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Sensei of Shambala - Sensei of Shambala. Book IV

ModernLib.Net / Ýçîòåðèêà / Anastasia Novykh / Sensei of Shambala. Book IV - ×òåíèå (Îçíàêîìèòåëüíûé îòðûâîê) (ñòð. 7)
Àâòîð: Anastasia Novykh
Æàíð: Ýçîòåðèêà
Ñåðèÿ: Sensei of Shambala



He organized groups of young strong men chosen by him from Jewish families allegedly for the case if people would be attacked suddenly by other peoples during their campaign to ‘better lands’. However as a matter of fact this commander taught his ‘soldiers’ maneuvers and prosecution of aggressive wars. Besides the priests captured by deceit all the gold from these Jewish families before the very campaign. The priests just knew that they lead these Jews to death, and as it is known, the dead don’t need gold.”

“They were like fascists!” Stas couldn’t stand it.

“The fascists just used their methods,” Sensei remarked. “Though, let’s speak about it later.”

Nikolai Andreevich uttered reflecting upon it aloud, “It turns out that all that story with the golden calf wasn’t a myth, when Aaron required from people ‘Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me’?”

“The golden calf is just a symbolic metaphor. By the way, it’s at the same time a sign for their people who were behind this political ‘castle’, and namely, the Jewish priests from the Babylon clan. One of the symbols of Babylon was a ‘golden calf’.”

“Does it mean that Moses wasn’t forty days and forty nights on the top of the mountain?”

“Of course, not. Just in this way the priests who described these events tried to show, in view of Egyptians believes, the ’high spirituality’ of Moses as they positioned him as a founder and a teacher of the Jewish religion, as well as a political leader. Since according to Egyptian views forty days and nights is a term during which highly spiritual people left for the desert or mountains and practiced there, in solitude, spiritual practices for self-improvement.

“Also there were no these forty years during which Moses allegedly led his people in the wilderness. Everything was much simpler. When Aaron’s ‘group’ consisting mainly of Jews was ready, it was sent through the Red sea to the Sinai half-island where it was united with another group which consisted of people from different tribes who were gathered and prepared by Jether. And all these people headed by Moses and accompanied by priests and commanders moved to the direction pointed out by the Archons, with the final destination in ‘Khanaanean lands’. Certainly, only priests and commanders knew about this route.”

“Cool idea,” Volodya said in a bass voice, “It means that they gathered a military force which didn’t belong in fact to any state. But with its help they were able to provoke, unleash military conflicts and therefore perform political changes in the targeted regions?!”


“I see, they were tough ‘wisemen’!”

“So, after they walked a long distance, ordinary people started to rumor where they were led in reality instead of the promised ‘better life’. Since in fact they were led to the slaughter with another people which was strong and lived in well fortified cities. Surely, people were indignant, and began to rebel against their formal leader Moses cursing the day they left their homes. As usually the priests started to frighten them that if people will not fullfil the ‘will of God’, all ‘rebels’ would die in the wilderness which they were overcoming… Perhaps I will reveal you one more significant moments which description even became a part of the Bible (Chapter 16, the Book of Numbers)… Kohath, with Dathan and Abiram (supported by noble men) came out to defend the whole Jewish people and accused Moses and Aaron of all their troubles for they led them by deceit out Egyptian land to the waterless desert and doomed them to death and sufferings, and moreover they wished to rule them further… They refused to believe and to listen to these ‘shephers’ making a reproach, ‘You take too much on you, seeing all the congregation are holy, everyone of them, and Yahweh is among them: why then lift yourselves up above the assembly of Yahweh?’ By the way, Jews adopted this belief that God is among people, in every man, also in Egypt. This belief existed among Egyptians since the times of Imhotep. But we’ll talk about it later. Thus, all this story with rebellion of ordinary people finished with massacre of rebels. They did it demonstratively, in front of the ‘crowd’, so that everybody would fear and tremble before the ‘mighty’ of their leaders. That day people of commanders who were obedient in their turn to the priests killed ruthlessly not only ‘spontaneous leaders’ of the people together with their families (they didn’t have mercy on their children, nor women, nor elders) but almost fifteen thousand of their sympathizers. But who would reveal the genuine truth of this atrocity? It’s much more profitable to write that these people were punished by ‘God Himself’. Since keeping in awe and with its help forcing people to be obedient is one of the main and effective instruments of the Archons, because according totheir principles ‘only that slave is good for work who is afraid of his master to death’. Remember it as you will face this principle not once in this world.

“After these demonstative executions the priests with the commanders led the rest of people along the path pointed out according to the plans of the Archons to the ‘golden crossroads’ of trade routes and unleashed there impertinently aggressive wars (under the command of Jesus Navin). Moreover, the more they realized Archons’ plans, the more the priests diminished the significance of Moses as a leader, and finally still at his life the priests reduced it practically to zero after they appointed Jesus Navin as a ’successor’ of Moses ‘in front of all Israeli’. Moses finished his life in a quite gloomy way. On the way to Khanaanean land he got sick. He was left in a hut of a poor shepherd where he died later, so quickly forgotten and abandoned by the priests as useless.

“So, all these wars were not accidental. Many ordinary peaceful people suffered for the sake of Archons’ ambitions from both combatant sides, they were in fact forced to take part in these wars. And deceived ordinary people who were ’fed up’ by the priests with slogans and appeals to ‘gain better life and freedom’ found in fact their death on the battlefield instead of that, thousands of them were dying because of power-seeking ambitions of the wretched small group of politicians.

“I might mention a few words how the Jewish priests ruled over their people in the following centuries. Saul is a typical example for that. Translated from Jewish his name means ‘asked for’. He is deemed to be the first king of the Israelitish and Jewish state (end of XI century b.c.). In texts of the Old Testament he is depicted as a king enthroned by the will of God. However later he became ‘undesirable’. Before Saul’s enthronement the judges possessed the supreme power. Moreover in times of peace every Jewish community had its own internal life. But when there was a threat of war with other peoples, the judges obtained the supreme power. And quite often Jews had to fight with other people (especially with their neighbors) only because this war was secretly provoked by these ‘judges’ who wished to gain their full powers. In particular there were a lot of such conflicts with Philistines (by the way, the name ‘Palestine’ originates from the ancient Jewish word ‘Plishtim’, this way Jews called Philistines that time). Do you know what was the main reason for many of that conflicts with bloody battles for ordinary people? It was the secret agreement between some of Israelitish ‘judges’ with some very rich priests of Philistines.”

Nikolai Anreevich shook his head with condemnation.

“As they say, ’look deep into the root’ in any military conflict. Ordinary people judge the reasons of the war by external factors but they don’t see the inner core of the ongoing events.”

“Who would reveal them this core?” Volodya said with a bass voice. “They will just throw people to some bloody slaughtery and that’s all! You thought that you fought for freedom of working-people but in a couple of years you find out that you were an invader.”

In reple Sensei remarked, “Everything depends on people themselves. External circumstances arise from the inner world of a human. The more will a human become Human and control his thoughts and wishes, the more he will gain freedom of sould and his mind will be less captured by the whirlpool of Archons’ politics because he will understand the genuine reality of this world. And the more will be there such spiritually free people in the world, the quicker the power of the Archons over people will weaken and the humankind will establish its ‘golden millennium’. So everything good starts first of all from the purity of your own thoughts!”

“That’s true, of course, but you mentioned recently a typical example for people how some honest Jews rebelled against the priests who simply killed them,” Nikolai Andreevich objected.

“It happened so because other people were afraid of supporting the rebels though they understood their rightfulness… This fear was suggested to the people by the priests before that case. But in fact there is an emptiness behind this fear, there is nothing behind it… Who are that Archons actually? They are just people. It’s a wretched small group of people in comparison with the whole nations. And when people will get rid of illusion of fear begotten by henchmen of the Archons, they will see that their fear was caused by their own imagination, but there is emptines at the heart of it.”

Sensei made a pause and then he said, “Well, I will finish the story of Saul… Prophet Samuel was considered to be the last ‘great judge of Israel’. When he got old, he put his two sons on his place. After they came to power they began, to put it in modern language, to take ‘bribes’ and to make perverse judgements: the one who gave them more bribes, was right. Then the elders of Israel asked Samuel to dismiss his sons from power and to propose a worthy man for a king over the people, like it was among other nations. So, according to the legends of the Old Testament Samuel ‘began to ask an advice of God’. And He ‘answered’ that Samuel should give this people a king as they ask, then they will recall previous times not once and will regret about their request. The next day young Saul came to Samuel in order to ask for his wise advice where he could find his lost jennet. In reply Samuel said, ‘Don’t worry about your jennet since it’s already found.’ Later he proclaimed Saul as a ‘ruler’ of Jewish people.”

The seniour guys grinned and Stas said to them with indignation mixed with irony, “Why are you grinning? He gave a wise advice. The answer is as fine as the question!”

“And so on and so forth… If you read in the Old Testament about kings and other things you will see yourselves the whole history of struggle for power and influence in politics and the constant intimidation of the people. I should mention that all of that are only earthly and human affairs, though the Jewish priests all ‘their history’ tried hard to ascribe them to ‘divine matters’. For intimidated uneducated people who took on trust all the words of the Archons and who live in fears and illusions imposed by the Archons, every line in these talmuds is considered to be sacred. But for those who see the truth in the lines,” Sensei sighed heavily and uttered, “God is where light is.”

Sensei became silent thinking about something. The guys also kept silence, some of them with admiring faces, some with puzzled gazes, and those like Kostya and Slava with indifferent faces at all. It seemed that everybody took the words of Sensei that moment in his own way, in accordance to his life experience and the grade of purity of his thoughts. For me, for example, it was really a staggering revelation! Actually I was quite aware of the text of the New Testament from the Bible, especially those places where it described the life of Jesus Christ, His Sermon on the Mount. I tried to read the Old Testament selectively but frankly speaking I didn’t grasp it due to many unknown names and localities. But now I caught myself at a thought that despite all the intricacy and complexity of the text, even without knowing what is written there, I also considered the Old Testament to be a holy book and blindly believed that it was written by ‘God’s people’, that is I believed that almost every word there came from God. I don’t know why I had this ’belief’. Maybe under the pressure of all the literature I managed to read by that time. It turns out that I was imposed this belief before I even saw this book, without even knowing what is written there?! It was a really shocking revelation for me. Here you are! That’s really a cunning work over the people’s mind! It’s so important to be an educated and wise person in this life. This revelation by Sensei invoke in me a desire to find out myself the truth, to deepen into the history, to compare, to check, to find a proof. And to clarify finally what is going on from the point of view of a human and not of that jennet whom everybody rides and transports his burden and whom everybody dupes with stories about sweet carrot.

Nikolai Andreevich seemed to make his conclusions about history and uttered aloud, “Well, it’s so important to know history.”

“Surely,” Sensei nodded, “especially the true history and not that one which was written by henchmen of the Archons.”

“Right, when I think about it globally… Since Judaism as the religion of ancient Jews is a source of two world religions of nowadays. Billions of belivers think in categories prescribed for them…”

“I’m sorry for interrupting you but I would like to mention one more important fact,” Sensei said to Nikolai Andreevich. “When talking about one or another their organization Archons’ henchmen emphasize the fact of enormous number of their followers. What for? This way they try to influence each single man meaning that if there are so many people with them, they are the best. Meanwhile they keep silence about the mechanisms how they crimp and zombi these people and what are the true goals of that organization. As far as those billions of believers concerned, many of them join world religions because they seek for God and the ways of spiritual self-improvement. And such particles of spiritual knowledge which are preserved in the legends of Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, other nations which got into the Bible, for example, they attract people. Due to them a man in spiritual search adheres to this or that relition. But it doesn’t mean at all that he fully belongs to the leading top of that religion. The man in search of God would have a lot of questions to his ‘pastors’ and they either don’t know how to answer or can’t answer quite honestly within the scope of this or that religious organization. So when the henchmen of the Archons declare that billions of believers stay behind them doesn’t mean that these billions are the same like that henchmen.”

“Well, I have thought about it many times too, when I met different people and their world view,” Nikolai Andreevich acknowledged and he added in a while, “What I wanted to say… After your story I understood finally what attracts me so much in the Bible! It’s exactly those places you mentioned which are concern with ancient Egyptian views!”

“Of course, these grains still give healthy ears and although modest but good harvest!” Sensei said with pride.

“But how did it happen that these spiritual grains appeared in a slave-owing state?” Kostya shrugged his shoulders perplexedly.

“Ancient Egypt wasn’t first a slave-owing country as Archons’ servants try to present it to historians,” Sensei remarked. “I have told you about it and will tell more. It was a society which achieved a significant spiritual progress. Even in following centuries when the Archons began to destroy seriously the spiritual structures of this country, the memory about teachings of the ancients fixed in the legends was alive in ancient Egyptian literature and among people.”

“Ancient Egyptian literature?” Ruslan got surprised. “What a literature could be there? Nothing but papiri!”

“Under the word ‘literature’ I didn’t meant paper,” Sensei grinned. “I meant that vast layer of deep human culture, highly artistic values which were recorded at times of Ancient Egypt on stones, papiri, and in hearts of people.”

After a short silence Sensei asked Nikolai Andreevich with a slight irony, “By the way, do you know what are the roots of the Kabbalah greatly praised nowadays?”

“Kabbalah?!” the lattest asked again. “Do you mean that secret doctrine of Israel and the key to masonic esoterism and rosicrucianism? No.”

“Where does it originate from?” Volodya asked. “Frankly speaking, I just know that Kabbalah is a Jewish teaching which pretends to possess secret knowledge and at present gains popularity in the world.”

“They will spend much time and blow this soap bubble still long time, they will shout around the whole world that there is a great mystery and might power hidden in it,” Sensei grinned. “Though in fact it’s totally empty inside. The Kabbalah originates from the ancient Jewish word ’qabbalah’ which literally means ’legend’. “

“A legend?!” Victor repeated half in jest. “And I thought that it means a ‘political plot or backstreet intrigues’ as we were taught in the high school.”

“No, it’s a ‘cabal’. Though if you regard the hidden goals and tasks of those who head the movement on dissemination of the Kabbalah teaching, it’s almost something like that. The term cabal derives from Kabbalah and originally meant either an occult doctrine or a secret…”

Sensei took breath in order to add something more but hesitated and considered for a moment.

“That’s why I tell you, the cabal is everywhere the cabal!” Victor uttered merrily grasping the same way as Sensei the meaning of words which had quite similar spelling.

Sensei burst into laughing with all the company and uttered with a laugh, “Well, such ‘coincidences’ sometimes take place in life! So, it was really once a legend, however not an ancient Jewish one but an ancient Egyptian. It was based on even more ancient Egyptian teaching ‘Ka-Ba-Akh’ which opened sources of powers and ways, it was possible to go out with its help, so to say, from the circle of reincarnations of the soul. Ka, Ba, Akh, that is the astral body, soul and spirit-will, were three main components of this teaching where soul Ba was considered to be a top of this triangle. It showed only the ways of spiritual cognition and there was nothing about the influence on this material world. Like all genial things this teaching was simple and available for all those who wished to go along the spiritual way.

But it happened so that the description of this teaching drew the attention of some ‘especially gifted’ Jewish priests. Not only that they rewrote this ancient teaching in their own way, but taking into account peculiarities of their greedy power-seeking nature to hide the ‘secret essence from their neighbor’ they managed finally to lose this knowledge across generations.” Sensei threw up a sand hillock in front of him and showed at its top. “If these Jewish priests knew at least something in the light of this teaching, the others,” he showed at the bottom of the pyramid, “got only miserable remains from the philosophy of this knowledge. In our days namely this philosophy with Egyptian roots attracts people in the teaching of Kabbalah. And for filling up of arising gaps and emptiness they included there mathematics so loved by the Jewish priests and combined with the Jewish language so that nobody would ever guess or understand anything. As a result the book ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of creation’) appeared in the IVth century a.c. in accordance with goals and tasks of the top of Jewish priests, and apart from the statement that God is the reason of everything it was written there that the Universe is based on ten figures and twenty two letters of … the Jewish alphabet (it makes in total thirty two elements of the Universe).

The seniour guys couldn’t stand at this moment and laughed. And Volodya added his comment, “One would say, it is ‘jewed’ on it!”

But Sensei didn’t pay attention to the laugh of the guys and went on telling further.

“It was emphasized in the Jewish teaching that namely the letters of the ancient Jewish alphabet are connected with creative forces of the Universe where each letter by its position corresponds to a a certain number and by its form to a hieroglyph with a hidden sense, and by its relation to other letters to a whole math symbol. Combining letters and making words from them one can allegedly even influence the world, open new laws of development, predict future events etc. It was claimed that possessing this ‘key’ the ‘initiated’ was able to extract a secret hidden from others Knowledge from the Jewish Torah. So here is again this human game in ’chosen ones’, possession of secret knowledge.”

“And Torah is… is…” Slava seemed not able to recall it.

“The ancient Jewish term Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses, that is to first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Though I would like to mention that in narrow circles the Five Books of Moses are called not else than the Six Books. For all persons interested in this issue there is an official ‘historical version’ to satisfy their interest according to which the Five Books of Moses were completed at the same time with the text of the sixth book of the Old Testament, the book of Jesus Navin, a commander already known to you. In fact the Five Books are for ordinary people. But for a quite narrow circle of those whose ancestors ruled over this people since times immemorial there are ‘Holy Six Books’ (remember it, further you will compare it with the following information), so decided the Jewish priests during their secret meeting in Babylon in the year of 440 b.c.

“By the way, one of those who implemented one of the most important decisions of the priests was Ezra whose book also was taken into the Old Testament. His duties included editing, systematization and unification of laws into a code of laws prescribed for the Jewish people. Ezra moved from Babylon to Jerusalem where he worked actively together with Nehemiah to restore the cult of Jahweh, to reestablish prohibitions and prescriptions by priests for their people.

His closest companion Nehemiah whose book was also included into the Bible was a quite aggressive Jewish politician, fierce chauvinist who was remarkable for his intolerance verging on hatred to all other peoples. By that time Persian king Artakserks (Artahshasse I) appointed him as a governor of Judea. Under his rule, not without help of Ezra’s propaganda the Temple of Jerusalem was restored. Due to activities of these two companions who implemented the plans of Jewish priest leaders they organized an open people’s meeting where Ezra announced the ‘Law’ designated for the people, it means the Five books respectively rewritten. They announced the rules of the priests to everybody and let them go home.”

“It were again political games,” Nikolai Andreevich remarked.

“Unfortunately,” Sensei nodded. “One of the Archons’ principles they use often in their activities is foundation of different religious organizations in order to create a society easy to be manipulated and subordinate to the Archons.”

And in a while he began to tell further.

“Well, as far as the kabbalists concerned, the second valued book by them after the ‘Sefer Yetzirah’ (‘Book of Creation’) is ‘Zohar’ (‘Book of light’) written in the end of XIIIth century a.c. by an author who descended from the Jewish diaspora living in Spain. Remember this date – end of XIIIth century, later you will compare it with something else and understand something. So, the concealed unspeakable Deity is regarded in the book ‘Zohar’ as En Sof (Endless) and the world of matter as emanation of divine forces. It tells also about ten sefirots, intermediate creative forces of the Deity, due to which it is revealed for cognition. And naturally it interprets the reincarnation of souls in its own way.”

“Wait, I can’t get it how could it include the remains of ancient Egyptian knowledge? Show us at least a few examples to see the light,” Victor asked.

“No problem. Let’s take for example an idea of kabbalists about the concealed unspeakable name of Deity which they adopted from the Bible. It got to the Bible through the Jewish priests who simply rewrote the information about the secret name of God in their own way which they took from ancient Egyptian sources and legends. It was believed in ancient Egypt that the genuine name of a human (they called the personal name of a human as ‘Ran’) is a key to opening his individuality (even for the dead, according to their believes, it was important not to forget his name after death), and the genuine name of God is a key to opening huge secret forces which give unlimited power. And, correspondingly, if you know the genuine name of a human you may have a positive or negative impact on its owner. Therefore they were convinced that the genuine name, whether it was the name of a human or of God, should be kept deeply secret for security reasons.

“These notions formed a basis for many legends. For example, the legend about Isis and god Ra known today. According to this legend god Ra was bitten by a snake and had to tell his secret name to goddes Isis in order to be cured. And due to this secret name Isis got power over the king of gods.”

“I wonder,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered, “If they paid so much attention to it in Ancient Egypt, we may assume that all this information was based not on emptiness?”

“Surely,” Sensei nodded.

“And which knowledge was its basis?”

“As far as the genuine name of a human concerned… It was considered initially that when the soul appeared in the material world God gave it a name which the soul kept secret during all the reincarnations. God communicated with the soul through this name, and when it rippened He called for it. If someone got to know in some way the genuine name of the human soul, he could use it and influence on the human himself. But as a rule this knowledge is available apart from Boddhisattvas only to highly spiritual people who finish their earthly cycle of reincarnations. It happens seldom among people that the name given to a human from his birth coincides with his genuine name. But as a rule the human himself doesn’t have a slight notion of that. And this ‘coincidence’ happens not occasionally but in especially significant cases.

“Unfortunately nowadays this knowledge is regarded as ‘fantasy’. Though a certain echo of this knowledge about names as an understanding of the first element in a human, of a certain deep innemost essence, what is put into the human essence, exists within different peoples. For example, the Indo-European word meaning the name ‘n-men’ refers to ‘in’, ‘inside’. Or the Russian dialect word ‘voimya’, meaning ‘name’. Hindu, in the Brahmanical concept, believe that the genuine name of a human characterizes the nature of its owner, that is ‘name and form’, ‘namarupa’ are identical (by the way, its Vedic prototype is ’naman:dhaman’, ’name and form’). There is a habit in many cultural and historical traditions to guess the inner essence of a new born baby in order to name it. For example, Zulus have a popular belief that if a baby cries much, they chosen a wrong name for it. Finno-Ugrs consider if they chose not a proper name for a human, it will cause difficulties in his life. But all of this is just an echo.

“In times immemorial a man of knowledge tried not to disturb and to secure his own name, therefore he took a ‘nickname’ which characterized features of his character, or it was at all some transformation of the name of the honoured deity, so that to ‘find protection’ under his name. But with time this knowledge was lost and people imitated only externally traditions of their ancestors. Therefore when some people with excessive megalomania make attempts to ‘influence’ on other people intimidating them and boasting that they possess magic ‘knowledge’ connected with the name, it’s just ridiculous because present names are just that very ‘transformation’. For example, let’s take the ancient Russian name Svyatogor, or German Siegfried, it’s nothing more that ‘victory + protection’. Or let’s take modern names like Andrew, John, Mary, Kseniya etc, these are the names of Christian saints who were taken in their turn from transformantion of meanings for different qualities of a ‘God’s man’. Thus the loss of genuine knowledge caused in fact the human ‘paranoia’ concerning speculations and manipulations with ordinary names, pretending ‘influence’ on the owner of that name. It came to such a point of absurdity that in that very Egypt later priests unleashed wars between themselves and captured ancient monuments by a such banal reason of human egocentrism as wiping off the names of genuine builders of these monuments and ‘immortalization’ on that place of their own names. Since the ancients mentioned ‘As long as the name lives, its owner is immortal’. In Ancient China it was prohibited to say aloud the name of the ruling emperor so that nobody could harm him. In ancient times Jews changed their names on any occasion so that ‘evil spirits could hardly find the genuine name’.”

“That’s right,” Eugene said with a laugh, “so that they weren’t found by those from whom they borrowed money.”

Everybody laughed sincerely.

“That’s true!” Nikolai Andreevich nodded laughing.

When the laugh faded out Sensei said, “So, all of that are human affairs.” And keeping silence for a while he added. “There is an ancient Indian wisdom written in Upanishads concerning this multitude of names in reincarnations of a human, “All rivers flow and disappear in the sea losing their name and image, the same way a man of knowledge freeing himself from the name and form ascends to divine Purusha’…”

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