t sure. I think I’m about to.”

“Mm,” said Ekaterin. Did she really want to encourage the fellow to persecute this girl? She had apparently got away clean. Had she chosen this cruel method of ending their relationship because she was a twit, or because he was a monster? There was no way to tell from the outside. You could never tell what secret burdens anyone carried, concealed by their bright smiles.

“She left all her things. She left her cats. I don’t know what to do with them,” he said rather piteously.

Ekaterin had heard of desperate women leaving everything up to and including their children, but Uncle Vorthys put in, “That does seem odd. I’d go to Security if I were you, if only to put your mind at ease. You can always apologize later, if necessary.”

“I… I think I might. Good day, Madame Vorsoisson. Sir.” He ran his hands through his hair, and let himself back out the little fake wrought-iron gate to the park.

“Perhaps we ought to be getting back,” Ekaterin suggested as the young man turned out of sight. “Should we take Lord Vorkosigan some lunch? They’ll make up a carry-out.”

“I’m not sure he notices missing meals, when he’s wound up in a problem, but it does seem only fair.”

“Do you know what he likes?”

“Anything, I would imagine.”

“Does he have any food allergies?”

“Not as far as I know.”

She made a hasty selection of a suitably balanced and nutritious meal, hoping that the prettily-arranged vegetables wouldn’t end up in the waste disposer. With males, you never knew. When the order was delivered, they took their leave, and Ekaterin led the way to the nearest bubble-car station to get back to her own dome section. She still had no clear idea how Vorkosigan had so successfully handled his mutant-status on their mutagen-scarred homeworld, except, perhaps, by pursuing most of his career off it. Was that likely to be any help to Nikolai?


Etienne Vorsoisson’s bureaucratic domain occupied two floors partway up a sealed tower otherwise devoted to local Serifosa Dome government offices. The tower, on the edge of the dome-sprawl, was not housed inside any other atmosphere-containing structure. Miles eyed the glass-roofed atrium with disfavor as they ascended a curving escalator within it. He swore his ear detected a faint, far off whistle of air escaping some less-than-tight seal. “So what happens if somebody lobs a rock through a window?” he murmured to the Professor, a step behind him.

“Not much,” Vorthys murmured back. “It would vent a pretty noticeable draft, but the pressure differential just isn’t that great.”

“True.” Serifosa Dome was not really like a space installation, despite occasional misleading similarities of architecture. They made the air in here from the air out there, for the most part. Vent shafts spotted all over the dome complex sucked in Komarr’s free volatiles, filtered out the excess carbon dioxide and some trace nasties, passed the nitrogen through unaltered, and concentrated the oxygen to a humanly-bearable mix. The percentage of oxygen in Komarr’s raw atmosphere was still too low to support a large mammal without the technological aid of a breath mask, but the absolute amount remained a vast reservoir compared to the volume of even the most extensive dome complexes. “As long as their power system keeps running.”

They stepped from the escalator and followed Vorsoisson into a corridor branching off the central atrium. The sight of a case of emergency breath masks affixed to a wall next to a fire extinguisher reassured Miles slightly, in passing, that the Komarrans here were not completely oblivious to their routine hazards. Though the case looked suspiciously dusty; had it ever been used since it had been installed, however many years ago? Or checked? If this were a military inspection, Miles could amuse himself by stopping the party right now, and tearing the case apart to determine if the masks’ power and reservoir levels still fell within spec. As an Imperial Auditor, he could also do so, of course, or take any other action which struck his fancy. When a younger man, his besetting sin had been his impulsiveness. In the dark doubts of night, Miles sometimes wondered if Emperor Gregor had quite thought through his most recent Auditorial appointment. Power was supposed to corrupt, but this felt more like being a kid turned loose in a candy store. Control yourself, boy.

The mask case fell behind without incident. Vorsoisson, as tour guide, continued to point out the offices of his various subordinate departments, without, however, inviting his visitors inside. Not that there was that much to see in these administrative headquarters. The real interest, and the real work, lay outside the domes altogether, in experimental stations and plots and pockets of biota all over Serifosa Sector. All Miles would find in these bland rooms were… com-consoles. And Komarrans, of course, lots of Komarrans.

“This way, my lords.” Vorsoisson shepherded them into a comfortably spacious room featuring a large round holovid projection table. The place looked, and smelled, like every other conference chamber Miles had ever been in for military and security briefings and debriefings during his truncated career. More of the same. I predict my greatest challenge this afternoon will be to stay awake. A half a dozen men and women sat waiting, nervously fingering recording pads and vid disks, and a couple more scurried in behind the two Auditors with murmured apologies. Vorsoisson indicated seats set aside for the visitors, at his right and left hand. With a brief general smile of greeting, Miles settled in.

“Lord Auditor Vorthys, Lord Vorkosigan, may I present the department heads of the Serifosa branch of the Komarr Terraforming Project.” Vorsoisson went round the table, naming each attendee and their department, which under the three basic branches of Accounting, Operations, and Research included such evocative titles as Carbon Draw-down, Hydrology, Greenhouse Gases, Tests Plots, Waste Heat Management, and Microbial Reclassification. Native-born Komarrans, every one; Vorsoisson was the only Barrayaran expatriate among them. Vorsoisson remained standing and turned to one of the newcomers. “My lords, may I also present Ser Venier, my administrative assistant. Vennie has organized a general presentation for you, after which my staff will be happy to answer any further questions.”

Vorsoisson sat down. Venier nodded to each Auditor and murmured something inaudible. He was a slight man, shorter than Vorsoisson, with intent brown eyes and an unfortunate weak chin which, together with his nervous air, lent him the look of a slightly manic rabbit. He took the holovid control podium, and rubbed his hands together, and stacked and restacked his pile of data disks before selecting one, then putting it back down. He cleared his throat and found his voice. “My lords. It was suggested I start with a historical overview.” He nodded to each of them again, his glance lingering for a moment on Miles. He inserted a disk in his machine, and started an attractive, i.e., artistically enhanced, view of Komarr spinning over the vid plate. “The early explorers of the wormhole nexus found Komarr a likely candidate for possible terraforming. Our almost point-nine-standard gravity and abundant native supply of gaseous nitrogen, the inert buffer gas of choice, and of sufficient water-ice, made it an immensely easier problem to tackle than such classic cold dry planets as, say, Mars.”

They had indeed been early explorers, Miles reflected, to arrive and settle before more salubrious worlds were found to render such ambitious projects economically uninteresting, at least if you didn’t already live there. But… then there were the wormholes.

“On the debit side,” Venier continued, “the concentration of atmospheric CO was high enough to be toxic to humans, yet insolation was so inadequate that no greenhouse effect, runaway or otherwise, captured the heat needed to maintain liquid water. Komarr was therefore a lifeless world, cold and dark. The earliest calculations suggested more water would be needed, and a few so-called low-impact cometary crashes were arranged, hence we can thank our ancestors for our southern crater lakes.” A colorful, though out-of-scale, sprinkle of lights dusted the lower hemisphere of the planet-image, resolving into a string of blue blobs. “But the growing demand topside for cometary water and volatiles for the orbital and wormhole stations soon put a stop to that. And the early downside settlers’ fears of poorly controlled trajectories, of course.”

Demonstrated fears, as Miles recalled his Komarran history.

He stole a glance at Vorthys. The Professor appeared perfectly content with Venier’s class lecture.

“In fact,” Venier went on, “later explorations showed the water-ice tied up in the polar caps to be thicker than at first suspected, if not so abundant as on Earth. And so the drive for heat and light began.”

Miles sympathized with the early Komarrans. He loathed arctic cold and dark with a concentrated passion.

“Our ancestors built the first insolation mirror, succeeded a generation later by another design.” A holovid model, again out of scale, appeared to the side, and melted into a second one. “A century later, this was in turn succeeded by the design we see today.” The seven-disk hexagon appeared, and danced attendance on the Komarr globe. “Insolation at the equator was boosted enough to allow liquid water and the beginnings of a biota to draw down the carbon and release much-needed O. Over the following decades, a full-spectrum mixture of artificial greenhouse gases was manufactured and released into the upper atmosphere to help trap the new energy.” Venier moved his hand; four of the seven disks winked out. “Then came the accident.” All the Komarrans around the table stared glumly at the crippled array.

“There was mention of a cooling projection? With figures?” Vorthys prodded gently.

“Yes, my Lord Auditor.” Venier slid a disk across the polished surface toward the Professor. “Administrator Vorsoisson said you were an engineer, so I left in all the calculations.”

The Waste Heat Management fellow, Soudha, also an engineer, winced and bit his thumb at this innocent ignorance of Vorthys’s stature in his field. Vorthys merely said, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

So where’s my copy? Miles did not ask aloud. “And can you please summarize your conclusions for us nonengineers, Ser Venier?”

“Certainly, Lord Auditor… Vorkosigan. Serious damage to our biota in the northernmost and southernmost latitudes, not just in Serifosa Sector but planetwide, will begin after one season. For every year after that, we lose more ground; by the end of five years, the destructive cooling curve rises rapidly towards catastrophe. It took twenty years to build the original soletta array. I pray that it will not take that many to repair it.” On the vid model, white polar caps crept like pale tumors over the globe.

Vorthys glanced at Soudha. “And so other sources of heat suddenly take on new importance, at least for a stopgap.”

Soudha, a big, square-handed man in his late forties, sat back and smiled a bit grimly. He, too, cleared his throat before beginning. “It was hoped, early on in the terraforming, that the waste heat from our growing arcologies would contribute significantly to planetary warming. Over time, this proved optimistic. A planet with an activating hydrology is a huge thermal buffering system, what with the heat of liquefaction load locked up in all that ice. At present-before the accident-it was felt the best use of waste heat was in the creation of microclimates around the domes, to be reservoirs for the next wave of higher biota.”

“It sounds like insanity to an engineer to say, ‘We need to waste more energy in heat loss,’ ” agreed Vorthys, “but I suppose here it’s true. What’s the feasibility of dedicating some number of fusion reactors to pure heat production?”

“Boiling the seas cup by cup?” Soudha grimaced. “Possible, sure, and I’d love to see some more done with that technique for small-area development in Serifosa Sector. Economical-no. Per degree of planetary warming, it’s even more costly than repairing-or enlarging-the soletta array, something for which we’ve been petitioning the Imperium for years. Without success. And if you’ve built a reactor, you might as well use it to run a dome while you’re at it. The heat will arrive outside eventually just the same.” He slid data disks across to both Vorthys and Miles this time. “Here’s our current departmental status report.” He glanced across at one of his colleagues. “We’re all anxious to move on to higher plant forms in our lifetimes, but at present the greatest, if not success, at least activity remains on the microbial level. Philip?”

The man who had been introduced as the head of Microbial Reclassification smiled, not entirely gratefully, at Soudha, and turned to the Auditors. “Well, yes. Bacteria are booming. Both our deliberate inoculations, and wild genera. Over the years, every Earth type has been imported, or at any rate, has arrived and escaped. Unfortunately, microbial life has a tendency to adapt to its environment more swiftly than the environment has adapted to us. My department has its hands full, keeping up with the mutations. More light and heat are needed, as always. And, bluntly, my lords, more funding. Although our microflora grow fast, they also die fast, rereleasing their carbon compounds. We need to advance to higher organisms, to sequester the excess carbon for the millennial time-frames required. Perhaps you could address this, Liz?” He nodded toward a pleasantly plump middle-aged lady who had been named head of Carbon Drawdown.

She smiled happily, by which Miles deduced her department’s responsibilities were going well this year. “Yes, my lords. We’ve a number of higher forms of vegetation coming along both in major test plots, and undergoing genetic development or improvement. By far our greatest success is with the cold— and carbon-dioxide-hardy peat bogs. They do require liquid water, and as always, would do better at higher temperatures. Ideally, they should be sited in subduction zones, for really long-term carbon sequestration, but Serifosa Sector lacks these. So we’ve chosen low-lying areas which will, as water is released from the poles, eventually be covered with lakes and small seas, locking the captured carbon down under a sedimentary cap. Properly set up, the process will run entirely automatically, without further human intervention. If we could just get the funding to double or triple the area of our plantations in the next few years… well, here are my projections.” Vorthys collected another data disk. “We’ve started several test plots of larger plants, to follow atop the bogs. These larger organisms are of course infinitely more controllable than the rapidly mutating microflora. They are ready to scale up to wider plantations right now. But they are even more severely threatened by the reduction in heat and light from the soletta. We really must have a reliable estimate of how long it will take to effect repairs in space before we dare continue our planting plans.”

She gazed longingly at Vorthys, but he merely said, “Thank you, Madame.”

“We plan a flyover of the peat plantations later this afternoon,” Vorsoisson told her. She settled back, temporarily content.

And so it continued around the table: more than Miles had ever wanted to know about Komarran terraforming, interspersed with oblique, and not so oblique, pleas for increased Imperial funding. And heat and light. Power corrupts, but we want energy. Only Accounting and Waste Heat Management had managed to arrive at the meeting with duplicate copies of their pertinent reports for Miles. He stifled an impulse to point this out to somebody. Did he really want another several hundred thousand words of bedtime reading? His newer scars were starting to twinge by the time everyone had had their say, without even yesterday’s excuse of the physical stresses of buzzing around wreckage in a pressure suit. He rose from his chair much more stiffly than he had intended; Vorthys made a gesture of a helping hand to his elbow, but at Miles’s frown and tiny head shake, suppressed it. He didn’t really need a drink, he just wanted one.

“Ah, Administrator Soudha,” Vorthys said, as the Waste Heat department head stepped past them toward the door. “A word, please?”

Soudha stopped, and smiled faintly. “My Lord Auditor?”

“Was there some special reason you could not help that young fellow, Farr, find his missing lady?”

Soudha hesitated. “I beg your pardon?”

“The fellow who was looking for your former employee, Marie Trogir, I believe he said her name was. Was there some reason you could not help him?”

“Oh, him. Her. Well, uh… that was a difficult thing, there.” Soudha looked around, but the room had emptied, except for Vorsoisson and Venier waiting to convey their high-ranking guests on the next leg of their tour.

“I recommended he file a missing person complaint with Dome Security. They may be making inquiries of you.”

“I… don’t think I’ll be able to help them any more than I could help Farr. I’m afraid I really don’t know where she is. She left, you see. Very suddenly, only a day’s notice. It put a hole in my staffing at what has proved to be a difficult time. I wasn’t too pleased.”

“So Farr said. I just thought it was odd about the cats. One of my daughters keeps cats. Dreadful little parasites, but she’s very fond of them.”

“Cats?” said Soudha, looking increasingly mystified.

“Trogir apparently left her cats in the keeping of Farr.”

Soudha blinked, but said, “I’ve always considered it out of line to intrude on my subordinate’s personal lives. Men or pets, it was Trogir’s business, not mine. As long as they’re kept off project time. I… was there anything else?”

“Not really,” said Vorthys.

“Then if you will excuse me, my Lord Auditor.” Soudha smiled again, and ducked away.

“What was that all about?” Miles asked Vorthys as they turned down the corridor in the opposite direction.

Vorsoisson answered. “A minor office scandal, unfortunately. One of Soudha’s techs-female-ran off with one of his engineers, male. Completely blindsided him, apparently. He’s fairly embarrassed about it. However did you run across it?”

“Young Farr accosted Ekaterin in a restaurant,” said Vorthys.

“He really has been a pest.” Vorsoisson sighed. “I don’t blame Soudha for avoiding him.”

“I always thought Komarrans were more casual about such things,” said Miles. “In the galactic style and all that. Not as casual as the Betans, but still. It sounds like a Barrayaran backcountry elopement.” Without, surely, the need to avoid backcountry social pressures, such as homicidal relatives out to defend the clan honor.

Vorsoisson shrugged. “The cultural contamination between the worlds can’t run one way all the time, I suppose.”

The little party continued to the underground garage, where the aircar Vorsoisson had requisitioned was not in evidence. “Wait here, Venier.” Swearing under his breath, Vorsoisson went off to see what had happened to it; Vorthys accompanied him.

The opportunity to interview a Komarran in apparently-casual mode was not to be missed. What kind of Komarran was Venier? Miles turned to him, only to find him speaking first: “Is this your first visit to Komarr, Lord Vorkosigan?”

“By no means. I’ve passed through the topside stations many times. I haven’t got downside too often, I admit. This is the first time I’ve been to Serifosa.”

“Have you ever visited Solstice?”

The planetary capital. “Of course.”

Venier stared at the middle distance, past the concrete pillars and dim lighting, and smiled faintly. “Have you ever visited the Massacre Shrine there?”

A cheeky damned Komarran, that’s what kind. The Solstice Massacre was infamous as the ugliest incident of the Barrayaran conquest. The two hundred Komarran Counselors, the then-ruling senate, had surrendered on terms-and subsequently been gunned down in a gymnasium by Barrayaran security forces. The political consequences had run a short range from dire to disastrous. Miles’s smile became a little fixed. “Of course. How could I not?”

“All Barrayarans should make that pilgrimage. In my opinion.”

“I went with a close friend. To help him burn a death offering for his aunt.”

“A relative of a Martyr is a friend of yours?” Venier’s eyes widened in a moment of genuine surprise, in what otherwise felt to Miles to be a highly choreographed conversation. How long had Venier been rehearsing his lines in his head, itching for a chance to try them out?

“Yes.” Miles let his gaze become more directly challenging.

Venier apparently felt the weight of it, because he shifted uneasily, and said, “As you are your father’s son, I’m just a little surprised, is all.”

By what, that I have any Komarran friends? “Especially as I am my father’s son, you should not be.”

Venier’s brows tweaked up. “Well… there is a theory that the massacre was ordered by Emperor Ezar without the knowledge of Admiral Vorkosigan. Ezar was certainly ruthless enough.”

“Ruthless enough, yes. Stupid enough, never. It was the Barrayaran expedition’s chief Political Officer’s own bright idea, for which my father made him pay with his life, not that that did much good for anyone after the fact. Leaving aside every moral consideration, the massacre was a supremely stupid act. My father has been accused of many things, but stupidity has never, I believe, been one of them.” His voice was growing dangerously clipped.

“We’ll never know the whole truth, I suppose,” said Venier.

Was that supposed to be a concession? “You can be told the whole truth all day long, but if you won’t believe it, then no, I don’t suppose you ever will know it.” He bared his teeth in a non-smile. No, keep control; why let this Komarran git see he’s scored you off?

The doors of a nearby elevator opened, and Venier abruptly dropped from Miles’s attention as Madame Vorsoisson and Nikolai exited. She was wearing the same dull dun outfit she’d sported that morning, and carried a large pile of heavy jackets over her arm. She waved her hand around the jackets and stepped swiftly over to them. “Am I very late?” she asked a bit breathlessly. “Good afternoon, Venier.”

Suppressing the first idiocy that came to his lips, which was, Any time is a good one for you, milady, Miles managed a, “Well, good afternoon, Madame Vorsoisson, Nikolai. I wasn’t expecting you. Are you to accompany us?” I hope? “Your husband has just gone off to fetch an aircar.”

“Yes, Uncle Vorthys suggested it would be educational for Nikolai. And I haven’t had much chance to see outside the domes myself. I jumped at the invitation.” She smiled, and pushed back a strand of dark hair escaping its confinement, and almost dropped her bundle. “I wasn’t sure if we were to land anywhere and get outside on foot, but I brought jackets for everyone just in case.”

A large two-compartment sealed aircar hissed around the corner and sighed to the pavement beside them. The front canopy opened, and Vorsoisson clambered out, and greeted his wife and son. The Professor watched from the front seat with some amusement as the question of how to distribute six passengers among the two compartments was taken over by Nikolai, who wanted to sit both by his great-uncle and by his Da.

“Perhaps Venier could fly us today?” Madame Vorsoisson suggested diffidently.

Vorsoisson gave her an oddly black look. “I’m perfectly capable.”

Her lips moved, but she uttered no audible protest. Take your pick, my Lord Auditor, Miles thought to himself. Would you rather be chauffeured by a man just possibly suffering the first symptoms of Vorzohn’s Dystrophy, or by a Komarran, ah, patriot, with a car full of tempting Barrayaran Vor targets? “I have no preference,” he murmured truthfully.

“I brought coats-” Madame Vorsoisson handed them out. She and her husband and Nikolai had their own; a spare of her husband’s did not quite meet around the Professor’s middle. The heavily padded jacket she handed Miles had been hers, he could tell immediately by the scent of her, lingering in the lining. He concealed a deep inhalation as he shrugged it on. “Thank you, that will do very well.”

Vorsoisson dove into the rear compartment and came up with a double handful of breath masks, which he distributed. Both he and Venier had their own, with their names engraved on the cheek-pieces; the others were all labeled “Visitor”: one large, two medium, one small.

Madame Vorsoisson hung hers over her arm, and bent to adjust Nikolai’s, and check its power and oxygen levels. “I already checked it,” Vorsoisson told her. His voice hinted a suppressed snarl. “You don’t have to do it again.”

“Oh, sorry,” she said. But Miles, running through his own check in drilled habit, noticed she finished inspecting it before turning to adjust her own mask. Vorsoisson noticed too, and frowned.

After a few more moments of Betan-style debate, the group sorted themselves out with Vorsoisson, his son, and the Professor in the front compartment, and Miles, Madame Vorsoisson, and Venier in the rear. Miles was uncertain whether to be glad or sorry with his lot in seatmates. He felt he could have engaged either of them in fascinating, if quite different, conversations, if the other had not been present. They all pulled heir masks down around their necks, out of the way but instantly ready to hand.

They departed the garage’s vehicle-lock without further delay, and the car rose in the air. Venier returned to his initial stiffly professional lecture mode, pointing out bits of project scenery. You could begin to see the terraforming from this modest altitude, in the faint smattering of Earth-green in the damp low places, and a fuzziness of lichen and algae on the rocks. Madame Vorsoisson, her face plastered to the canopy, asked enough intelligent questions of Venier that Miles did not have to strain his tired brain for any, for which he was very grateful.

“I’m surprised, Madame Vorsoisson, with your interest in botany, that you haven’t leaned on your husband for a job in his department,” said Miles after a while.

“Oh,” she said, as if this was a new idea to her. “Oh, I couldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Wouldn’t it be nepotism? Or some kind of conflict of interest?”

“Not if you did your job well, which I’m sure you would. After all, the whole Barrayaran Vor system runs on nepotism. It’s not a vice for us, it’s a lifestyle.”

Venier suppressed an unexpected noise, possibly a snort, and glanced at Miles with increased interest.

“Why should you be exempt?” Miles continued.

“It’s only a hobby. I don’t have nearly enough technical training. I’d need much more chemistry, to start.”

“You could start in a technical assistant position-take evening classes to fill in your gaps. Bootstrap yourself up to something interesting in no time. They have to hire someone.” Belatedly, it occurred to Miles that if she, not Vorsoisson, was the carrier of the Vorzohn’s Dystrophy, there might be quelling reasons why she had not plunged into such a time— and energy-absorbing challenge. He sensed an elusive energy in her, as if it were tied in knots, locked down, circling back to exhaust itself destroying itself; had fear of her coming illness done that to her? Dammit, which of them was it? He was supposed to be such a hotshot investigator now, he ought to be able to figure this one out.

Well, he could do so easily; all he had to do was cheat, and call ImpSec Komarr, and request a complete background medical check on his hosts. Just wave his magical Auditor-wand and invade all the privacy he wanted to. No. All this had nothing to do with the accident to the soletta array. As this morning’s embarrassment with her comconsole had demonstrated, he needed to start keeping his personal and professional curiosity just as strictly separated as his personal and Imperial funds. Neither a peculator nor a voyeur be. He ought to get a plaque engraved with that motto and hang it on his wall for a reminder. At least money didn’t tempt him. He could smell her faint perfume, organic and floral against the plastic and metal and recycled air…

To Miles’s surprise, Venier said, “You really should consider it, Madame Vorsoisson.”

Her expression, which during the flight had gradually become animated, grew reserved again. “I… we’ll see. Maybe next year. After… if Tien decides to stay.”

Vorsoisson’s voice, over the intercom from the front compartment, interrupted to point out the upcoming peat bog, lining a long narrow valley below. It was a more impressive sight than Miles had expected. For one thing, it was a true and bright Earth-green; for another, it ran on for kilometers.

“This strain produces six times the oxygen of its Earth ancestor,” Venier noted with pride.

“So… if you were trapped outside without a breath mask, could you crawl around in it and survive till you were rescued?” Miles asked practically.

“Mm… if you could hold your breath for about a hundred more years.”

Miles began to suspect Venier of concealing a sense of humor beneath that twitchy exterior. In any case, the aircar spiraled down toward a rocky outcrop, and Miles’s attention was taken up by their landing site. He’d had unpleasant and deep, so to speak, personal experience with the treachery of arctic bogs. But Vorsoisson managed to put the car down with a reassuring crunchy jar on solid rock, and they all adjusted their breath masks. The canopy rose to admit a blast of chill unbreathable outside air, and they exited for a clamber over the rocks and down to personally examine the squishy green plants. They were squishy green plants, all right. There were lots of them. Stretching to the horizon. Lots. Squishy. Green. With an effort, Miles stopped his back-brain from composing a lengthy Report to the Emperor in this style, and tried instead to appreciate Venier’s highly technical disquisition on potential deep-freeze damage to the something-chemical cycle.

After a little more time spent regarding the view-it didn’t change, and Nikki, though he sprang around like a flea, with his mother laboring after him, didn’t quite manage to fall into the bog-they all reboarded the aircar. After a flyover of a neighboring green valley, and a pass across another dull brown unaltered one for comparison and contrast, they turned for the Serifosa Dome.

A largish installation featuring its own fusion reactor, and a riot of assorted greens spilling away from it, caught Miles’s attention on the leftward horizon. “What’s that?” he asked Denier.

“It’s Waste Heat’s main experiment station,” Venier replied.

Miles touched the intercom. “Any chance of dropping in for a visit down there?” he called the forward compartment.

Vorsoisson’s voice hesitated. “I’m not sure we could get back to the dome before dark. I don’t like to take the chance.”

Miles hadn’t thought night flight was that hazardous, but perhaps Vorsoisson knew his own limitations. And he did have his wife and child aboard, not to mention all that Imperial load in the somewhat unprepossessing persons of Miles and the Professor. Still, surprise inspections were always the most fun, if you wanted to turn up the good stuff. He toyed with the idea of insisting, Auditorially.

“It would certainly be interesting,” murmured Venier. “I haven’t been out there in person in years.”

“Perhaps another day?” suggested Vorsoisson.

Miles let it go. He and Vorthys were playing visiting firemen here, not inspectors general; the real crisis was topside. “Perhaps. If there’s time.”

Another ten minutes of flight brought Serifosa Dome up over the horizon. It was vast and spectacular in the gathering dusk, with its glittering strings of lights, looping bubble-car tubes, warm glow of domes, sparkling towers. We humans don’t do too badly, Miles thought, if you catch us at the right angle. The aircar slid back through the vehicle lock and settled again to the garage pavement.

Venier went off with the aircar, and Vorsoisson collected the spare breath masks. Madame Vorsoisson’s face was bright and glowing, exhilarated by her field trip. “Don’t forget to put your mask back on the recharger,” she chirped to her husband as she handed him hers.

Vorsoisson’s face darkened. “Don’t. Nag. Me,” he breathed through set teeth.

She recoiled slightly, her expression closing as abruptly as a shutter. Miles stared off through the pillars, politely pretending not to have heard or noticed this interplay. He was hardly an expert on marital miscommunication, but even he could see how that one had gone awry. Her perhaps unfortunately-chosen expression of love and interest had been received by the obviously tense and tired Vorsoisson as a slur on his competence. Madame Vorsoisson deserved a better hearing, but Miles had no advice to offer. He had never even come near to capturing a wife to miscommunicate with. Not for lack of trying…

“Well, well,” said Uncle Vorthys, also heartily pretending not to have noticed the byplay. “Everyone will feel better with a little supper aboard, eh, Ekaterin? Let me treat you all to dinner. Do you have another favorite place as splendid as the one where we ate lunch?”

The moment of tension was extinguished in another Betan debate over the dinner destination; this time, Nikki was successfully overruled by the adults. Miles wasn’t hungry, and the temptation to relieve Vorthys of the day’s collection of data disks and escape back to some comconsole was strong, but perhaps with another drink or three he could endure one more family dinner with the Vorsoisson clan. The last, Miles promised himself.

A trifle drunker than he had intended to be, Miles undressed for another night in the rented grav-bed. He piled the new stack of data disks on the comconsole to wait for morning, coffee, and better mental coherence. The last thing he did was rummage in his case and fish out his controlled-seizure stimulator. He sat cross-legged on the bed and regarded it glumly.

The Barrayaran doctors had found no cure for the post-cryonic seizure disorder that had finally ended his military career. The best they had been able to offer was this: a triggering device to bleed off his convulsions in smaller increments, in controlled private times and places, instead of grandly, randomly, and spectacularly in moments of public stress. Checking his neurotransmitter levels was now a nightly hygienic routine, just like brushing his teeth, the doctors had suggested. He felt his right temple for the implant and positioned the read-contact. His only sensation was a faint spot of warmth.

The levels were not yet in the danger zone. A few more days before he had to put in the mouth-guard and do it again. Having left his Armsman, Pym, who usually played valet and general servant, back on Barrayar, he would have to find another spotter. The doctors had insisted he have a spotter, when he did this ugly little thing. He would much prefer to be helpless and out-of-consciousness-and twitching like a fish, he supposed, though of course he was the one person who never got to watch-in complete privacy. Maybe he would ask the Professor.

If you had a wife, she could be your spotter.

Gee, what a treat for her.

He grimaced, and put the device carefully away in its case, and crawled into bed. Perhaps in his dreams the space wreckage would reassemble itself, just like in a vid reconstruction, and reveal the secrets of its fate. Better to have visions of the wreckage than the bodies.


Ekaterin studied Tien warily as they undressed for bed. The frowning tension in his face and body made her think she had better offer sex very soon. Strain in him frightened her, as always. It was past time to defuse him. The longer she waited, the harder it would be to approach him, and the tenser he would become, ending in some angry explosion of muffled, cutting words.

Sex, she imagined wistfully, should be romantic, abandoned, self-forgetful. Not the most tightly self-disciplined action in her world. Tien demanded response of her and worked hard to obtain it, she thought; not like men she’d heard about who took their own pleasure, then rolled over and went to sleep. She sometimes wished he would. He became upset-with himself, with her?-if she failed to participate fully. Unable to act a lie with her body, she’d learned to erase herself from herself, and so unblock whatever strange neural channel it was that permitted flesh to flood mind. The inward erotic fantasies required to absorb her self-consciousness had become stronger and uglier over time; was that a mere unavoidable side-effect of learning more about the ugliness of human possibility, or a permanent corruption of the spirit?

I hate this.

Tien hung up his shirt and twitched a smile at her. His eyes remained strained, though, as they had been all evening. “I’d like you to do me a favor tomorrow.”

Anything, to delay the moment. “Certainly. What?”

“Take the brace of Auditors out and show ’em a good time. I’m about saturated with them. This downside holiday of theirs has been incredibly disruptive to my department. We’ve lost a week altogether, I bet, pulling together that show for them yesterday. Maybe they can go poke at something else, till they go back topside.”

“Take them where, show them what?”


“I already took Uncle Vorthys around.”

“Did you show him the Sector University district? Maybe he’d like that. Your uncle is interested in lots of things, and I don’t think the Vor dwarf cares what he’s offered. As long as it includes enough wine.”

“I haven’t the first clue what Lord Vorkosigan likes to do.”

“Ask him. Suggest something. Take him, I don’t know, take him shopping.”

“Shopping?” she said doubtfully.

“Or whatever.” He trod over to her, still smiling tightly. His hand slipped behind her back, to hold her, and he offered a tentative kiss. She returned it, trying not to let her dutifulness show. She could feel the heat of his body, of his hands, and how thinly stretched his affability was. Ah, yes, the work of the evening, defusing the unexploded Tien. Always a tricky business. She began to pay attention to the practiced rituals, key words, gestures, that led into the practiced intimacies.

Undressed and in bed, she closed her eyes as he caressed her, partly to concentrate on the touch, partly to block out his gaze, which was beginning to be excited and pleased. Wasn’t there some bizarre mythical bird or other, back on Earth, who fancied that if it couldn’t see you, you couldn’t see it? And so buried its head in the sand, odd image. While still attached to its neck, she wondered?

She opened her eyes, as Tien reached across her and lowered the lamplight to a softer glow. His avid look made her feel not beautiful and loved, but ugly and ashamed. How could you be violated by mere eyes? How could you be lovers with someone, and yet feel every moment alone with them intruded upon your privacy, your dignity? Don’t look, Tien. Absurd. There really was something wrong with her. He lowered himself beside her; she parted her lips, yielding quickly to his questing mouth. She hadn’t always been this self-conscious and cautious. Back in the beginning, it had been different. Or had it been she alone who’d changed?

It became her turn to sit up and return caresses. That was easy enough; he buried his face in his pillow, and did not talk for a while, as her hands moved up and down his body, tracing muscle and tendon. Secretly seeking symptoms. The tremula seemed reduced tonight; perhaps last evening’s shakes really had been a false alarm, merely the hunger and nerves he had claimed.

She knew when the shift had occurred in her, of course, back about four, five jobs ago now. When Tien had decided, for reasons she still didn’t understand, that she was betraying him-with whom, she had never understood either, since the two names he’d finally mentioned as his suspects were so patently absurd. She’d had no idea such a sexual mistrust had taken over his mind, until she’d caught him following her, watching her, turning up at odd times and bizarre places when he was supposed to be at work-and had that perhaps had something to do with why that job had ended so badly? She’d finally had the accusation out of him. She’d been horrified, deeply wounded, and subtly frightened. Was it stalking, when it was your own husband? She had not had the courage to ask who to ask. Her one source of security was the knowledge that she’d never so much as been alone in any private place with another man. Her Vor-class training had done her that much good, at least. Then he had accused her of sleeping with her women friends.

That had broken something in her at last, some will to desire his good opinion. How could you argue sense into someone who believed something not because it was true, but because he was an idiot? No amount of panicky protestation or indignant denial or futile attempt to prove a negative was likely to help, because the problem was not in the accused, but in the accuser. She began then to believe he was living in a different universe, one with a different set of physical laws, perhaps, and an alternate history. And very different people from the ones she’d met of the same name. Smarmy dopplegangers all.

Still, the accusation alone had been enough to chill her friendships, stealing their innocent savor and replacing it with an unwelcome new level of awareness. With the next move, time and distance attenuated her contacts. And on the move after that, she’d stopped trying to make new friends.

To this day she didn’t know if he’d taken her disgusted refusal to defend herself for a covert admission of guilt. Weirdly, after the blowup the subject had been dropped cold; he didn’t bring it up again, and she didn’t deign to. Did he think her innocent, or himself insufferably noble for forgiving her for nonexistent crimes?

Why is he so impossible?

She didn’t want the insight, but it came nonetheless. Because he fears losing you. And so in panic blundered about destroying her love, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy? It seemed so. It’s not as though you can pretend his fears have no foundation. Love was long gone, in her. She got by on a starvation diet of loyalty these days.

I am Vor. I swore to hold him in sickness. He is sick. I will not break my oath, just because things have gotten difficult. That’s the whole point of an oath, after all. Some things, once broken, cannot ever be repaired. Oaths. Trust…

She could not tell to what extent his illness was at the root of his erratic behavior. When they returned from the galactic treatment, he might be much better emotionally as well. Or at least she would at last be able to tell how much was Vorzohn’s Dystrophy, and how much was just… Tien.

They switched positions; his skilled hands began working down her back, probing for her relaxation and response. An even more unhappy thought occurred to her then. Had Tien been, consciously or unconsciously, putting off his treatment because he realized on some obscure level that his illness, his vulnerability, was one of the few ties that still bound her to him? Is this delay my fault? Her head ached.

Tien, still valiantly rubbing her back, made a murmur of protest. She was failing to relax; this wouldn’t do. Resolutely, she turned her thoughts to a practiced erotic fantasy, unbeautiful, but one which usually worked. Was it some weird inverted form of frigidity, this thing bordering on self-hypnosis she seemed to have to do in order to achieve sexual release despite Tien’s too-near presence? How could you tell the difference between not liking sex, and not liking the only person you’d ever done sex with?

Yet she was almost desperate for touch, mere affection untainted by the indignities of the erotic. Tien was very good about that, massaging her for quite unconscionable lengths of time, though he sometimes sighed in a boredom for which she could hardly blame him. The touch, the make-it-better, the sheer catlike comfort, eased her body and then her heart, despite it all. She could absorb hours of this-she slitted one eye open to check the clock. Better not get greedy. So mind-wrenching, for Tien to demand a sexual show of her on the one hand, and accuse her of infidelity on the other. Did he want her to melt, or want her to freeze? Anything you pick is wrong. No, this wasn’t helping. She was taking much too long to cultivate her arousal. Back to work. She tried again to start her fantasy. He might have rights upon her body, but her mind was hers alone, the one part of her into which he could not pry.

It went according to plan and practice, after that, mission accomplished all around. Tien kissed her when they’d finished. “There, all better,” he murmured. “We’re doing better these days, aren’t we?”

She murmured back the usual assurances, a light, standard script. She would have preferred an honest silence. She pretended to doze, in postcoital lassitude, till his snores assured her he was asleep. Then she went to the bathroom to cry.

Stupid, irrational weeping. She muffled it in a towel, lest he, or Nikki, or her guests hear and investigate. I hate him. I hate myself. I hate him, for making me hate myself…

Most of all, she despised in herself that crippling desire for physical affection, regenerating like a weed in her heart no matter how many times she tried to root it out. That neediness, that dependence, that love-of-touch must be broken first. It had betrayed her, worse than all the other things. If she could kill her need for love, then all the other coils which bound her, desire for honor, attachment to duty, above all every form of fear, could be brought into line. Austerely mystical, she supposed. If I can kill all these things in me, I can be free of him.

I’ll be a walking dead woman, but I will be free.

She finished the weep, and washed her face, and took three painkillers. She could sleep now, she thought. But when she slipped back into the bedroom, she found Tien lying awake, his eyes a faint gleam in the shadows. He turned up the lamp at the whisper of her bare feet on the carpet. She tried to remember if insomnia was listed among the early symptoms of his disease. He raised the covers for her to slip beneath. “What were you doing in there all that time, going for seconds without me?”

She wasn’t sure if he was waiting for a laugh, if that was supposed to be a joke, or her indignant denial. Evading the problem, instead she said, “Oh, Tien, I almost forgot. Your bank called this afternoon. Very strange. Something about requiring my countersignature and palm-print to release your pension account. I told them I didn’t think that could be right, but that I would check with you and get back to them.”

He froze in the act of reaching for her. “They had no business calling you about that!”

“If this was something you wanted me to do, you might have mentioned it earlier. They said they’d delay releasing it till I got back to them.”

“Delayed, no! You idiot bitch!” His right hand clenched in a gesture of frustration.

The hateful and hated epithet made her sick to her stomach. All that effort to pacify him tonight, and here he was right back on the edge… “Did I make a mistake?” she asked anxiously. “Tien, what’s wrong? What’s going on?” She prayed he wasn’t about to put his fist through the wall again. The noise-would her uncle hear, or that Vorkosigan fellow, and how could she explain-

“No… no. Sorry.” He rubbed his forehead instead, and she let out a covert sigh of relief. “I forgot about it being under Komarran rules. On Barrayar, I never had any trouble signing out my pension accumulation when I left any job, any job that offered a pension, anyway. Here on Komarr I think they want a joint signature from the designated survivor. It’s all right. Call them back first thing in the morning, though, and clear it.”

“You’re not leaving your job, are you?” Her chest tightened in panic. Dear no, not another move so soon…

“No, no. Hell, no. Relax.” He smiled with one side of his mouth.

“Oh. Good.” She hesitated. “Tien… do you have any accumulation from your old jobs back on Barrayar?”

“No, I always signed it out at the end. Why let them have the use of the money, when we could use it ourselves? It served to tide us over more than once, you know.” He smiled bitterly. “Under the circumstances, you have to admit, the idea of saving for my old age is not very compelling. And you wanted that vacation to South Continent, didn’t you?”

“I thought you said that was a termination bonus.”

“So it was, in a sense.”

So… if anything horrible happened to Tien, she and Nikolai would have nothing. If he doesn’t get treatment soon, something horrible is going to happen to him. “Yes, but…” The realization struck her. Could it be…? “Are you getting it out for-we’re going for the galactic treatment, yes? You and me and Nikolai? Oh, Tien, good! Finally. Of course. I should have realized.” So that’s what he needed the money for, yes, at last! She rolled over and hugged him. But would it be enough? If it was less than a year’s worth… “Will it be enough?”

“I… don’t know. I’m checking.”

“I saved a little out of my household allowance, I could put that in,” she offered. “If it will get us underway sooner.”

He licked his lips, and was silent for a moment. “I’m not sure. I don’t like to let you…”

“This is exactly what I saved it for. I mean, I know I didn’t earn it in the first place, but I managed it-it can be my contribution.”

“How much do you have?”

“Almost four thousand Imperial marks!” She smiled, proud of her frugality.

“Oh!” He looked as though he were making an inner calculation. “Yes, that would help significantly.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead, and she relaxed further. She said, “I never thought about raiding your pension for the medical quest. I didn’t realize we could. How soon can we get away?”

“That’s… the next thing I’ll have to find out. I would have checked it out this week, but I was interrupted by my department suffering a severe outbreak of Imperial Auditors.”

She smiled in brief appreciation of his wit. He’d used to make her laugh more. If he had grown more sour with age, it was understandable, but the blackness of his humor had gradually come to weary her more than amuse her. Cynicism did not seem nearly so impressively daring to her now as it had when she was twenty. Perhaps this decision had lightened his heart, too.

Do you really think he’ll do what he says, this time? Or will you be a fool? Again. No… if suspicion was the deadliest possible insult, then trust was always right, even if it was mistaken. Provisionally relieved by his new promise, she snuggled into the crook of his body, and for once his heavy arm flung across her seemed more comfort than trap. Maybe this time, they would finally be able to put their lives on a rational basis.

“Shopping?” Lord Vorkosigan echoed over the breakfast table the next morning. He had been the last of the household to arise; Uncle Vorthys was already busy on the comconsole in Tien’s study, Tien had left for work, and Nikki was off to school. Vorkosigan’s mouth stayed straight, but the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes crinkled. “That’s an offer seldom made to the son of my mother… I’m afraid I don’t need-no, wait, I do need something, at that. A wedding present.”

“Who do you know who’s getting married?” Ekaterin asked, relieved her suggestion had taken root, primarily because she didn’t have a second one to offer. She prepared to be helpful.

“Gregor and Laisa.”

It took her a moment to realize he meant the Emperor and his new Komarran fiancee. The surprising betrothal had been announced at Winterfair; the wedding was to be at Midsummer. “Oh! Uh… I’m not sure you can find anything in the Serifosa Dome that would be appropriate-maybe in Solstice they would have the kind of shops… oh, dear.”

“I have to come up with something, I’m supposed to be Gregor’s Second and Witness on their wedding circle. Maybe I could find something that would remind Laisa of home. Though possibly that’s not a good idea-I’m not sure. I don’t want to chance making her homesick on her honeymoon. What do you think?”

“We could look, I suppose…” There were exclusive shops she’d never dared enter in certain parts of the dome. This could be an excuse to venture inside.

“Duv and Delia, too, come to think of it. Yes, I’ve gotten way behind on my social duties.”


“Delia Koudelka’s a childhood friend of mine. She’s marrying Commodore Duv Galeni, who is the new Chief of Komarran Affairs for Imperial Security. You may not have heard of him yet, but you will. He’s Komarran-born.”

“Of Barrayaran parents?”

“No, of Komarran resistance fighters. We seduced him to the service of the Imperium. We’ve agreed it was the shiny boots that turned the trick.”

He was so utterly deadpan, he had to be joking. Hadn’t he? She smiled uncertainly.

Uncle Vorthys lumbered into her kitchen then, murmuring, “More coffee?”

“Certainly.” She poured for him. “How is it going?”

“Variously, variously.” He sipped, and gave her a thank-you smile.

“I take it the morning courier has been here,” said Vorkosigan. “How was last night’s haul? Anything for me?”

“No, happily, if by that you mean more body parts. They brought back quite a bit of equipment of various sorts.”

“Does it make any difference in your pet scenarios so far?”

“No, but I keep hoping it will. I dislike the way the vector analysis is shaping up.”

Vorkosigan’s eyes became notably more intent. “Oh? Why?”

“Mm. Take Point A as all things a moment before the accident-intact ship on course, soletta passively sitting in its orbital slot. Take Point B to be some time after the accident, parts of all masses scattering off in all directions at all speeds. By good old classical physics, B must equal A plus X, X being whatever forces-or masses-were added during the accident.

We know A, pretty much, and the more of B we collect, the more we narrow down the possibilities for X. We’re still missing some control systems, but the topside boys have by now retrieved most of the initial mass of the system of ship-plus-mirror. By the partial accounting done so far, X is… very large and has a very strange shape.”

“Depending on when and how the engines blew, the explosion could have added a pretty damned big kick,” said Vorkosigan.

“It’s not the magnitudes of the missing forces that are so puzzling, it’s their direction. Fragments of anything given a kick in free fall generally travel in a straight line, taking into account local gravities of course.”

“And the ore ship pieces didn’t?” Vorkosigan’s brows rose. “So what do you have in mind for an outside force?”

Uncle Vorthys pursed his lips. “I’m going to have to contemplate this for a while. Play around with the numbers and the visual projections. My brain is getting too old, I think.”

“What’s the… the shape of the force, then, that makes it so strange?” asked Ekaterin, following all this with deep interest.

Uncle Vorthys set his cup down and placed his hands side by side, half open. “It’s… a typical mass in space creates a gravitational well, a funnel if you will. This looks more like a trough.”

“Running from the ore ship to the mirror?” asked Ekaterin, trying to picture this.

“No,” said Uncle Vorthys. “Running from that nearby worm-hole jump point to the mirror. Or vice versa.”

“And the ore ship, ah, fell in?” said Vorkosigan. He looked momentarily as baffled as Ekaterin felt.

Uncle Vorthys did not look much better. “I should not like to say so in public, that’s certain.”

Vorkosigan asked, “A gravitational force? Or maybe… a gravitic imploder lance?”

“Eh,” said Uncle Vorthys neutrally. “It’s certainly not like the force map of any imploder lance I’ve ever seen. Ah, well.” He picked up his coffee, and prepared to depart for his comconsole again.

“We were just planning an outing,” said Ekaterin. “Would you like to see some more of Serifosa? Pick up a present for the Professora?”

“I would, but I think it’s my turn to stay in and read this morning,” said her uncle. “You two go and have a good time. Though if you do see anything you think would please your aunt, I’d be extremely grateful if you’d purchase it, and I’ll reimburse you.”

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